By the way, I find Comodo's commu just as horrible, selling CIS as a perfect product. When I wrote to Melih to suggest improving the viral database, he simply ignored my message...
That is the way that forums and social media operate. They are echo chambers where most everybody adheres to hive minded collective group think. So it is no different than other product forums or social media channels.
Yes it has a good score in my test, yes it made a VM totally clean (we'll thank the Sandbox lol ) but they can also improve things.... (like Kaspersky, Bitdefender and others)
Of course they theoretically could improve things by making it very polished, but why would a product owner put all that effort and money into improving a product that is completely free with no revenue base to support it? The owner has no obligation or duty to make it other than what he is satisfied with. Plus, as you said yourself, it performed well in your tests, just as it does in so many other tests.
The reaction of you attacking me, always opening new accounts on MalwareTips, wasting an enormous amount of time and energy etc etc etc... are the greatest confirmation that all my arguments are true and correct. So I say: Thank you! Thanks for validating that I am correct.
Nobody is attacking you. You have been treated both politely and with respect. You make a lot of bloviated rant posts but nothing you have said is an argument. All your statements are just opinions. When you are politely asked to support your claims with evidence and you do not - then nobody can take you seriously.
Attempting to twist words and language logic in true social media style is even more telling that you are nothing more than a troll. I have no burden to prove anything. I am not focused on comodo products as I could care less about them. I am focused on what you are claiming about those products and other things, which everybody knows you can never substantiate.
You stated that your objective is to "once and for all stop the comodo 'fanatics'". LOL, well here is your chance. You've been given ample opportunity but you do not because you cannot. Why is that? Again because you just post your opinions. Opinions are not proof of anything.
The problem is when certain users push stories about the non-existent Comodo perfection, users read and believe.
They manipulate users into believing that Comodo is superior to other products via cute vids that show nothing but a blatant firewall alert/prompt, manually modified scripts with no real route of infection and others.
I am not a fan of manipulation and choice-supportive bias.
If people want fairytales and stories, they can download an audiobook, this forum is not for that.
So what this is all really about is @cruelsister 's videos. You people do not like it when she creates videos and posts them here.
How any of you can take a single one of her videos, interpret what she says in them or posts on threads, as "manipulating users into believing that Comodo is superior to other products" is rather disturbing.
Finally we get the truth - the anti-comodo cabal here is all about
@cruelsister 's videos and those that claim she is manipulating users. Essentally what you and others are saying is that she is peddling a false perspective about CIS with her videos. I guess you missed the part where she has stated many times that various parts of the product are problematic and that is why she configures it - to avoid those issues.
Y'all realize that it is her style not to engage, right? And that she is not going to say the things that you want to her say in the manner that you want those things said. People in the know, those that pay attention, realize she is critical of the product but does not participate in anti-comodo mob mentality. She has said not once, but many times - in a rational, matter-of-fact way - that should she or anyone else discover serious flaws in the product then she would stop using it.
What you people are doing is adding a lot of words and intent to
@cruelsister 's videos that never existed. She pretty much works on the basis that people watch her videos and infer, deduce, and judge for themselves about the product. They are accountable to themselves and responsible to be fully informed and make sound choices\decisions. But you and others see that as indoctrinating users into the Evil Cult of Comodo. Where is all the damage done to users as a result of her videos? I mean that is
the claim, right? So where is the evidence that proves it?
Every last one of you have un-ending opportunities to prove that comodo is seriously flawed and that all the third party independent tests which show it provides exceptionally robust protection are wrong. But none of you do anything except sling opinions. Criticizing a product on the basis that its webpage has not been updated, yeah man that is just weak.
The other basis of attacking CIS is that its forum is full of fanbois and fangirlz behaving badly, and software bugs? Oh my. If that is the measure of software then nobody should be using Windows because Microsoft has stated more than 500 times over the decades that it will not fix this, that, and the other reported security issue, CVE, or bug. By that measure Microsoft is a lot more evil than Comodo.
Then there is the exploitation of a single "bypass" as proof that CIS is just such a terrible product. Well what about all the software that you people claim is superior to CIS missing samples and permitting systems to be infected\compromised? Tests show that those supposedly "superior" products are bypassed routinely, but CIS is not.
Nobody has stated that CIS is unbeatable. Nor is anyone misleading users. It is ridiculous to claim that users are being misled because the person making a demonstration video does not make a full statement about bugs, and all the potential eventualities. If that were the case then every other security product out there with a video is misleading users.
The only thing that matters at the end of the day is that CIS, with all of its warts, provides an extremely high level of system protection. That level of protection has been proven and confirmed countless times over the past 15+ years.
@cruelsister make more videos - a lot more.
PS - You might consider adding a "Trigger Warning!" at the beginning of your vids, such is the state of things.