After a long time i updated my config.
The last few days i tried some programs that other members recommend.
I installed Sumatra PDF, MS Office 2007 (on external HDD), MBAM, VLC Media Player and uBlock.
The one i installed and find very useful is Shadow Defender

. Very good security software and also very light on my old laptop

Other programs that i tried but in the end were uninstalled are:
MBAE: offers a good level of security but i experienced browsing slowdown
Citrio browser: heavy on system, my fan was working overtime, it had 8 services running but i was only watching MT

7 Star browser: much lighter than Citrio but Emsisoft AM gave me 5 alerts (2 or 3 where red) when i was installing it
EagleGet Download manager: it doesn't work on Cyberfox x64. I even did uninstall-reinstall but again it didn't work

but it does work on IE 11

. In the end i rarely use IE so i don't need EagleGet.
The last thing i want to tell you is that in February i did an upgrade on my laptop.
I installed Samsung SSD 850 EVO 120 GB

. Now Windows open in about 10-15 seconds

and my laptop is as good as a new one

The old HDD i kept it as an external HDD