Comodo might come back from the grave

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ForgottenSeer 98186

I do not hate Comodo, I used to be a Comodo fan & a Comodo forum member & a Comodo user et cetera who used to try to help them improve & help others.

So I slowly moved away from Comodo products / Comodo / et cetera as more issues / flaws / annoyances / et cetera continued to grow.
I did not think that anybody got the impression that you hate Comodo. In fact, I think your experience with Comodo is the same as many others who eventually get annoyed with its many quirks, get frustrated with the forum, and then just drop it.

As far as the antivirus, Melih said on the Comodo forum that he included the antivirus as a bare-minimum check. He did not care about making it better as he felt it was not needed with the sandbox. He is never going to devote the effort and money to refining CIS\CF into a polished product.
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Level 38
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Sep 2, 2021
Comodo is a product that I abandoned around 2015 personally, when I was using it with Eset Nod32. I used to switch to OnlineArmor from time to time before saying goodbye to it for Outpost.

Comodo I always found aggressive but above all once crashed a machine because it prevented Windows from doing its updates! As soon as I had this incident, I uninstalled it.

The last time I tested Comodo on vm, its antimalware engine was a complete mess! I have the impression that Comodo doesn't care about the antimalware option but it could have easily competed...
And no, Comodo's Sandbox does not block everything :)
And no I am not a fanboy of Comodo or any other antivirus. On the other hand, when I read the Comodo forum, I have the impression that some people have bought Melih’s bibliography 🙄🙄

ForgottenSeer 98186

Hi Wat! One of your concerns from March is straightforward- CF is still currently Free and it hasn't been updated since then. But as there have been no verifiable reports of a breach in Containment (the strength of the application) I personally do not see the need as pressing.

Regarding the HIPS issue, I haven't a clue as I don't employ it. Even a restrictive HIPS can be bypassed, making the use of such more an annoyance than protective. The trick to CF is not to make it fancy as this potentially can lead to issues without increasing effectiveness.

And a general comment- I'm really not a fangirl (not politically correct!!); I just ride a product that I cannot breach until I can- and so far I can't, not due to the lack of trying, I assure you.
For CF it is just best to apply your recommended settings and stay out of the GUI as much as is practicable.

Bugs in a product just rub lots of people - both home consumers and enterprise personnel - the wrong way. In the discussions I have had, it invariably comes down to "If there are bugs I can see, then what other things are buggy or broken that I cannot see? I just can't trust the product because of this." That kind of thinking is from ignorance and paranoia - a truly powerful combo.

This thinking is observed when Microsoft releases an OS or product update, and the coders forgot to use the -windowstyle hidden argument and parameter in a PowerShell script used, resulting in a PowerShell console flashing for a fraction of a second on the screen at system start. The result...

- The forums light-up
- Microsoft support gets bombarded with queries
- People proceed to give Microsoft the beat-down


Level 5
Jul 11, 2018
I saw @cruelsister posted a video recently of Comodo Firewall Containment vs Ransomware and it is running on windows 11, whether it has generated any incompatibility I don't know, but in the video it is apparently running CF without problems. (y)
Yep, there are people running it on Windows 11, that was never in doubt; Windows 11 is just not mentioned on the compatible operating systems list yet for Comodo.


Level 40
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Apr 16, 2017
How sad is the trashy reputation of a security software (Comodo), which hasn't had updates in more than two years, whose list of dangerous bugs is endless and nothing has been fixed in more than two years... a security software where its trashy reputation relies only on a single anonymous user who posts videos on youtube
No comment re win11, but I ran cruelcomodo on win7 & on win10 for several years and always worked fine, no issues, no malware. That's experience, not a cult.


Level 5
Jul 11, 2018
I did not think that anybody got the impression that you hate Comodo. In fact, I think your experience with Comodo is the same as many others who eventually get annoyed with its many quirks, get frustrated with the forum, and then just drop it.

As far as the antivirus, Melih said on the Comodo forum that he included the antivirus as a bare-minimum check. He did not care about making it better as he felt it was not needed with the sandbox. He is never going to devote the effort and money to refining CIS\CF into a polished product.
Thank you for sharing that.


Level 6
Feb 6, 2023
Rest assured, the two issues I referenced in post #20 of this thread are not urban legend or similar. They were both factual issues at the time I used CFW, and unless Comodo has quietly fixed them since that time, they are still issues to this day.
The long lasting erased/corrupted HIPS rules bug still persists in current CIS version. The bug is on the 'List of current bugs', bug number 20 of 42.

ForgottenSeer 97327

The employees on the Comodo are low-level employees. I did look at the statements on the Comodo forum and no Comodo employee explicitly states "Comodo is not secure on Windows 11 due to bugs and compatibility. Do not use it on Windows 11 as your security is compromised."
Would not a low level employee be fired on the spot and their posts removed when he/she would qualify their own product on their official forum "Comodo is not secure on Windows 11 due to bugs and compatibility. Do not use it on Windows 11 as your security is compromised." :unsure:

The long lasting erased/corrupted HIPS rules bug still persists in current CIS version. The bug is on the 'List of current bugs', bug number 20 of 42.
:) But the Comodo Fangirl said you should not use it (Comes a man at the doctor, says "hey doc when I press over here it hurts a lot", well "then don't press over there" the doctor answered)
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Level 1
Mar 2, 2021
Comodo's official statement: "Comodo isn't compatible with Windows 11".

Comodo's fanboys: "Nah, I tested it by myself, also my neighbor tested it, you must trust me, if you have enough faith then Comodo will be compatible with Windows 11. Say amen to that! Alleluia! Please, now let's sing the hymn of Comodo on page 4987634 of Comodo's youtube tutorial, and repeat ad-nauseam the following mantra: "Comodo doesn't need updates, Comodo doesn't have bugs, Comodo is compatible with Windows 11 etc".

PS: The technical name of that is "Cognitive Dissonance".
What do you recommend and why?
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ForgottenSeer 98186

Would not a low level employee be fired on the spot and their posts removed when he/she would qualify their own product on their official forum
Very unlikely. Low level employees in all kinds of positions working at all kinds of companies say things everyday. Their statements are not official. Just because they said it, doesn't mean it becomes the official position of their employer.

I was making the distinction between an unofficial and official statement.

"Comodo is not secure on Windows 11 due to bugs and compatibility. Do not use it on Windows 11 as your security is compromised." :unsure:
Comodo has never stated the above, either officially or unofficially.
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Bumblebee Uncle

Level 3
Mar 15, 2022
It is so sad to see @Oerlink calling employees who work as hard as they could as "low level employees". It is condescending and disrespectful. How can you say or know that they are "low level" so to speak? Besides, how do you know so much about the inner workings of comodo.

Before investing emotionally in a software, also be a bit rational. I love comodo myself and have been using CF at @cruelsister settings for a while now but that is not to say that Comodo is not buggy! It is buggy.

You can assume all you want on whether it is compatible with windows 11 or not - on some machines, it might work perfectly and on some others it won't but their website does not even mention that it is compatible with Windows 11. So, I am sorry, people would tend to trust the comodo website more than your word or words of other fanboys/girls.

I agree with everything that @Decopi said. Being rational and logical is the way to go here than getting emotions getting the better of us for no reason.

ForgottenSeer 97327


The comment should be read as one sentence to explain why you never see on any official product forum any employee stating that "their product is not secure on Windows 11 due to bugs and compatibility. Do not use it on Windows 11 as your security is compromised." Any employee posting this kind of brand reputation murder would be fired on the spot and their posts removed. That is why you don't see them on the Comodo forum (or Sophos forum or Bitdefender forum or Norton forum or .....)
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ForgottenSeer 98186

It is so sad to see @Oerlink calling employees who work as hard as they could as "low level employees". It is condescending and disrespectful. How can you say or know that they are "low level" so to speak? Besides, how do you know so much about the inner workings of comodo.
"low level employee" describes the position and imparts nothing negative about the employee themselves. It has nothing to do with how hard they do or do not work. It is not condescending and disrespectful. It is perfectly acceptable common use English.

I know about Comodo internally and the forum because I have had professional relationships with Comodo staff over the years.


The comment should be read as one sentence to explain why you never see on any official product forum any employee stating that "their product is not secure on Windows 11 due to bugs and compatibility. Do not use it on Windows 11 as your security is compromised." Any employee posting this kind of brand reputation murder would be fired on the spot and their posts removed. That is why you don't see them on the Comodo forum (or Sophos forum or Bitdefender forum or Norton forum or .....)
You are correct in that they would not phrase it exactly as I did. On the other hand, if you research what software publishers do say about their products, they admit to serious security flaws all the time. Example: Microsoft Warns About PrintNightmare Vulnerability in Windows

Such statements are hardly "brand reputation murder" because very few people pay attention or care about them. The general public is not even aware of it. What employees state on support forums has virtually no influence except with those participating on the forums.
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Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
What do you recommend and why?

My apologies, I don't think I really understand your question.
Certainly today, I don't recommend any Comodo product.
And certainly, I do have different recommendations than Comodo. But this post is about Comodo, so perhaps is not the place for sharing my non-Comodo recommendations.

Now, why I don't recommend Comodo? Answer:
1. Comodo home products have lot of dangerous bugs. And almost nothing was fixed during the last +two years.
2. Also, no updates in more than +two years.
3. Also, Comodo is not officially compatible with Win 11.
4. Also, Comodo shows shady attitudes when bugs, critics, complains are reported. Comodo unilaterally is censoring disagreements by deleting entire threads at Official Comodo Forum.
5. Comodo Fanboys&girls are dangerous, in the sense that if you adopt their criteria ("Comodo works for me, then Comodo is perfectly fine and works for everybody"), then every shitty software over-there suddenly will appear as "superb". It's Cognitive Dissonance, a denial of reality, an apology to mediocrity and serious risks for average Joe users. Totally irresponsible!

Personally, I think that reasons "1." and "2." above are more than enough for not recommending Comodo.

That said, if Comodo fixes bugs + updates its products + makes them compatible with Win 11, only then... I'll say that Comodo Firewall with @cruelsister settings is "superb".


Level 23
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Aug 19, 2019
They're planning to do a Free version and a Paid version apparently.

I don't know where I stand with all this. A long term Comodo fan and like many got frustrated with the lack of any information regarding updates over the years despite people repeatedly asking the devs. I moved on from Comodo over lockdown and preferring the system hardened default-deny approach with Hard_Configurator.
It works quite well, particularly against ransomware as do most sandboxing software e.g. Voodoo shield and Avast Paid but security is all about layers. We'll see what this Paid and Free versions contain and try the Firewall again whenever that is.
For now sticking with MD (ConfigureDefender and FirewallHardener and Hard_configurator while it still works on my Win 11 machine) and regular backups or use the Emsisoft License I won in the contest this year.

ForgottenSeer 98186

1. Comodo home products have lot of dangerous bugs.
3. Also, Comodo is not officially compatible with Win 11.
That is not true. Comodo has never officially stated "Comodo is not compatible with Windows 11." Again, what a low-level employee posts on a support forum is not official. It is unofficial. This is a matter of established consumer law.
4. Also, Comodo shows shady attitudes when bugs, critics, complains are reported. Comodo unilaterally is censoring disagreements by deleting entire threads at Official Comodo Forum.
This is not true either. Comodo forum gets archived when a new release will be made. Nobody at Comodo is censoring anything.
5. Comodo Fanboys&girls are dangerous, in the sense that if you adopt their criteria ("Comodo works for me, then Comodo is perfectly fine and works for everybody"), then every shitty software over-there suddenly will appear as "superb". It's Cognitive Dissonance, a denial of reality, an apology to mediocrity and serious risks for average Joe users. Totally irresponsible!
What serious risks to security? Proof?

We all get that your point of view is for users to exercise caution with regard to Comodo, but you are making numerous statements that are either outright not true or not substantiated by evidence.
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ForgottenSeer 97327

You are correct in that they would not phrase it exactly as I did. On the other hand, if you research what software publishers do say about their products, they admit to serious security flaws all the time. Example: Microsoft Warns About PrintNightmare Vulnerability in Windows

Such statements are hardly "brand reputation murder" because very few people pay attention or care about them. The general public is not even aware of it. What employees state on support forums has virtually no influence except with those participating on the forums.
That is something totally different. The vulnerability is published and an out of band security update is released, which Microsoft advises to implement ASAP to its customers. That is how a brand manages its reputation (confirm the problem, provide a solution and take a moderate humble position while the issue is out in the open), compared to what Comodo's does is ignore the problem (e.g. Windows 11 compatibility), don't provide a solution and keep claiming that "cyber security breeches stop here".

I am not against Comodo, just not agreeing with your statements, but I see the logic in your answers (a post on a forum has a different value than an official statement)

Oerlink said:
I know about Comodo internally and the forum because I have had professional relationships with Comodo staff over the years.
Did the takeover by Xcitium change something in your professional relation with Comodo (only asking because you used past tense)?
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Level 6
Feb 6, 2023
Allow me to say that bug number 20 is one of the dangerous bugs, it renders HIPS protection insecure by deleting its own CIS default HIPS rules and the HIPS rules you've created yourself.


Level 13
Top Poster
Oct 22, 2018
I don't know anything about the alleged bugs in Comodo. What I do know is, I've used Comodo firewall off and on since 2008 or 2009, at least since v3 and never, not once, had any malware infections while it's been on any of the 3 or 4 computers I've had during that time.

Currently, I'm using Kaspersky Plus, but could return to Comodo firewall tomorrow, next week or next month. Regardless of what others say, it's proven itself to my satisfaction. As for the stated upgrades that are coming, other than fixing those mysterious bugs I see nothing more they can do, other than make Cruelsister's setup the default.
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