Why some people think Comodo Full of BUGS

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Level 2
Feb 23, 2014
i was a huge fan of comodo during era v3-v5 , then i also slowly walked away , first because those fanboys then when v6 cames, v7 made it nicer but hard to regain the love.

then i "closed beta-test" both Webroot and Emsisoft, i hardly get away from them; i know how they develop their soft and use our feedbacks to polish them properly before a release.
My friends use comodo and they always talk about how V3 and V4 was Da bomb then
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Level 27
May 11, 2013

I totally agree with your statements as I have seen many fanboys in Comodo forums act like cyberbullies.
I would like to add these fanboys try to spread paranoia and use scareware tactics to try to convince users if they don't use CIS they will get infected like Comodo is the only product that can stop these automatic infections which don't exists. Users who don't manually download infected files never get infections today even if using just Microsoft default security. So the lies need to stop.

Every since improvements in Windows OS, IE and other browsers automatic infections do not exist. All infections today require the user to manually download an infected file and execute it. Then the user has to ignore UAC notifications and Windows digital certificate prompts.

So these advanced fanboys that think they know everything, don't seemed to know how to download files from trusted sources or even use Windows default security features but somehow it is amazing that they know how to configure and tweak a complicated product like CIS.

Even vulnerabilities in browser plugins require users to manually download an infected file. Home users getting hacked is so extremely rare today because a third-party firewall is not necessary. These Comodo fanboys seem to know nothing about how modern systems get infected. This is not the year 2002 with Windows XP, IE6 (with no active X controls settings or drive-bye downloads blocking) and no secure alternative browser options. I wished these fanboys would go and get educated about modern malware and stop this spreading paranoia and using scareware tactics.

I guess I will also need to share nuclear bomb shelter with you now. :rolleyes:

Thanks. :D


You taking the top or the bottom bed? As you can see I already prepared everything.

On a serious note, let me address your own statement: First of all I would like to say DAMN you got ballz the size of the mount Everest.
The reason for this is simple, I have not seen a post EVER on a forum where someone with your status as moderator/staff does make such a comment.
As you probably noticed since I joined I was direct with my words and I do not take any crap from anyone, however I do not walk away from a good discussion, and I do not fear to counter information and share my own experience and knowledge.
Judging from your posts I assume you are a professional just like myself or you have a seriously good knowledge about the industry.
Which is being reflected in your posts.
So these words coming from you will echo this forum for months to come because I guarantee that fanboys will read this.
And if this happens know that others including myself who do know what we are talking about will back you up on this.
So you got my full attention and respect.

@ All others
Guys what I said and what littlebits said was harsh and true.
We do not expect you to like it and neither do we want to make you stop using Comodo products.
But this forum is made with the idea to share knowledge, ideas and solving common problems trough support and education.
This also means that forums and communities like this will attempt to correct common internet myths and lies.
This is done NOT because we are Uber people, but what good would we be as a community if we would support garbage?
Afteral cleaning up internet garbage is our free time job.

I just wanted to throw this out there.

Cheers guys.
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Deleted member 178

On a serious note, let me address your own statement: First of all I would like to say DAMN you got ballz the size of the mount Everest.
The reason for this is simple, I have not seen a post EVER on a forum where someone with your status as moderator/staff does make such a comment...
So these words coming from you will echo this forum for months to come because I guarantee that fanboys will read this.

guess why before we had some members, moderator or very active member on Comodo's Forum who disappeared from MT :D

I find it very interesting that with every new comodo release "300 bugs have been fixed" is plastered all over the release notes.Everyone read the release notes and its always "300" bugs fixed.

so true ^^
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Level 12
Jan 27, 2013
Comodo is a great security product,but i find labels of 300 bugs fixed very alarming and in some cases misleading and it does them no favours.
Are we to assume that the present version 7 also has 300 bugs in it.?

Why is it always 300.?


Level 27
May 11, 2013
guess why before we had some members, moderator or very active member on Comodo's Forum who disappeared from MT :D

so true ^^

Well time will tell, but ill guess we still got some fanboys fly around.
Enough about the fanboy thing it pisses me off tbh.

Its just sad that a promising idea get destroyed like that. Specially if you see what the achieved with their previous versions.
Right now their latest product merely provide a placebo effect in terms of security.
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Level 13
Top Poster
Mar 9, 2014
I started using Comodo Internet Security free only a few weeks ago because it received high ratings for protection in AV-Test.
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Koroke San

Level 29
Jan 22, 2014
The 3 bugs i faced in CFW version 6.3 is a bit slow startup & sometimes when i tried to add more then 2-3 files in whitelist it freezes the whitelist tab & i need to restart pc. also when i put password on CFW to turn off from menu tab, it's freezes there. In version 7, it's a bit lighter then previous version, don't slow my startup like before. Can disable CFW from menu tab without any glitch. But don't sure about whitelisting problem. So loving it more then before, specially they improve BB , nice UI :D & autosandbox ( blocked ) which i like mostly ;) But i don't like there stupid leak test b;
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New Member
Dec 17, 2013
OK guys n girls, Here comes a COMODO FAN BOY....

You can start swearing, I don't give a damn..

Now Facts,

1) Comodo is filled with Fan Boys => TRUE
2) Fan Boys tend to Ignore Bugs => FALSE
3) Fan Boys reports & troubles Comodo to fix them => True
4) Comodo fixes => Both Yes and No
5) a) Comodo changes base of their product frequently => TRUE
b) Change of base give better performance and usage for good => TRUE
c) Every new change can have bug => TRUE
6) a) Comodo fixes Bugs in hundreds in their Product => TRUE
b) Comodo hides their bugs fixes and improvements => FALSE
7) a) Other Security Suite don't have that many bugs => FALSE
b) They don't give exact count of Bugs fixed => TRUE
8) a) Comodo gives for free and so is more transparent in terms of fixes => TRUE
b) Other Security Suite are paid and so have to hide counts for people to think its more reliable => TRUE
9) a) Comodo Releases Product when Stable => Both Yes and No.
b) Comodo rushes releases => TRUE
c) Comodo should consider some more time for product to stabilize => TRUE
d) All rushed releases are Buggy => FALSE
8) a) Comodo is Tricky to configure => TRUE
b) Comodo defaults don't suffice => Both Yes and No (Depends on user)
10) Comodo is Idiot => FALSE
11) Comodo FAN BOYS are Idiots => FALSE
12) You don't understand Comodo & Comodo Fan Boys & How Comodo Community Works => TRUE

Though a Fan Boy, I won't side Comodo even if it won't work good... I started using v6 only when it was very stable and that came to be the last v6 release...

Disliking is good but not knowing what to do and disliking is bad...

Koroke San

Level 29
Jan 22, 2014
OK guys n girls, Here comes a COMODO FAN BOY....

You can start swearing, I don't give a damn..

Now Facts,

7) a) Other Security Suite don't have that many bugs => FALSE
8) a) Comodo gives for free and so is more transparent in terms of fixes => TRUE
Brah, IMAO :D
7. a) wrong coz i can say i tried ESET Smart Security 7 with it's inbuilt firewall last yr & didn't felt 'many bugs' or say any bug like comodo :D

8. a)'comodo gives for free'! Free for what? there every products which they listed in there website? IMAO comodo owns freeware & paid products Please clarify it if i'm wrong :D





I want them free too, Brah :D:D


Level 1
Mar 7, 2011
Completely OT here, but is the community really that bad for the moment? I remember the time where the community was actually the best part of Comodo? Or was that me just being biased on that moment?
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New Member
Dec 17, 2013
Brah, IMAO :D
7. a) wrong coz i can say i tried ESET Smart Security 7 with it's inbuilt firewall last yr & didn't felt 'many bugs' or say any bug like comodo :D

8. a)'comodo gives for free'! Free for what? there every products which they listed in there website? IMAO comodo owns freeware & paid products Please clarify it if i'm wrong :D





I want them free too, Brah :D:D

Correction to your:
7 a) (Feeling a bug) and (encountering or recognizing a bug) are two different things.. Mircosoft releases so many updates, have u felt all of them? Huh..!!
8 a) I'm talking here about the Premium Edition (Non crippled Internet Security) which is Free for all, all the other Complete n Pro are coupled with something which is not at all important for all (no one even bothers about those stuffs, do u when you purchase Eset or KIS?) and even novice users can read and understand that what they came looking for (I guess so, until o_O)...

Koroke San

Level 29
Jan 22, 2014
Correction to your:
7 a) (Feeling a bug) and (encountering or recognizing a bug) are two different things.. Mircosoft releases so many updates, have u felt all of them? Huh..!!
8 a) I'm talking here about the Premium Edition (Non crippled Internet Security) which is Free for all, all the other Complete n Pro are coupled with something which is not at all important for all (no one even bothers about those stuffs, do u when you purchase Eset or KIS?) and even novice users can read and understand that what they came looking for (I guess so, until o_O)...

If i didn't encounter any bug then how can i even feel it? :D But true i encounter a lot bugs with comodo. And nope, A lot of peoples feels encounter problems with ESET & comodo bugs that i know. But in my experience i never felt any bug in ESET & comodo is buggy then ESET. Maybe u felt bug in ESET but i'm still valid at my point that comodo have many bugs then ESET.

and second Nope u said 'comodo gives free ' so i was get confused with ur that statement. u need to put comodo premium edition in ur point so others can understand u & like u said comodo provides free, there are other security suites like Qihoo360 which provides free & less bugs then comodo plus i'm not talking about novice user. If it's not so important then i don't think comodo will make them paid version & I'll sure get them if it's provide free & there pro version Internet security is not free. Avast & avira like AV also paid & freeware products. So ur point is still invalid that comodo gives free.
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Level 27
May 11, 2013
OK guys n girls, Here comes a COMODO FAN BOY....

You can start swearing, I don't give a damn..
Disliking is good but not knowing what to do and disliking is bad...

Ohh buddy you just made my day, you are so going to get it...

1) Comodo is filled with Fan Boys => TRUE
Jup and this is both a good thing and a bad thing

2) Fan Boys tend to Ignore Bugs => FALSE
We have never said that they ignore bugs, we said they rush versions without polishing and ironing out bugs.
As can be clearly seen in every version where the same bugs are still there.

3) Fan Boys reports & troubles Comodo to fix them => True
In the past this use to be true, today its just words and no action. The only thing they fix is their reputation.

4) Comodo fixes => Both Yes and No
Fixes what? is there a point to this statement? Or did your words run away?

5) a) Comodo changes base of their product frequently => TRUE
Agreed they change to many times.

b) Change of base give better performance and usage for good => TRUE
Absolute bullshit.

c) Every new change can have bug => TRUE
Well kind of yes, every version will have a few bugs, but with Comodo its the way around every version has a few working items.

6) a) Comodo fixes Bugs in hundreds in their Product => TRUE
I am sure they fix bugs but their bug fixing capacity and their actual bug fixing is VERY overrated.

b) Comodo hides their bugs fixes and improvements => FALSE
Comodo does show whats good for them and hide whats bad for them. (Or they have run out of numbers to give a total number to the bugs, or their GUI is to small to display such big number)

7) a) Other Security Suite don't have that many bugs => FALSE
Really? what a load of crap. Every software has bugs, but at least it does not fall apart like Comodo.
If you are such a true Fanboy then you should ask around how good Comodo was, right now they are a shadow what they ones where.

b) They don't give exact count of Bugs fixed => TRUE
No comment.

8) a) Comodo gives for free and so is more transparent in terms of fixes => TRUE
I remember myself saying something about "They lost all sense of reality" I have no idea why that statement pops up in my head when I reading your statement here (sarcastic)

b) Other Security Suite are paid and so have to hide counts for people to think its more reliable => TRUE
Propaganda, Bias, Bullshit, Lies and completely NONSENS: Only weak, underdeveloped companies do such things.
And they ALL get wiped out over time.

9) a) Comodo Releases Product when Stable => Both Yes and No.
Agreed... but history shows us that out of the hypothetical 100 products only 25 have been stable.

b) Comodo rushes releases => TRUE
Agreed this can be a good thing but in Comodo's case this is a VERY bad thing.

c) Comodo should consider some more time for product to stabilize => TRUE

d) All rushed releases are Buggy => FALSE
90% is buggy. Those are not my words those are facts.

8) a) Comodo is Tricky to configure => TRUE
For some yes.

b) Comodo defaults don't suffice => Both Yes and No (Depends on user)
Some say less is more but generally I agree.

10) Comodo is Idiot => FALSE
You really want to me to give my expert opinion about that? <evil grins> :cool:

11) Comodo FAN BOYS are Idiots => FALSE
<headsmack> + <facepalm> + <bigsmile> + <sight> = You are really pushing your luck there m8.
We have never said all fanboys are idiots, but at least we identified ONE idiot.

12) You don't understand Comodo & Comodo Fan Boys & How Comodo Community Works => TRUE
You know what? I am going to agree with you on this one, Because is beyond our reality, its beyond my reality, its fantasy.
I stick in the real world.

You know I was going to be very harsh here in this topic.
But for your sake I kind of feel sorry for you.
So that's why I removed every single bit that I wanted to say to your statements, and by doing so I want to offer you a way back into the real world. Its not to late it still can be cured...:rolleyes:

That said let me quote what I wrote in a private pm when Jasion asked me something about Comodo:
But Comodo tries to play with the big boys and they fail at basic stuff.
This is not because there products as a concept is bad, but its the development and marketing around it.
They NEVER finish what they start, yet they flame anyone that has constructive critics.
I am not going to explain what kind of work I do within the industry but lets say its my job to know in detail what security is all about, both from a development and from a engineer POV.
Never did I say a single bad word about Comodo as a concept, and never have I said a bad word about their idea's regarding their products, this due the fact that individual tools within their products are promising and on paper better then some rivals.
But their end products are relative garbage and nice tools for a amateur who likes to play around.
But does it provide any real security? No infact I venture to say that due to the fact that they never finished their latest products that they merely provide a placebo effect.

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Gentleman, please read forum policy on name calling and personal attacks.. This has been said indirectly..

Comodo has had a lot of issues, and i agree that older versions were better "although a little harder for novices". I can remember a time you could not install CIS, restart the machine without having to hammer down on pop ups of many legit files/programs being blocked right away. They have in my opinion done an excellent job resolving this issue, and it was one of the biggest problems i had with CIS back then.
In the long period of time "on and off over the years" that i have run CIS on my machine, i had never been infected, so i will give them that.

Now as to the statements of the community and the way things are done, i can tell you from being a forum member, that if there was less fighting between all the members, and more cooperation, more would get accomplished...

I am not a fanboy, nor do i have CIS on my machine.. I do hold a respect for what this independent company has done and is trying to achieve.


Level 27
May 11, 2013
Gentleman, please read forum policy on name calling and personal attacks.. This has been said indirectly..

Comodo has had a lot of issues, and i agree that older versions were better "although a little harder for novices". I can remember a time you could not install CIS, restart the machine without having to hammer down on pop ups of many legit files/programs being blocked right away. They have in my opinion done an excellent job resolving this issue, and it was one of the biggest problems i had with CIS back then.
In the long period of time "on and off over the years" that i have run CIS on my machine, i had never been infected, so i will give them that.

Now as to the statements of the community and the way things are done, i can tell you from being a forum member, that if there was less fighting between all the members, and more cooperation, more would get accomplished...

I am not a fanboy, nor do i have CIS on my machine.. I do hold a respect for what this independent company has done and is trying to achieve.

Agreed the full 100% hence why I did edit my post and did publish a private pm content here, as it says it all.
However in regards to the personal thing: If you post such statements as ridiculous as the poster did then you kind of deserve to get it.
Specially if you see how much serious info has been written in this topic where people did explain real issues and displayed real facts.
I do not ask people to be smart, but I assume the can freaking read and value real info.

Do you understand where I am coming from?


Agreed the full 100% hence why I did edit my post and did publish a private pm content here, as it says it all.
However in regards to the personal thing: If you post such statements as ridiculous as the poster did then you kind of deserve to get it.
Specially if you see how much serious info has been written in this topic where people did explain real issues and displayed real facts.
I do not ask people to be smart, but I assume the can freaking read and value real info.

Do you understand where I am coming from?
I understand, but i do not make the rules.. ;)


New Member
Dec 17, 2013
Well I have many things to write and also many answers to the points put up.. But it wouldn't be fruitful or any things... So better live in your world where you don't want to see good things and just be a critic... What you get after you pay a big bunch, I get for free indeed (CIS)... Offers protection with my pc not being infected for about 4+ yrs now with Comodo...
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