I would love to say yes, but the reality is another different thing. I worked in technical support for Apple and i like their products but they need to improve a lot also.
Kindly check the cve details: Apple Safari : List of security vulnerabilities
This is the known, the unknow lets see from time to time
Yes it's safe because its Apple obv i would say it's good to use a Password manager you wont mess up in the future that's my opinion i'm a iPhone fan and i use Bitwarden
I would love to say yes, but the reality is another different thing. I worked in technical support for Apple and i like their products but they need to improve a lot also.
Kindly check the cve details: Apple Safari : List of security vulnerabilities
This is the known, the unknow lets see from time to time
Counting CVEs is not an effective or accurate measure of the security of a program. Evaluate a program by its security posture, not by counting CVEs for security charlatans. Furthermore, if you’re looking for browser recommendation Chrome is considered the most secure but that isn’t really relevant to the discussion.
Yes it's safe because its Apple obv i would say it's good to use a Password manager you wont mess up in the future that's my opinion i'm a iPhone fan and i use Bitwarden