1- not needed , you have it just above in the banner.
2- too big and not really needed.
3- icons not needed, a slider would be better (like in Appguard).
4- way too big icons.
5- not needed.
6- too big.
by redesigning the UI in a more "professional" way, you would gain more space for displaying useful infos.
1- totally necessary and childish
2- not understandable, i would prefer a simple text button
Now those comments are just MY point of view, and of course, it is YOUR product; but just imagine you want develop your product to reach corporate users, i worry most IT won't use it because the UI; imagine they have to demo it to the CEO , what you think the CEO would say when seeing all those fancy design...
Dont want to be harsh, your product have a real future but you should really consider making an opt-in alternative UI.
I wish
@Littlebits still be here; he helped to the design of Emsisoft IS/AM. he would help you with some advices.