Hm. Every Chinese owned computer I have seen has 360 installed. Every one of them is also full of adware and worse. I don't see any protection at all. Maybe it's the users? But quite frankly I don't see how the computer could be any worse without. What I do see is the software doing a UAC that is even more annoying than what Microsoft does... why on earth do people deactivate UAC only to install software that, by not being as tied in perhaps, has to be much more drastic? In general 360 is extremely annoying and bothersome, first thing I do is usually uninstall or at least deactivate while I have to use the computer.
Maybe their English version is better...
As for no one caring for what you do on the internet in Pakistan... really? The NSA cares very much, Pakistan is seen as main host of the Taliban/Al-Qaeda. And I'd be very surprised if the Pakistani and Indian government also don't pay close attention.