Battle Stay with Emsisoft? Or switch to G-data BitDefender Vipre or something else?

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G-Data EmsiSoft BitDefender Vypre


Level 1
Thread author
Feb 1, 2017
What do you think? Should I renew my EmsiSoft Anti-Malware OR, should I switch to G-data , BitDefender or something else? What do you think is the strongest anti-malware solution right now?

Presently I'm running Emsi-Soft (I like it's light footprint and it's behavior blocker) along with HitmanPro Alert and VoodooShield. But since my EmsiSoft is up for renewal I thought I'd reach out for some "second opinions".

I'm asking for two reasons (MOSTLY #1 below):
  1. While I believe EmsiSoft is very good, I'm wondering here in early 2019 if there's something better?
  2. I saw a couple of reviews on from Feb 2019 & Oct 2018 re: EmsiSoft that got me thinking.

I've used Kaspersky in the past but it's not the direction I want to go right now so ... what else? What do you like better than EmsiSoft and why?


Level 13
Top Poster
Aug 15, 2018
Any particular reason why you want to change Emsisoft? It is a solid product with a very good behaviour blocker(updated version of BB coming soon). Fabian is here at MT and if you come across any problems he can help you out. If you pair Emsisoft with Syshardener and Windows Firewall you have a safe pc, assuming your surfing habits are good. But in case you want to try out new suites I would recommend Kaspersky Internet Security and ESET Internet Security. If you don't want to spend money on an AV you can go with AVG Free or Kaspersky Free. They have pretty good detection alongwith very good behaviour blocker. You don't need HitmanPro.Alert and VoodooShield with Emsisoft.


Level 1
Thread author
Feb 1, 2017
I want thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to share your thoughts and suggestions with me here (as well as to thank those of you who are about to). I appreciate it. As I stated originally, I think EmsiSoft continues to be very good. I posted here not because I feel a need to switch away from EmsiSoft but rather to get some second opinions to make sure that the community here (at least as of early 2019) continues to view EmsiSoft as top contender (clearly it does) and that I'm not overlooking an alternate solution that, in the opinion of the community as a whole, had perhaps pulled far ahead of it (apparently not). I realize we all have our biases and favorites and that some may prefer one solution over another but in general in sounds like EmsiSoft continues to be a respected solution overall so I believe I will stick with it.


Level 1
Thread author
Feb 1, 2017
On a different note, several of you have suggested that I add (or at least mentioned) Syshardener. Thanks for that! I think I may integrate it into my system today since (at least for the time being) I need to continue running Windows rather than switching say to Linux.

Also, several of you have mentioned I do not need to be running "three" real time apps - that it is overkill, and that I should get rid of either VooDooShield or HitmanPro Alert. In responding to that, I'll say it again: You may very well be right. And I may be wrong. I'll go ahead and explain what I run (and why) for those who are interested but I'm not doing it to argue with you nor am I doing it to suggest others follow my lead. Here's what I'm doing - I'm here to learn (like all of us).

Let me begin by saying that I'm well aware that the best defense against malware is good practices - not security software. And so I employ good practices. I do not indescriminately open attachments, go to sketch sites, or run illegitimate software. I keep my software applications UPDATED, educate myself on threat vectors, etc. I practice good defense. I check files & links against VirusTotal. Etc. For some, that may be all that's needed. But I'm not perfect. If I'm researching a project I'm often working fast and sometimes inadvertantly clicked on a search engine result that leads to a malware compromised domain. For that reason, I also rely on security software.

Next, here's what I run, the impact it has on my system, and why I'm run them:

1) I run 4 realtime apps: EmsiSoft, HPA, VoodooShield, Heimdal. They've played extremely well together with zero conflicts. Each has caught or blocked something. Heimdal has been especially impressive in that regard and also keeps my other apps updated.

2) At a browser level, I run FireFox w/ uBlockOrigin (advanced configuration), NetCraft, TrafficLight, Ghostery, HTTPS everywhere, etc.

Impact on Performance: VERY little. Perhaps this is due to my machine's specs and configuration (SSD, RAM and the VideoCard I run) but I can detect virtually no impact when I delete two, even three or all 4 of the realtime apps I run. Same on the browser side - lightning fast.

I've considered going with EmsiSoft and Heimdal only - and probably could. That said, I like to keep my bases covered. I choose these four applications after a lot of research and trial and error. When I've tested them they've never once conflicted with one another. I'm not saying they can't, only that they've never conflicted in any way, shape or form and they've certainly had opportunity to do so. HMPA (hitman pro alert) is supposed to harden the system: Hollow Process Mitigation, prevent code injection via APC, prevent use of verifier DLL's, stop backdoors in trusted code, protect against keyloggers, among a host of other things. Perhaps EmsiSoft does some of this too. But not all of it. And for that reason I've elected to run them both.

I suppose it could be argued that I'm unlikely to be at risk for these kinds of attacks (especially if I'm consistent with good practices). I hope so. I'm also sure others may argue that malware may very well slip through due to one or more of these conflicting with one another and that I'd be better off eliminately 2 or 3 of them - I get that too. It just hasn't been my experience. Thus far they seem to work very well together even when something's detected. And of course I back things up. And then there's the browser addon's I mentioned above - I'm sure I'll get some criticism there perhaps with NetCraft and/or TrafficLight - but they've both caught things too.

Bottom line: Performance remains lightning fast and it all seems to be working. As I said, I'm considering adding SysHardner (which should also no impact on performance) and if I do, perhaps that negates the need for HMPA.

Anyways, that's what I'm running. I'm sure I can do better - perhaps by eliminating one or more of these. Or perhaps not. I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts.


Level 4
Feb 1, 2019
who reviewed bad in his last 2 video's? he did not review emsisoft. they may not have paid him to review them.

there are 2 video's of sophos in a little over a year. they were never reviewed for ransomware like others. both sophos reviews, reviewed good. it is recommended on his website.

computer solutions reviewed sophos and it failed.

We are have 2 conversations... The guy at PC Security I believe works for Emsisoft, AND these 2 videos of Emsisoft do NOT look promising. But you have to watch them for yourself, to draw a conclusion...Links below, and above also.


ForgottenSeer 72227

We are have 2 conversations... The guy at PC Security I believe works for Emsisoft, AND these 2 videos of Emsisoft do NOT look promising. But you have to watch them for yourself, to draw a conclusion...Links below, and above also.

I know I'm not a moderator, but I think this discussion is going off track from the OP's question. @RodM1956 I'm not picking on you at all, I just think this back and forth is off topic. There's already a thread regarding the TPSC's most recent test, so maybe the discussion can be moved there?

All I'll say on the matter is that every product will fail at some point and every product will have their up's and down's. Every test no matter who does it should be taken with a grain of salt, as they often don't represent what happens in the real world. Most of these tests are like bench racing and more often than not do not represent how people run in to malware. While they are fun to look at, they shouldn't be used to make your decision on which product to use. Emsisoft overall is a very good program, but like every other program out there, it won't be perfect. Sophos has done decent in the past, but from what I can see TPSC most recent test is the first one on the newest version of SHP. While there have been tests in the past, I think we should wait to see more tests on the newest version before passing judgment.

While I'm not overly fond of Leo's tests I am not sure if he is being paid by the vendors to test their products, he very well could be, but I am not sure. In regards to the SHP "deal" on Leo's YouTube page, I don't know if that's a special discount as that's the current deal that Sophos is currently having if you went straight to their site without clicking on the link on the YouTube video.

Let's try to keep the discussion about the OP's question and continue this discussion in the other thread. :LOL:(y)

ForgottenSeer 58943

If you are only using an AV, there could be better solutions.

Here is the latest from SE Labs.

View attachment 208779

But once you start mixing in extensions and other security software (VooDoo, Syshardener, OSArmor, MBAM Pro...), then these tests mean less.

Emsisoft has always been respectable. Fabian (participant here) is great in educating us about the product and other security matters.

I used to use Emsi on one computer. I liked it. I didn't love it. Too many false positives then.. I don't know about now.

Wise words. I found Emsisoft slightly heavy, false positive prone, and later, prone to allowing the user to make decisions and infect themselves. If those are my only choices, I would pick GData without a doubt. It's sufficient enough, especially since the above test doesn't reflect their new AI/ML engine in GData.

Also as noted, just simply executing Syshardener along with one of the solutions, and Emsisoft web extension is going to be more than enough for anyone.. Add in a filtration DNS, or a Gryphon router, and you won't ever see an infection. I like layering protections.


Level 24
Top Poster
May 16, 2018
you don't advice anymore Cylance or Dr.Web ?

Speaking for the Sly one on Cylance -- Cylance is great. Cylance did in fact develop a superior Machine Learning (ML) capability. When they 'backward tested' Cylance, an old version of Cylance effectively stopped multiple types of malware that would not be developed for several years. In that instance, Cylance was years ahead of its time.

The value of Cylance's product (algorithm and techniques) was demonstrated in actual market value when it was purchased by BlackBerry. Compare the size of the subscriber base and the purchase price for Cylance and for Webroot. The price indicates clearly that the technology of one has great value, while the tech of the other has little value. In that case, the only value came from purchasing the subscriber base.

But... Cylance is at its best as a complementary capability. There are certain types of malware that are not its forte'. I run it with Norton, with MBAM, with VooDoo, with SEP.... on different systems. As a 'module' in a security package, Cylance is great (at this time).

@ForgottenSeer 58943 can clarify as needed.


Level 1
Feb 20, 2019
Speaking for the Sly one on Cylance ...
Thank you for that answer. It's interesting !
I am currently using DrWeb with Cylance.
DrWeb because I know the product for so long time, because I like the product philosophy (modular, old school, outside fashionable stuff, etc etc) and also because I want to contribute, in my own modest way, in the perenniality of this company.
Cylance because it's so light and it's true that I read some posts from ForgottenSeer 58943 that convinced me to test it.

To answer to @CypherZero
The most global advice would be: do not trust the tests, excepted maybe the malware removal capabilities.
The soft A will be at the top today but tomorrow it will be the soft B, which will be replaced by the soft C, which will lose its place for the soft B, itself exceeded by the new product D.
It's an endless race that has been going on for over 20 years. Yes.
In conclusion, take the soft which does not impact your computer too much and that you 'like', which inspires you confidence, because the security feeling is a relative notion, in fact.
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ForgottenSeer 58943

Speaking for the Sly one on Cylance -- Cylance is great. Cylance did in fact develop a superior Machine Learning (ML) capability. When they 'backward tested' Cylance, an old version of Cylance effectively stopped multiple types of malware that would not be developed for several years. In that instance, Cylance was years ahead of its time.

The value of Cylance's product (algorithm and techniques) was demonstrated in actual market value when it was purchased by BlackBerry. Compare the size of the subscriber base and the purchase price for Cylance and for Webroot. The price indicates clearly that the technology of one has great value, while the tech of the other has little value. In that case, the only value came from purchasing the subscriber base.

But... Cylance is at its best as a complementary capability. There are certain types of malware that are not its forte'. I run it with Norton, with MBAM, with VooDoo, with SEP.... on different systems. As a 'module' in a security package, Cylance is great (at this time).

@ForgottenSeer 58943 can clarify as needed.

Yes, Cylance is a great complimentary APT/ZD component for sure and that's how I run it as well. It does catch stuff, recently it caught a strange unnecessary file installed with a Steam Game update on my sons box. Quarantined it, the game runs perfectly but that file is locked down and listed as a confirmed piece of spyware. It's awesome in this capacity IMO as Burrito says, when run in concert as a zero-weight addition to an existing suite of some type or another.
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Level 2
Jan 17, 2019
Here my personal opinion:

- Vipre might be good but it's pretty much dead, no one talks about it, reviews it or seems to show the slightest interest for it.

- G-Data is a great product, but i don't like their licensing policy (if your reformat or change your PC a lot, your license might get blocked, unlike many other AVs where you can manage your license on your account). Other than that it's really good.

- Bitdefender offers great protection, but is heavy on some config. It's also probably one of the buggiest AV on the market, and it's been that ways for a while, so i'm not a fan. They are also very pushy to try to make you buy their VPN, even if you're already a paid user.

- Emsisoft is one of the best company. Their privacy policy is great, their support is rock solid and their AV goes straight to the point without any unnecessary extra.

So my opinion would be stay with Emsisoft if you like it (why change something that works ?), or go with G-Data as their product is great as well. ESET is also a great choice.

low L!fe

Level 7
Oct 11, 2014


Level 7
Jul 1, 2014
What do you think? Should I renew my EmsiSoft Anti-Malware OR, should I switch to G-data , BitDefender or something else? What do you think is the strongest anti-malware solution right now?

Presently I'm running Emsi-Soft (I like it's light footprint and it's behavior blocker) along with HitmanPro Alert and VoodooShield. But since my EmsiSoft is up for renewal I thought I'd reach out for some "second opinions".

I'm asking for two reasons (MOSTLY #1 below):
  1. While I believe EmsiSoft is very good, I'm wondering here in early 2019 if there's something better?
  2. I saw a couple of reviews on from Feb 2019 & Oct 2018 re: EmsiSoft that got me thinking.
I've used Kaspersky in the past but it's not the direction I want to go right now so ... what else? What do you like better than EmsiSoft and why?

What is the most powerful anti-malware solution now?

Nobody can answer this question !
Why ?
Very simple, they give not the strongest or best anti-malware solution !
The good anti-malware solution lies in the detection of between 98-99%

EmsiSoft is good, if you are satisfied with it then use it further.
If it doesn't bother you that you are initially bound to a subscription when you place an order,
and only after the order you can cancel the subscription.

G-Data, difficult with some users it runs well.
With many it makes the PC slower.

BitDefender, I can say nothing the last test
I made with it was in 2016.

With VIPRE, I have no experience that they are my
Do not support language.

Kaspersky is good, but not my favorite either.

Currently I have Eset Internet Security,
runs just as easily as EmsiSoft.
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