Resource Consumption - SD, Rollback RX, ReHIPS (in that order, but all of them use minimal resources - so no need to fret about any of them)
Performance Impact - None for all of them
Ease of Use - SD, Rollback RX, ReHIPS (simple, a little more complex, ReHIPS has Training Mode to ease burden on user; Expert Mode for experts)
Features - ReHIPS, Rollback RX, SD (ReHIPS has HIPS with a bunch of different settings and Isolated Environment)
EMET might cause problems with ReHIPS; it needs to be tested.
WinAntiRansom is an anti-executable so it would be pointless to combo with ReHIPS (because of HIPS); choose one or the other.
If you are using a product that already uses HIPS then you shouldn't combo with ReHIPS.
SD, Rollback RX, ReHIPS will protect your system if used properly. It comes down to your personal preferences.
There is Rollback RX Home - which is freeware - so if you have HDD, then you have it available to you at $0 cost. It is more than sufficient.
ReHIPS is $15 US 1 yr license. It is still a very young product and is being actively developed\improved. In some respects it is unlike any other product you have used.
Based on your last question regarding HIPS alerts and user mistakes, I recommend Rollback RX Home and SD for you; ReHIPS = HIPS - but - if you use it properly then it will protect system.
It appears to me that you want simple - so, like I said, Rollback RX Home and SD.