If Chrome is installed in program folder, like usual, the simplest solution would be to go into ERP settings and allow things to run from program folder. That's the default setting for ERP.So, I'm new to EXE Radar Pro, I'm trying to set it up for the first time but I'm having a small (BIG) issue over here: I open chrome, I allow it like this:
Then I start getting a prompt for each tab I have opened (a LOT) whose cmd lines are exactly the same except with different ID numbers,
like this:
Here's how they look:
And I get a few one-off cmd-lines that I get asked about only once for all tabs but they're different each time I close chrome and reopen it, such as"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=crashpad-handler "--user-data-dir=C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data" /prefetch:7 --monitor-self-annotation=ptype=crashpad-handler "--database=C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Crashpad" "--metrics-dir=C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data" --url=https://clients2.google.com/cr/report --annotation=channel= --annotation=plat=Win64 --annotation=prod=Chrome --annotation=ver=67.0.3396.87 --initial-client-data=0x1f8,0x1fc,0x200,0x1f4,0x204,0x7ff9110a3228,0x7ff9110a3238,0x7ff9110a3248and a few others. I'm wondering if allowing child process chrome.exe with parent process chrome.exe in the whitelist is safe? Other processes won't be able to open chrome without asking me, which is what I want, and chrome will be able to open itself, but I'm not sure if that fixes it or is just a temporary solution. The other more permanent-like solution I was thinking of is simply replacing all those numbers in the cmd line with *******, so if the cmd line is the same one as the one in the whitelist but it can have any numbers on place of the stars *** then it will get allowed, thus it won't ask me specifically for each tab, but I'm not sure if EXE Radar Pro currently supports this. I also have this same problem with other processes as well, where allowing the child process by parent process might be a danger, like dllhost:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=gpu-process --field-trial-handle=1484,7903285462501686869,2308012365502304144,131072 --enable-features=ParallelDownloading --gpu-preferences=KAAAAAAAAACAAwCAAQAAAAAAAAAAAGAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACgAAAAEAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAAAOAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACwAAABAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAoAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAEAAAALAAAA --service-request-channel-token=A8823E5019A27B8E26667B9D80529E5C --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1504 --ignored=" --type=renderer " /prefetch:2
Instead of the numbers after process id {blablabla} I could put stars **** there and if the cmd line matches but with any numbers instead of stars, then it gets allowed, that's my idea. This way I won't have to allow it by parent process or parent signer or have to check through each prompt cuz there are a lot of prompts and allowing by something else might not be 100% safe, I'm not sure about this. Here are my EXE Radar Pro settings just in case, using latest version test 18 btw:
If Chrome is installed in program folder, like usual, the simplest solution would be to go into ERP settings and allow things to run from program folder. That's the default setting for ERP.
Maybe you have Chrome installed in a custom location? If so, make a rule that allows Chrome (parent) to execute Chrome (child). That way, Chrome will run normally, but you will still have control over suspicious child processes.
I see. I have experimented in the past with the approach that you are taking, although with a different anti-exe software (ReHIPS). I think you are pretty much charting your own territory here, you just have to take a good comparative look at the various command lines generated by Chrome, note the similarities and differences, and edit them with wildcards wherever you see random character strings and minor differencesI want to have complete control over everything (I AM the process OVERLORD) so that's why I'm not allowing anything by default. Like I said I'm not sure that allowing child process chrome.exe being ran by parent process chrome.exe is 100% safe, because in that case any child process chrome.exe from parent process chrome.exe will be allowed, my goal is to have only specific child processes chrome.exe from parent process chrome.exe allowed (the ones that open for each tab), this way if there is another child process chrome.exe spawned from parent process chrome.exe that is different than what is needed for each tab, I'll be able to monitor it and make sure I need it before allowing it. If I do what you propose, I'll only have control of child processes chrome.exe being spawned from parent processes NOT chrome.exe, I want to have control over ALL child processes chrome.exe including those spawned by parent process chrome.exe, and whitelisting those spawned for each tab that's opened, which is currently impossible firstly because for each tab I have to whitelist the specific command line (of child process chrome.exe from parent process chrome.exe) all over again, and secondly because each time I close and reopen chrome the command lines are different so they won't be automatically allowed because the whitelisted commands from last time are with different numbers since the numbers change each time a new tab is opened or chrome is closed
No. ERP 3.1 is what? 2 years old or something? You better use v4 since it's being actively developed.Is it still advised to use the 3.1 beta instead of the newest from here?
About the Access Violation error, I experienced more than once, still not understood what maybe the main cause, but some corruption should happen into the databases contained into AppData folder;
when happen this, I clean all the folders created by this program manually, reboot, and install again.
This may make it working, but the main cause is hunt down what cause the database corruption, or add something to protect those files from corruption? Not sure.
ECHO Removing NoVirusThanks Config and Logs...
taskkill /f /im RadarPro.exe
net stop ERPSvc
del "%ProgramData%\NoVirusThanks" /s /f /q
del "%AppData%\NoVirusThanks" /s /f /q
ECHO Removed!
ECHO **** Press any key to exit ****
pause > NUL
DIR /A-D "%ProgramData%\NoVirusThanks\EXE Radar Pro\Events" >NUL && SET DEL=0 || SET DEL=1
IF EXIST "%AppData%\NoVirusThanks\RadarPro.conf" SET DEL=0
IF %DEL%==0 (ECHO Some things are still there) ELSE (ECHO All removed!)