Ok, I've received dozens of messages, here, there, on our support ticketing system and forum. That's great, really, I'm very happy with all the feedback.
However, It's really overwhelming
Yes we will try to support software X, Y, Z. We will, but not now.
Currently the priority is 2 things:
- Build a "Community feedback" system. It will collect software list from all the clients (having the feature enabled, it will be by default...) and send it to us.
This will create a supported (limited) list of software, with current version. This list will be then served back to the clients to find MORE SOFTWARE (ideally ALL of them) and tell if there's a newer version.
So I'm pretty confident all your X,Y,Z software will be in this list, and have limited-support by UCheck once this is deployed. The name of the software doesn't matter at this stage.
- Then. This community feedback list will obviously have more entries for the most popular software.
We will (internally) use this list as a TODO list, and iterate through it top to bottom and add them for FULL-support (which means ability to update/install from UCheck).
That way we ensure we don't add them randomly (or on demand), and focus on the most seen software first.
Hope that answers most of the questions about UCheck not supporting X,Y,Z

So please, for now, refrain from asking to add new software to the compatibility list. It's not going to happen short term.
Portable software compatibility will come next, because it's way more complicated than installed ones.
Basically any folder can contain any type of file, and we cannot trust the clients when it comes to database feeding.