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what?Why no 32bit version download for the Vollversion Emsisoft?
The key is valid for 2 months.Hi so if key is sent by e-mail how long before we need to activate it or use it? Tks
It took around an hour or two for me to receive a key and mine friend got it immediately. The reason for slow delivery could be because of many requests.The big question is I tried this but there is no mail in spam and inbox I tried with my other ID as well but the same thing happens I did not receive any mail again. Who is hijacking my key when I'm checking my mail there is no mail from Emsisoft but bunch of other emails like Hello daljeet Dolphin is calling you
I sent you a PMSorry i mean last 3 hours and 30min
Look pls in your Email Adress. the password and License is sended nowI sent you a PM
thanks for your kind offer