I cannot see the reason to recommend changing Comodo to another solution if one likes it and uses it without issues with hardened settings.![]()
It is not about invading users' individual decisions. That freedom of choice is untouchable.
What is at issue here, and you know it well, is that fanatics promote Comodo and impose it on other users, like a religion that preaches the absolute truth of the universe (“the best and most complete unbeatable solution for cyber security, for all users”).
It is about the readers who do NOT use Comodo, and who have no knowledge to discern between the lies, manipulations and omissions that are (immorally and irresponsibly) made by Comodo fanatics.
It is about the fact, that between “not as smart as Ulysses but can be as dumb and strong as Herakles”, Comodo and its fanatics always omit, lie and manipulate the reality by hiding the fact that Comodo is an abandon-ware, full of old and dangerous unfixed bugs, without real updates/upgrades etc... where any discussion about Comodo, in order to alert users, should be preceded by some “DEPRECATED SOFTWARE” tag, or some alert informing about Comodo bugs, lack of updates/upgrades, Firewall and Containment vulnerabilities, or a simple alert explaining to users that Comodo is neither an antivirus nor antimalware, it is a simple dumb blocker, full of false-positives and bugs (and 99,99% of users are not capable to use blockers, even if they are strong as Herakles).
In addition, it is also about the fact that most of the blockers are strong as Herakles...absolutely nothing especial here. And you know better than me, that a customized hardening of Windows can convert Windows in the best Herakles strong blocker... so, why Comodo is needed at all?
Blockers had a good function 20 or 30 years ago, when regular antivirus/antimalware where totally unable to deal with zero-day-attacks. But since then, antivirus/antimalware technology improved, and blockers were buried. Also, nowadays in modern times of hipper-connectivity, "usability" is the focus, so most of the users can't use a blocker anymore (even if it is strong as Herakles). Today, modern software can't use "dumb blocking" as a security strategy, because "usability" is sacred... and that's the reason why Windows delivers its product with default settings preserving "usability" (even when Windows settings could transform it into the strongest of the blockers).
I repeat Andy, I thank you for all your teachings, and I agree with most of your threads, comments and opinions. Only in relation to Comodo, I don't agree with you, specifically when you admit some utility or possibility of using Comodo. But I repeat also, I respect your opinion.
Even when you see my argument as extremism on my part, I hope you understand that I am not talking about Comodo users, who are free to eat shi@. My focus is on the users who do NOT use Comodo, and the lack of objectivity here at MT, by not presenting all the complete and correct information about Comodo, which would allow other users to make right decisions.
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