Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer
Real-time security
*HUB testing laptop: Dr. Web Security Space 11 (latest stable, stock settings)
*Main machine: Comodo Firewall (Proactive Security setting) and Avira Pro (max HEUR setting) - both latest stable
Firewall security
Periodic malware scanners
HitmanPro (always current stable)
HitmanPro.Alert (always current stable)
Zemana Anti-Malware (Premium)
McAfee GetSusp (highly recommended, free)
Malware sample testing
Browser(s) and extensions
Slimjet x64 current stable, set to be always incognito, no referrers
Extensions: LastPass, Https everywhere, Avira Browser Safety
Updated the Sec, may the mods please set it up to the new layout (with the fancy visual feedback)? Thanks a lot in advance
Regarding iOS, AFAIK there is no real AV by now. Also, it uses the track my mobile feature and is backupped to cloud. There is a SIM-PIN and a device code used (device may be unlocked with my fingerprint). AFAIK, the data stored on the mobile is encrypted by default.
Qihoo Total Security (latest used stable: removed due to a massive drop in detection (cloud only, stock settings, see HUB). Replaced it with Emsisoft Internet Security 11, current stable and testing it in the HUB.