You and I have identical Toshiba laptops and security configurations... almost. 98% identical, that is.
Instead of Adblock, NoScript, and The Great Suspender, I use PeerBlock, VooDooShield Pro and MBAE. Plus I have created CIS rules that block any Unrecognized scripts from running - which actually - is a duplication of protections since VooDooShield black-lists all interpreters (wscript.exe, cscript.exe, cmd.exe, java.exe, powershell.exe, etc) by default.
PeerBlock adds web-filtering - which is almost non-existent in CIS. Although, like all things CIS, the user can manually import web-filtering lists - but it is a pain to keep it updated. Even though PeerBlock automates the process, I am tiring of PeerBlock blocking many sites - since I am probably using way too many lists. I have to enable only the malicious and phishing URL lists for optimum results.
I too use MBAM as an on-demand, second-opinion scanner. I routinely back-up "important" files with OneDrive and USB. "Important" = files I am too lazy to track down again should I lose them.
If you are going to use various malware download sites - like Malwr.com, Malc0de.com, Virussign.com, etc - then do not switch to Norton ConnectSafe DNS as it will block access to most such sites.
I am forever messing about with malware samples. Since installing CIS I've tested a lot... and the system remains clean.
Properly configured, CIS is solid. However, it is debatable as to what, exactly, constitutes a "proper" CIS config.
@cruelsister would say only Comodo Firewall with HIPS disabled and firewall to block Unrecognized files from accessing network. Myself, I just go with the full CIS Proactive Security config (AV, HIPS [rarely do I get alerts], Sandbox and Firewall enabled) with custom rules to block the execution of any Unrecognized files. Others do what works best for them. You'll have to figure that all out for yourself.
My best advice is to learn how Comodo works... because a lot of details are not intuitive and\or not clearly explained in the 600+ page user's manual (too many pictures, not enough detail). There's a lot of confusion on the forums - especially the Comodo forum. So, you'll be apt to either be confused by what you are seeing CIS do - or - think you've discovered a slew of major bugs - when, in fact, CIS is working as designed\intended.
Half of what you need to know can be learned by direct testing with samples - either actual (best option) or simulated (system-safe Eicar file). Note, however, the Eicar file will not generate firewall alerts - so - it is best to use adware from the MT Malware Hub and right-click "Run in Comodo sandbox."
Hope this answers at least one or two questions you might have had...
Best Regards,
PS - Emsisoft Internet Security runs really well on the Tosh C55-B series... you just might like it better than CIS. However, CIS offers better overall security package. Given the choice between EIS and CIS it would be a very difficult to choose - at least for me. If cost were a priority then, of course, CIS is obviously one whale of a deal...