BTW Good Morning, Good Afternoon or Good Evening! Is everything ok with you? Now answering your question, because I was a dry ear lol, I literally parachuted into
@Kongo's post, despite mentioning and leaving Kongo credits in another post, when I tested it, I should have at least asked his permission if I could share it in another post, but by referencing his post and leaving his credits in the post,
@Kongo would have been aware if there were later any discussions on which I had posted, and he would have remedied it when the discussion about the stealer malware started, at least it would have avoided some unnecessary discussions on my part. Regarding the bad configuration I said, was that I enabled HIPS and everything maybe that there was no need in CF, firewall was in custom settings, when I ran the malware then several pop-pus appeared in HIPS and firewall when the malware started its execution, I had to make the decisions alone what I allowed or what I blocked, I must have allowed something that I shouldn't have, that ended up infecting the machine, too many settings that I adjusted, unnecessary rules created that culminated in a CF failure, who was to blame? Mine. Did you understand? I hope I understood. I apologize for the misunderstanding, I have a great admiration, respect and affection for you, since the first day I started talking to you here at MalwareTips.