I dunno. The initial post lists all the reason Windows Defender is bad (parody or not).
Seems to me that the posts of this thread are on-topic.
And... this has been a pretty good thread. It's increased my overall understanding of Windows Defender -- both good and bad.
Original Post:
Windows Defender Antivirus is:
- Invades Your Privacy
- Sends All Data to Microsoft Servers
- Very Weak Protection
- Slows Down My PC
- Scans All My 1000 Downloaded Files
- Low Detection Rate
- Easily Bypassed
- No Real Firewall
- Uses All My RAM (Memory)
- Broken White-listing Settings
- Lack of Customization
- Cannot Be Trusted
- ..
I think
@Spawn post was more of satire/joke very similar to his thread on why you use W10. He’s really listing all the arguments against, many of which are pretty silly anyways, hence the satire. As I’ve already said, I think WD gets unfair treatment, as people are always constantly looking for the negatives with it. You can’t have a discussion or a test where WD does very well without people going, but, but, but. No other 3rd party AV goes through this, not to this degree anyways IMO.
Personally there are some who are basically putting their hands over their ears and going, not listening, not listening, not listening, every time someone shows/talks about how WD has/is improving.
To me it’s all about trying it out and seeing for yourself. I’ve been running it on both my systems for a while now and I can say with 100% confidence that I have not experienced any of the issues, performance and so on that is constantly talked about when it comes to WD. I think some people either haven’t tried it, or haven’t tried it in a very long time. Even
@RoboMan has tried it out recently and was very surprised how good it has become and how much it’s performance has improved. I’m happy to hear his comments because it too confirms what many of us have been trying to say for a while now.
No I want to be clear that I am in no ways saying WD perfect, it’s far from it, but it has improved on many fronts and I think people just need to try it for themselves. No product can offer you 100% protection and no product is perfect. I am not saying that people who have had poor experiences with WD are wrong, everyone has different experiences and the same can be said for any security product. At the end of the day, choose what you like and what works best for you.