I confirm the so-called "freeze" bug. However in my case, the bug isn't related to software compatibilities (Comodo or whatever), neither to latest WVSX 3.07.
As I already commented in previous posts, for the the last two months I have been focused on the WVSX firewall, its capabilities, rules etc. And I have found several bugs, including the so-called "freeze" bug.
These bugs already exist on earlier versions of WVSX.
The so-called "freeze" bug occurs with "firewall enabled", but also occurs in other cases. When this happens, most of the time computer freezes for 5 to 10 minutes, but then returns to normal (no reset needed).
Worst bugs occur when there are rules. Many bugs appear while rules are edited. And depending on the type of rules, connectivity (internet / network) bugs appear, for example, the simple fact of viewing or editing a rule (sometimes) may break connections (internet / network), sometimes even forcing a hard reset to have connections back. Another bug example, sometimes while viewing the WVSX log, WVSX becomes unstable, it freezes, duplicates its taskbar icon, disappears and reappears after 2 to 5 minutes etc.
In short, part of the WVSX firewall and rules area is buggy (but most of the bugs are minor ones).
I have a list of the bugs (including screenshots), I'll send it to
@WiseVector, but it's going to take me some time because before that I need to finish all my tests.
Speaking of the devil, if possible, please
@WiseVector I'm still waiting for your answer to my message from 1 month ago:
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