If I want to prevent an attck of ransomware?
To prevent an attack of ransomware you need to take a snapshot or backup of the state of your computer before the ransomware attack happened. If you get infected while in Shadow mode for example just reboot the computer and your files will be back to normal. With Rollback RX you have to manually take snapshots on your own and know when you are infected to rollback to a previous point in time. It's not difficult you just need to know when to do it.
Shadow Defender is much simpler in it's approach than Rollback. To use it's protection you must always be in Shadow mode
BEFORE you start browsing the internet or trying out unknown risky software or even just plugging in your friend's usb. Anything that goes wrong to your protected drives can be undone with a system restart. With Rollback RX you take restore points on your own that you know to be good and clean which you can then use later to go back in time in case anything goes wrong (malware, ransomware, computer crashes or won't boot, etc.)
When used properly any of these should serve the purpose of protecting your files. But a good firewall is needed to prevent any malware that could
temporarily send out your information or keystrokes until you restart or rollback the computer. Comodo firewall is a good choice and can prevent ransomware attacks on it's own, so if you pair these two software you will be well protected.