Comodo might come back from the grave

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ForgottenSeer 98186

Even though some say that it will run, who knows if all the protection really works 100% or not.
The same can be said of any security software, even one with constant "updates" which really do not amount to much other than bug fixes. It is amusing that so many people here do not actually know what "updates" to security software actually involve - and it certainly is not what they think. Rarely are updates a major improvement to security. Most updates are just minor tweaks and refinements. They are trivial "updates."

All the talk about "Comodo has not been updated in two years," is baseless speculation - thinking that it is deficient in some unknown, hidden way. And what exactly has changed to make its protections deficient today? It's not because Windows has been updated because the updates to Windows over the past two years do not affect Comodo protection mechanisms.

There are certainly bugs, but nothing has been reported on the Comodo forum during the past two years to indicate that Comodo protection is to be doubted.


Level 6
Apr 19, 2017
No, Comodo never trust certificates just because it's issued by them. When people said that malwares used Comodo certificates, it means that they use certificate issued by Comodo (or Sectigo SSL), but Comodo's Trusted Vendor List only care about who it issued TO. For example, Ophelia bought a certificate from Sectigo SSL, that certificate is issued BY "Sectigo SSL" TO "Ophelia Security". When a victim run a malware signed by that certificate on a computer protected by Comodo, as long as Ophelia Security is not on TVL, they are safe.

I hope it's easy enough to understand.


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Level 5
Jul 11, 2018
The same can be said of any security software, even one with constant "updates" which really do not amount to much other than bug fixes. It is amusing that so many people here do not actually know what "updates" to security software actually involve - and it certainly is not what they think. Rarely are updates a major improvement to security. Most updates are just minor tweaks and refinements. They are trivial "updates."

All the talk about "Comodo has not been updated in two years," is baseless speculation - thinking that it is deficient in some unknown, hidden way. And what exactly has changed to make its protections deficient today? It's not because Windows has been updated because the updates to Windows over the past two years do not affect Comodo protection mechanisms.

There are certainly bugs, but nothing has been reported on the Comodo forum during the past two years to indicate that Comodo protection is to be doubted.
This is not the same, I gave a real world example of another security product whose own company said that their software was not officially compatible with an operating system, and it was proven that using it on said operating system left you more vulnerable with less protection.

Comodo officially said the same, in this case in reference to Windows 11, which they had plenty of time to prepare for, but still have not gotten their product officially compatible even though it has been around since October 2021 not counting the beta et cetera stages; so even Comodo would probably say use at your own risk on Windows 11.

That does not mean that it will have the same issues that Bitdefender had back with Windows 10, I just was pointing out some facts & comparison, it is what it is.

I am just saying what Comodo says about their own product.

Also, I did not say that Comodo has not been updated in two years.


Level 14
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Oct 16, 2022
Comodo officially said the same, in this case in reference to Windows 11, which they had plenty of time to prepare for, but still have not gotten their product officially compatible even though it has been around since October 2021 not counting the beta et cetera stages; so even Comodo would probably say use at your own risk on Windows 11.
I saw @cruelsister posted a video recently of Comodo Firewall Containment vs Ransomware and it is running on windows 11, whether it has generated any incompatibility I don't know, but in the video it is apparently running CF without problems. (y)
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Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
How sad is the trashy reputation of a security software (Comodo), which hasn't had updates in more than two years, whose list of dangerous bugs is endless and nothing has been fixed in more than two years... a security software where its trashy reputation relies only on a single anonymous user who posts videos on youtube where all watchers, as a religious cult, must "believe/trust" and have "faith" in the video they watch?

PS1: Many times Comodo officially already said its software is not compatible with Windows 11.

PS2: "There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn't want to see".
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Level 23
Top Poster
Aug 19, 2019
I've trialled CIS on my new laptop and while a little noisy initially,, as with other fresh installs, it quickly whitelists what your running. It's blocked some of my ASUS programs which I had to whitelist manually but no other noticeable issues. Running CIS in Proactive Mode with HIPS and @cruelsister 's tweaks.

I will still wait for a officially compatible release but it ran fine at my end.


Level 43
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Apr 13, 2013
Without in any way dismissing the opinions of those that do not like Comodo, all the bugs and Win11 compatibility comments are more of urban legends than actual reality. more like tales of BigFoot, crashed UFO's and Climate Change than verifiable problems.

The trick with CF is that it should be kept simple. I, along with many friends, have been using CF on Win 11 without an incompatibility or bug occurring- but none of us have seen Bigfoot either...


Level 13
Top Poster
Apr 5, 2021
Rest assured, the two issues I referenced in post #20 of this thread are not urban legend or similar. They were both factual issues at the time I used CFW, and unless Comodo has quietly fixed them since that time, they are still issues to this day.


Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
Comodo's official statement: "Comodo isn't compatible with Windows 11".

Comodo's fanboys: "Nah, I tested it by myself, also my neighbor tested it, you must trust me, if you have enough faith then Comodo will be compatible with Windows 11. Say amen to that! Alleluia! Please, now let's sing the hymn of Comodo on page 4987634 of Comodo's youtube tutorial, and repeat ad-nauseam the following mantra: "Comodo doesn't need updates, Comodo doesn't have bugs, Comodo is compatible with Windows 11 etc".

PS: The technical name of that is "Cognitive Dissonance".
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ForgottenSeer 98186

Comodo's official statement: "Comodo isn't compatible with Windows 11".
Please post a link to an official Comodo page (not the forum where a low-level Comodo employee says it) that states it publicly as a matter of Comodo policy.

Comodo's fanboys: "Nah, I tested it by myself, also my neighbor tested it, you must trust me, if you have enough faith then Comodo will be compatible with Windows 11. Say amen to that! Alleluia! Please, now let's sing the hymn of Comodo on page 4987634 of Comodo's youtube tutorial, and repeat ad-nauseam the following mantra: "Comodo doesn't need updates, Comodo doesn't have bugs, Comodo is compatible with Windows 11 etc".

PS: The technical name of that is "Cognitive Dissonance".
How exactly do you expect people to think and behave here at MalwareTips?

Much of what happens on this forum is promotion or defense of software by adoring devotees, idealogues, and fanboys. "Software 'X' is the best software" is the mantra. Afterall, this place is the "Battlefield for Software Apps" forum. No different than a gamers forum.

Just look at it this way. If somebody here uses Comodo on Windows 11 and they get infected because it has not been updated in 2 years, then you can sit there and gloat and say "I told you." Not they would ever admit it.
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Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
Please post a link to an official Comodo page (not the forum where a low-level Comodo employee says it) that states it publicly as a matter of Comodo policy.

The Comodo forum is part of the official Comodo page!
Therefore, if a Comodo employee posts something, it becomes official. Period.
And if you do your homework and read the forum, you will see many Comodo employees confirming that Comodo is not officially compatible with Windows 11.

How exactly do you expect people to think and behave here at MalwareTips?

I don't expect anything from anyone. The Comodo fanboys are the manipulators. They are incapable of understanding that their subjective opinions will never be a criterion for general conclusions. Against reality and facts, they are blindly convinced that their subjective opinions are the universal truth.
Now, from my side, with all due respect, I just made a little joke about a ridiculous situation, where the reality is "X" and fanboys are seeing "Y", that's all. It's like a cult of fanatics or flat earthers.

Much of what happens on this forum is promotion or defense of software by adoring devotees, idealogues, and fanboys. "Software 'X' is the best software" is the mantra. Afterall, this place is the "Battlefield for Software Apps" forum. No different than a gamers forum.

Yeah, I understand you, but with all due respect, I disagree.
I like Comodo Firewall! However, I don't "love" any Software. Investing beliefs or emotions in software... sounds psycho-pathological.
The best way to help Comodo is by reporting bugs and sharing our criticisms.
Fanboyism, Emotions, Mantras, Fanaticism, Denial, etc... is not going to help Comodo.
So, it's true, I'm criticizing Comodo, but I'm doing that because I want to help Comodo.
Sadly, we live in modern times where everything becomes binary, you are either a fanatic fanboy or you are a hater. It's not my case! I really think that it helps when you point out flaws, errors, mistakes, bugs, lack of updates etc.

Finally, the best way to understand my message is by extrapolating the message of Comodo Fanboys:
Can you imagine the fanboy logic being used in all security software?
Can you imagine not having updates for more than two years, or not fixing bugs for more than two years, or not making official compatibility with Win 11 etc... imagine if all security software were like this?
Can you imagine that the test of very few users or few youtube tutorials were the criteria to determine that a software is "superb"?

Time to wake up!
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ForgottenSeer 98186

Therefore, if a Comodo employee posts something, it becomes official. Period.
The employees on the Comodo are low-level employees. So unless you can produce a statement made by either the Comodo public relations office or other designated person, then it is not official. Until then, there is no official statement by Comodo that "Comodo is not compatible with Windows 11." This is a matter of established consumer law.

Technically, any statement made by any employee on the Comodo forum, except for Melih or a designated person authorized to issue statements officially on behalf of Comodo, their statement is unofficial.

I am in no way whatsoever criticizing you for your analysis, statements and position. As far as I am concerned Comodo can kill off CIS and CF, and it would not matter to me one bit. I am just pointing out that, technically, Comodo has issued no official statement about the compatibility with Windows 11.

I did look at the statements on the Comodo forum and no Comodo employee explicitly states "Comodo is not secure on Windows 11 due to bugs and compatibility. Do not use it on Windows 11 as your security is compromised." A general statement of "not compatible" by a low-level employee could simply mean "the GUI does not work correctly" within the context of the thread discussion.

You made a reference to Comodo saying "Use our product at your own risk [on Windows 11]." Have you actually read the entire EULA? Within its terms, no matter what, under any circumstances, the user is ALWAYS responsible for whatever happens and they ALWAYS use the software at their own risk. Comodo uses a standard EULA template which is the same with every other software publisher that I have read.

The Comodo fanboys are the manipulators. They are incapable of understanding that their subjective opinions will never be a criterion for general conclusions. Against reality and facts, they are blindly convinced that their subjective opinions are the universal truth.

Now, from my side, with all due respect, I just made a little joke about a ridiculous situation, where the reality is "X" and fanboys are seeing "Y", that's all. It's like a cult of fanatics or flat earthers.
Your statements here are applicable to all the fanpersons of other software here. It is just not a Comodo fanperson (politically correct terminology)l thing.

Investing beliefs or emotions in software... sounds psycho-pathological.
I did not say you are investing emotions. Although others here are deeply invested. Some to a degree such that no matter what legitimate evidence or logical argument you give, they will not change their point of view. Then again, some could put forth a sound argument that using Comodo, even in its "questionable" state with the regards to Windows 11, is much more secure than using Windows Defender. On that basis I have to agree until it is proven that Comodo is unsafe on Windows 11. Windows Defender (as do other security software) have bugs that reduce their security - and these bugs do not get reported or do not get fixed. Microsoft, Norton, Avast, others have had bugs reported to them and never fixed them. Microsoft is particularly notorious for this. Now I know this is a "whataboutism" and I am not using that as any justification. I am merely pointing out that Comodo is no worse than other security software publishers.

What you said... that is what many people do. They invest themselves very deeply in all kinds of products. Just look at the amount of disputes and drama that happen over software X. It happens here and leads to threads being closed and people getting banned. There is a lot of "-isms" when it comes to people and the products they are devoted to, not to mention the "-isms" of forum and social media participation.

Software, particularly games, is a prime example. I do not know where security software ranks, but fanboyism\fangirlism in that category has to be in the upper 50%.

Fanboyism, Emotions, Mantras, Fanaticism, Denial, etc... is not going to help Comodo.
Comodo probably has the most ardent fanpersons of all consumer security software. You are right though, because all of that hard work they do reporting stuff, a high percentage of the legitimate stuff reported never gets fixed.

Go and read through Melih's subforum. He stated years ago that (paraphrase) "Comodo is a freeware and it, along with all the other software, is developed at my pleasure." That is a polite way of saying "Stop complaining because I fully subsidize the software, develop it and make it free, and therefore none of you have any right to complain." Melih has never changed this position.
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Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
The employees on the Comodo are low-level employees... Go and read through Melih's subforum. He stated years ago that (paraphrase) "Comodo is a freeware and it, along with all the other software, is developed at my pleasure." That is a polite way of saying "Stop complaining because I fully subsidize the software, develop it and make it free, and therefore none of you have any right to complain." Melih has never changed this position.

Let's agree to disagree : )
My apologies, I'm not really interested on debating the subject.
But I do respect your arguments.

I just want to make clear, that Comodo deleted the long forum thread, where hundreds of users posted reports of bugs, complains, critics, they requested updates etc.
It was a forum thread containing almost 3 years of intense debate.
All gone! Deleted! Removed! Unilaterally censored by Comodo.
Most of the official statements recognizing bugs, lack of updates, incompatibilities with Win 11 etc, unfortunately were destroyed by Comodo just few months ago.

PS: If you go to official Comodo page, you will se under the download button of all home products: "Windows 10 compatible"... and nothing else.
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Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
Never saved on the Wayback machine?

When Comodo destroyed a 3 year old forum thread, some users were so enraged that they commented that they had copies of the thread. But honestly, those things never interested me.

Yet, Comodo's attitude unilaterally destroying a thread... that seemed scary to me.
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Level 5
Jul 11, 2018
Please post a link to an official Comodo page (not the forum where a low-level Comodo employee says it) that states it publicly as a matter of Comodo policy.

How exactly do you expect people to think and behave here at MalwareTips?

Much of what happens on this forum is promotion or defense of software by adoring devotees, idealogues, and fanboys. "Software 'X' is the best software" is the mantra. Afterall, this place is the "Battlefield for Software Apps" forum. No different than a gamers forum.

Just look at it this way. If somebody here uses Comodo on Windows 11 and they get infected because it has not been updated in 2 years, then you can sit there and gloat and say "I told you." Not they would ever admit it.
This is not in response to you, but I just wanted to say that:

I did not doubt that Comodo Antivirus or Comodo Internet Security could be installed on Windows 11.

I did not doubt that they would run on Windows 11.

I am not sure if the protection works 100% or not because I am not an expert.

I just know that Windows 11 is still not listed as an officially compatible operating system for them yet.

Which could be nothing more than them being cautious, maybe they forgot to update their website, maybe they have not officially passed tests yet, who knows:

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I do not hate Comodo, I used to be a Comodo fan & a Comodo forum member & a Comodo user et cetera who used to try to help them improve & help others.

Comodo slowly disappointed me in various ways years ago during that time, I saw the various flaws et cetera with their software & company et cetera.

Eventually some malware (rootkit, bootkit, maybe trojan, et cetera) slipped through Comodo even when I scanned the file(s) with Comodo on almost maximum settings first before extraction & after extraction before running them.

Even Windows Defender / Malwarebytes / HitmanPro / Avira / Avast / AVG / Norton et cetera would have blocked or detected part or all the malware.

When I did scan with those products after infection, they detected all or part of the malware, except for Comodo.

So I slowly moved away from Comodo products / Comodo / et cetera as more issues / flaws / annoyances / et cetera continued to grow.

I still hoped to see them improve one day again to be worth using again, I did submit the files to Comodo & let them know about what had happened et cetera.

If Comodo works for some people, good, I am not trying to take that away from them.

I actually would like to see Comodo improve and do good.
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ForgottenSeer 98186

I just want to make clear, that Comodo deleted the long forum thread, where hundreds of users posted reports of bugs, complains, critics, they requested updates etc.
That is standard practice on that forum. They've done that before the release of a new version every single time.

All gone! Deleted! Removed! Unilaterally censored by Comodo.
Most of the official statements recognizing bugs, lack of updates, incompatibilities with Win 11 etc, unfortunately were destroyed by Comodo just few months ago.
They do not do it to censor. They do it because in their (Melih's mind), with a new version it is all irrelevant.

It was a forum thread containing almost 3 years of intense debate.
The CEO of the company, Melih, does not care and very little of that debate (and controversies) are ever looked at, let alone taken seriously. I know about this as I discovered bugs, reported them, and the Directory of Research, Haibo Zhang, contacted me directly and we had a long remote session to cover the bugs. We talked about how things are on the Comodo and the development process, which I have already related here.

You are holding Comodo to a level of development, maintenance and support to which the CEO never has been willing to do.
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Level 43
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Apr 13, 2013
Rest assured, the two issues I referenced in post #20 of this thread are not urban legend or similar. They were both factual issues at the time I used CFW, and unless Comodo has quietly fixed them since that time, they are still issues to this day.
Hi Wat! One of your concerns from March is straightforward- CF is still currently Free and it hasn't been updated since then. But as there have been no verifiable reports of a breach in Containment (the strength of the application) I personally do not see the need as pressing.

Regarding the HIPS issue, I haven't a clue as I don't employ it. Even a restrictive HIPS can be bypassed, making the use of such more an annoyance than protective. The trick to CF is not to make it fancy as this potentially can lead to issues without increasing effectiveness.

And a general comment- I'm really not a fangirl (not politically correct!!); I just ride a product that I cannot breach until I can- and so far I can't, not due to the lack of trying, I assure you.
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