It is a sign, at least I want to believe that.Well, I don't know for sure where Frogboy is right now, but last night I got a good chuckle about how he might look at the whole thing of living and dying etc. I was sitting on the curb outside where I live, mulling over my problems and the world's problems, and as usual I was more or less just searching to find a way to stave off a nose dive of depression. No idea what I was thinking about at 11 PM, when suddently a small object no larger than about 1/2 inch flew by in my periphery about two or three feet away. Well, it took me a few seconds to gather my wits, but I remember it landed with a kersplat, so maybe that's what made me nervous about it. I couldn't immediately think of anything that sounds like that plopping onto pavement. However, when I pulled myself together to focus on the object laying on the driveway (it came from the curb direction), sure enough it was, you guessed it...a tiny green tree frog...three toes and all. Just like this and about this size:
View attachment 197558
Oh yeah, I made triple sure. I got up close and got a good look. Well, I went upstairs after watching it jump across the driveway (with gigantic leaps) to get the phone to take a picture, but more people came around, and he must have gotten nervous about the scene and jumped away
Btw, I haven't seen one of these in I bet 30 years...and I am outside a substantial amount of the time. What kind of odds are these that I would see one now? After reading about @davisd's dream, I am now a believer. No getting rid of the frog...and maybe his mission wasn't quite finished yet lol. Thanks for all the posts in his memory and for the thread. It's all been great to read...
I've experienced something similar when my best friend died a few years ago.
Often I was listening his favorite song (not very known, a song of Genesis) everywhere.
Coincidence? Maybe.