Personally think that this thread should have been a poll to determine who want and do not want the like button to be removed. Very sad to see it go away as it was always such a cool feature that separated MT from other malware-related websites.
Although this is true, it is somewhat gratifying to know that you helped someone out by receiving a simple like

but all good things must come to an end I suppose...
I totally agree with Paul Lee. It would have been most appropriate to poll the members, and get feedback on this, which is a major change, actually, to MT. Not that the feedback would be any main consideration for a decision that staff chose to make, but there are many good points to the 'like' system also.
I don't care about myself, (in that 'likes' is not
why I am here), and I do not think I have abused the 'like' system, but it is a valuable tool and one thing that separated MT from many other sites! If there were some who were abusing the system or 'cheating', why weren't
those people suspended for...2 days, 3 days..., why wasn't this topic brought up in a forum from staff, like this one has been? Perhaps it could have been curtailed. Nobody can work on something, if nobody is told that it is becoming a problem. Nobody works on malware or infections until they appear troublesome: does staff think we would all not pull together? I believe our loyalty runs deep.
I think it is valuable not only to 'newbies', but to all. A quick 'heads up', or quick 'well done', or even just a ...quick click of 'standing with you'- or 'understanding your frustration', or ...'have been there'..
I think the 'like' system is an integral reason why MT is growing leaps and bounds, while I see other sites stagnating! It makes people feel EXTREMELY welcome, pulled in, brought in, a part of- and I think that is also part of why MT is showing such an increase of members, while other sites are starving for ACTIVE members.
It would be an interesting project for staff to do a study now, on the membership increase % in the past ..say...12 months, compared to the next 12 months, and see how they compare. It would be really great if in 12 months from today, April Fools Day, 2016, the results of your yearly study of this is posted also, for all members to see.
I feel it is really sad that staff did not involve their following, on such a major change.
I would just like to say I did not vote for removing the likes.I was strong armed into voting yes by a staff induced mob action
I didn't vote to hang the man ("I did not vote for..")... I was strong armed ...into voting yes by a ...mob...
So, that means even if I thought the man innocent: well- I'll vote the way you want...! No hung jury here!??

All right- the firing squad it is!
Some of you guys bit on that hook line and sinker

Like a catfish!