JT already knows this "bypass" is a hoax, but since he is unable to find a legitimate bypass, he has to resort to posting a fake bypass.
who is jt, you keep saying that over and over, but there is no jt here
But so everyone will know... this "bypass" had nothing to do with certificates at all, so he is dead wrong there. What the "tester" Juan Diaz did was to compile a malware binary and analyze it with VirusTotal, knowing the all of the verdicts would be clean, then quickly ran and recorded his "test", before the VirusTotal results started reporting hits. In other words the entire test was fake and JT knows it.
so everyone knows, it is not a fake test and danb knows it, every test that proves his product weakness he says the same thing "fake test, a hoax, not legitimate"
it is easy enough to compile a malware and then spray it at smb using voodooshield, eventually one of the users will select allow and there it is - breach
danb knows that there are malware bots out there that churn out polymorphically churn out malware and then spit it at targeted companies via email, he's just embarrassed
he also knows that voodooshield is susceptible to certificate attacks, others have tested and proven it so it is nothing new, again danb is just embarassed
you cannot prove the video wrong
Also, keep in mind this "test" was performed with VS on AutoPilot (and with VT, not WLC), and I have absolutely no problem admitting that AutoPilot mode can be bypassed. When we moved from VirusTotal to WhitelistCloud, bypassing AutoPilot became MUCH more difficult, so now VS is quite difficult to bypass when on AutoPilot mode, but it still is possible.
just has been proven many times, plus you have said many times that voodooshield is not 100%
you have not moved from vt, you still have a link in the file alerts that take the user to vt, you know danb it is highly unethical to use the signatures provided in virustotal when your promotion campaign is based almost entirely upon criticizing those very products
looks like the virus total tos requires a vendor that incorporates the service (even a link) to provide the service for free, ohp you no longer offer your product for free so you are violating virustotal's terms of service, i bet the virus total director will feel a certain way when they learn you are profiting from vt
JT, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and create a legitimate bypass of VS and post it here on MT, with VS on AutoPilot. If it is legit, I will absolutely be the first to admit that you bypassed VS. Until then, I really wish you would let everyone else have a Merry Christmas, and you can continue being a Grinch.
again who is jt?
people have already put their money where their mouth is and proven your product is bypassable, you have already admitted it many times on the public record
"put voodooshield into training mode on a previously infected machine and it is whitelisted"? WLC does an AMAZING job of finding malware that would otherwise be automatically whitelisted, so this problem is solved as well. One of the best things we ever did was to move away from VT to WLC, hopefully everyone sees that now
again, it is not completely solved just like others have tested and proven, but your AMAZING response is very predictable
you have the freedom to criticize other products and their users, well be a grown up when you get called out on your bs, if you can dish it out then it can be thrown right back at yah
don't like it?, then you should stop doing it