When < SWH > and < WDAC > switches are ON, the restrictions are similar to the H_C Windows_10_Recommended_Enhanced settings, but additionally, the DLLs are blocked.
When the %ProgramData%, %LocalAppData, and user AppData folders are removed from the WDAC Whitelist, the restrictions are similar to the H_C Windows_10_Strict_Recommended_Enhanced settings, but additionally, the DLLs are blocked.
I see that WHHLight set this way offers better protection than H_C Windows_10_Strict_Recommended_Enhanced. I tried H_C Windows_10_Strict_Recommended_Enhanced and had no additional problems compared to H_C Recommended Settings.
So I thought I'd try something even better. If it behaves much like H_C Windows_10_Strict_Recommended_Enhanced it may be a solution.
I have some questions.
1. In order to activate SUPER_SAFE SETUP do I have to clear the whole WDAC Whitelist?
2. With such a configuration will the operating system (windows/edge updates) continue to be automatic? Will the manual update be only for Third-party apps? To know in advance what I'm getting into.
3. I will use it on my admin account with CD MAX, is FirewallHardening LOLBins and Documents_AntiExploit still necessary?
4. Is SUPER_SAFE SETUP like a default-deny from H_C?
Congratulations for the application! I like that it is very compact, and you can adjust the protection level very easily from the WDAC Whitelist. In H_C I was lucky with the profiles, otherwise when I saw so many options I was sweating.