I am amazed at how much better this is versus 3.59. Dan you are truly gifted! This is the first beta of any security software where users don't hesitate to install it. A few bugs put you 4 or 5 releases ahead of other so called stable builds, (malwarebytes), (bitdefender), etc. After restart registration is working after the 2nd try. 1st time it acts like it worked and even takes an advanced snapshot, but it still show free version. Completely exit the application & restart it. Now enter registration again. Registered! Tested several times, same results. Disabled UAC, No active antivirus running, Windows 10 x64 LTSB.
Thank you, I appreciate that very much... even though I do not deserve such a compliment

Here is the 4.01 beta, hopefully the registration issue is fixed… if not, I will see if Alex can take a look at it asap.
The token issue (VoodooShield starting on startup with the service) may or may not be fixed, but if it is not, I added some logging that will provide a specific error code that will help us narrow it down.
I was not able to duplicate the high CPU utilization that is a result of the scan child processes feature… so if someone can send me a link to a file that causes this issue, please do. It will be a very, very easy fix once I can reproduce the error… high CPU utilization errors are always easy to fix once you can reproduce them.
Other than that, there are around 10 or so other bug fixes included in this version.
There were a few bugs in the new rules feature, and the custom folders feature, but I believe they are resolved now. If either of these features do not behave as expected, please let me know. If you can provide a way for me to produce the unexpected behavior, that will be even better.
Everything seems to be going extremely well, and are getting very, very close to a stable VS 4.0… I would not be surprised if we can wrap this up in less than a week. Thank you guys for your help, I will catch up asap!
You should be able to install over the top of the old versions of VS… but if you run into trouble, please uninstall the old version, reboot, and reinstall (and please let me know if you had an issue with installing over the top).