I'm guessing Dan is doing tricks behind the scenes as my Event Viewer errors have ceased, and all is OK when I set the service to Automatic (Delayed Start) much like v3.59. I've rebooted several times today and things seem stable.
FWIW, I have not disabled scanning of child processes and CPU is 0.1% to 0.4%, so no major worries there for me.
My wish list item for the Management Console... that we could multi-select items for deletion (if that is already available, I'm not figuring it out). As an individual user, I don't see the advantage of the console. Maybe someone more astute can clue me in.
I'd also like to see true full-screen capability for user log/whitelist/command line... not a major issue, but helpful when reviewing/editing entries.
Yeah, I am getting close

. Believe it or not, we are in much, much better shape than I initially thought we would be. I figured we would have at least 50-100 bugs to work out, but really there are only around 10 or so total. The error reporting system really worked out well... it is exposing little bugs that I am sure have been around a while, and typically, they are very easy and quick to fix.
When I released the initial version the other day, I had ran VS 4.0 for 3 or so days, with zero, and I mean zero errors. But since there were sooo many massive changes, it was inevitable that we were going to have some bugs. See, VS has always been kind of cobbled together, but what I did was go through all of the code and unify everything... it really needed it. I mean, VS 3.59 was very stable, but the code really needed to be completely redone so that it is more maintainable in the future. It will also be a lot faster and easier to add new features in the future.
Yeah, the web management console will have a lot of new features very soon. We had to wait until I was finished with VS 4.0 before we could add all of the features, but they will be very quick and easy to add.
Sorry I have still not been able to reply to any emails, pms or posts... but I will catch up as soon as VS 4.0 is stable, which should be this week. Things are going really well.
Here are the remaining bugs...
I believe the registration issue is fixed in VS 4.01, which I will release either tonight or tomorrow at the latest. It is ready, but I just want to do a little more testing. Anyway, if the there are any other registration issues, then I will see if Alex can take a look at it... he is the one who wrote all of that code, and is much more familiar with it than I am. He is just kind of busy right now, but will be free soon.
The only remaining bug that has been difficult to fix (so far) is the one where VS does not start with the VoodooShieldService on startup. That code really should work... it is actually some well known code that a lot of people use from github, although a few other devs have had the same issue that we had with the token. See, most of the VS code is custom, but sometimes it is better to use time tested code and libraries for certain functions or tasks. In this case, I needed some code that would start a GUI process from a service, and instead of writing it all from scratch, it is better to use code that you know that works.
BTW, whoever is having an issue with VS not starting on startup, can you please post the following info?
Is UAC enabled?
Are you running as a limited user?
What other security software are you running?
The regedit fix that you guys came up with is cool because it will work as a temporary fix, but we need to fix this permanently, so that the GUI starts from the service. Otherwise, when multiple users log in and out, VS will not start... along with other issues. Anyway, if we cannot find a fix for the token issue, we have a couple of other options.
Thank you guys for tracking down the high CPU utilization bug... I have not looked at it yet, but if you guys have it narrowed down that far, it should be a 5 minute fix.
I will try to catch up on some posts, pms and emails asap, thank you guys!