NEW Web Search Engines that don't track you:
- about page:
When you search the web through Gibiru, the system does not use your IP address or cookie data when it returns the search results; providing you with a non personal private search experience. Gibiru makes nor implies any guarantee that a site or sites you visit after leaving the Gibiru Search Results will not be tracking you independently or storing data about you so browse the internet at your own risk. We recommend that you download the AnonymoX plugin located here: Download to allow you to easily proxy your IP address and clear cookies as you surf the web. Gibiru gathers no personal information on its users, however due to some code needed for search result API integration and bandwidth/site performance, we may monitor server logs from time to time.
LUKOL : - Enhanced by Google custom search via proxy .. with thumbnails .. Image search too .. no cookies, no IP records, no search-term records ..
- about page:
Privacy Policy:
Unlike other search engines, Lukol does not track or share personal information:
We do NOT record your IP address, browser data, or operating system.We do NOT send tracking cookies to your computer.We do NOT record your search terms.We do NOT share your private data (IP address, cookies, and search terms) with governments.When we obtain enhanced results from Google, we tunnel your search query through our proxy servers, without exposing your IP or cookie data.Because Lukol is a fully anonymous web search engine, it's safe to use it from both work and home. Your search, your privacy. Period.
Nice finds ..