Dan can you please stop talking about the lock for a moment and tell the people who are watching and don't know, what this product actually protect people against.
Labels give people comfort no one is going to buy an or try a free product if they don't know for sure what it protect or defends against etc (files malware,Process Hollowing,Mimikatz,worms,Dll Hijacking) I think this is the first layer you should address to give people who come across this software the inclination to try it.
When i read most of V.S threads most people seems not to know what makes it a great or good option, all of them seems to know about the lock but most never use it.
Let's be real here if a program stops or hinders important processes or files, who in their right mind will still engage a lock on the said software? Next almost every product on this forum sells it self off of what the label,manual or dev say it can do, had not for cruel sister or peter form wilders V.S was not gracing my pc, I saw your vids but you made the product so to me it never count,but when an outsider that has knowledge on serious protect did a vid (C.S) that's when i activate the go for it switch because cruel sister advice is always solid,and I was watching you from day 1. Now you have no one of that caliber testing this software,no label or manual on the types of stuff it protects or defend against, so why will new people gravitate to it, this is some serious mine boggling stuff...............................Yet again foundation my friend Foundation.
Accountability this is what labels and manuals mean to a person, locks on software's are features,when a Dev labels his product it show a sign of accountability and authenticity also holding his self liable for or against anything related to said product.
What i need you to do is own it which entitle the above, so that the love for this product can't be easily polluted.