- Mar 27, 2017
- 160
ok,i will try.@Prayag :
Could you tried with Qihoo 360 and show the results ?
ok,i will try.@Prayag :
Could you tried with Qihoo 360 and show the results ?
actually,with only COMODO HIPS enabled,the malware was stopped completely.I have set it to autoblock any suspicious file.
Don't you see the procedure carefully?
'Autoblock any suspicious files' means I have set comodo to not show any hips alert and instead of alert,autoblock the file in question.Hey @Prayag. Excellent test. Much knowledge to be gained examining how these malwares travel through the system. Thanks.
I run all programs with this same princple, so I like HIPs alerts. This helps me understand system policy and what is good and not good and then also a little bit about critical protection zones. Even normal safe signed software can be very edgy with dangerous changes and lots of internet connections. It's becoming less I think though with the normal safe signed software thanks to improving security apps and education.
You mention "autoblock any suspicious file". Did you mean 3:15 COMODO setting "Enable enhanced protection mode"? Always wondered what this does. Looks to me like Advanced Protection->Miscellaneous->Do heuristic command-line analysis for... picked up the memory activity. The file COMODO HIPs used was the partial script file created by the heuristic monitoring module and could be found in C:\ProgramData\COMODO\Cis\tempscrpt. This is good for anyone to see who relies on COMODO. These files are not just monitored by the HIPs. They are subject to all the protections of COMODO just like any other file.
COMODO HIPs looks like a good tool in malware testing for identifying what malware does. Thanks again.
Autoblock setting is 'do not show any alerts' and then block requests.
At 3:15,I have unchecked this option so that the alerts will be visible.
No alerts will be shown in this setting.Thanks. I didn't understand your meaning , since you turned off the "auto-Block" for the test when you disabled "Do not show alerts..."
I am curious. Would you happen to know with HIPs alerts set not to show and then set to block, does COMODO still show a block alert when a file is blocked? Obviously, it won't run, but I haven't ever tested this dynamic to see if there is a block alert since I have the alerts set to show. There is a smaller alert for a HIPs block event using alerts->show.
I haven't tried rehips.hey, what about Rehips? hips in rehips can catch this?
Everything will be silently blocked even the popup that tell you that a particular file is blocked will not be shown.
Yeah I know this thing but as I have the solution,I don't worry about this.OK thanks. Nice explanation for my question.
When using "Unblock Applications" on the widget, your friends might be helped to know that it works this way:
Unblock an application from "Unblock Applications" on widget->
1. New Firewall rule->Allow
2. New HIPs rule->Allow
3. New Containment rule->Allow
4. File rating in Files list goes from "Unrecognized"->Trusted
It's a full unconditional allow for the application and all of its activities, so make sure unblocking is what is required and be 100% sure the unblocked application is safe. If you aren't sure it's safe leave it blocked and ask someone on MalwareTips what to do. That's the best way.
Current approaches used by legacy AV and machine-learning AV focus exclusively on files and do nothing to target an attacker’s behaviors.
No alerts will be shown in this setting.
Everything will be silently blocked even the popup that tell you that a particular file is blocked will not be shown.
Have you got any issues,just see the 'unblock applications' option to find which file has been blocked or by which module.
Additionally,rules for unknown applications or files are generated in 'hips rules' column,if you like you can see there also.