Girls From Your City Pop-Ups – Don’t Fall for This Scam! 

We’ve all seen them – those enticing pop-up ads with eye-catching headlines like “Hot Singles in Your Area Want to Meet You!” or “Girls From Your City Want to Chat with You Now!”. Showcasing photos of beautiful, young women and promising instant connections with locals, these pop-ups prey on our human desire for intimacy and romance.

But don’t let these manipulative ads fool you. Behind the flashy images and bold claims lies an insidious scam with the sole purpose of stealing your money and personal information. This comprehensive guide will uncover the predatory truth behind the “Girls From Your City Want to Chat” scam pop-ups, explain how they work, and provide advice on what to do if you’ve fallen victim.

Scam Overview

These pop-up ads are a classic bait-and-switch scam that lures unsuspecting victims with the promise of local dates or hookups that don’t actually exist. They are designed solely to get victims to click and be redirected to external sites laden with malware, unwanted subscription sign-ups, or other financial scams.

Here are some key things to know:

  • The ads contain fake profiles and stolen images often taken from social media or stock photo sites, not real women in your area looking to meet.
  • The promises of chatting with local girls or women wanting to date you are completely fabricated. The women don’t exist and no connections will be made.
  • The pop-ups detect your location and customize themselves to make you think hot singles in your specific town or city are trying to contact you. But it’s a scam across the board.
  • Clicking on the pop-ups will redirect you elsewhere, usually to adult webcam or dating sites that bill your credit card without consent.
  • The end-goal is getting your personal information and money. The operators have no interest in actually connecting viewers with real partners.

These “girls from your city” pop-up ads are designed by scammers and hackers, often using botnets to distribute their scammy links across the web. They frequently appear on illegal streaming and pirating sites as well as unregulated adult content sites.

The pop-ups are able to evade ad blockers and plant themselves onto sites by exploiting unpatched software vulnerabilities. Shadier sites tend to have far less rigorous security and ad screening policies, making them vulnerable to pop-up malware.

How the Scam Works

Now that you know the “Girls From Your City” pop-ups are a front for scammers, let’s examine exactly how they operate to prey on unsuspecting victims.

Customized Location Targeting

The pop-ups leverage your IP address and location data to make the ads seem personalized to your city or town. Scammers know men are much more likely to engage with an ad if it seems tailored specifically to their local area.

Phrases like “Horny Women in Houston Want to Hookup!” or “Naughty Singles in Miami Looking For Fun!” appear customized with your location to entice clicks. But it’s all fake localization.

Appealing Imagery

Photos of young, attractive women in provocative poses or states of undress make the pop-ups enticing to many heterosexual males. The false promise of meeting up with these models taps into emotional vulnerabilities around companionship.

Of course, the pictured women have no idea their photos are being used in online scams. The stock images and social media pictures are stolen without consent. All the personal details in the ads are fabricated.

Misdirection to Malware Sites

When victims click on one of the pop-ups, they are immediately redirected away from the original site. The redirects often pass through multiple waypoint domains to cover the scamming tracks.

Eventually, users land on adult dating, cam sites, and hookup listings packed with even more salacious ads and opportunities to “chat now” with women. These destination sites have zero vetting or security measures in place.

Often, merely visiting these sites results in malware infection from drive-by downloads that rapidly infiltrate your device. At a minimum, victims have their personal information, browsing data, passwords compromised just by landing on the sites.

Billing and Subscription Scams

Alternatively, the pop-ups can redirect to what appear to be free adult dating or chatting sites that ask for registration to access features. Users must hand over personal information, set up a username, and enter credit card details.

Unbeknownst to victims, this automatically signs them up for recurring monthly subscription fees to the tune of $30-50 per month. The fine print is buried, but these scammy sites quickly rack up charges for services never utilized.

Blackmail and Extortion

Sometimes the underlying scam goes beyond malware installation and fraudulent billing. Scammers will use personal information given by victims to blackmail and extort money.

Threatening to send compromising screenshots, browser history, or webcam images to friends, family, employers can coerce victims into paying the scammers off. Cybercriminals may demand hundreds of dollars in gift cards to prevent release of sensitive details.

Ad Tracking and Remarketing

Even if you avoid the underlying financial scam, simply clicking one of these pop-ups flags your browser for ad trackers. Now you are categorized as someone receptive to adult dating site ads and will be inundated with similar come-ons across the web.

Dozens of new salacious pop-ups and banner ads will start following you around, triggered by your initial engagement with the first fraudulent pop-up ad site. This exposes you to even more potential scams moving forward.

How to Spot This Scam

It can be tricky to discern which pop-ups might be legitimate dating sites versus undercover scams. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

  • Too good to be true claims – Messages like “Hot girls looking for fun in your area!” or “Lonely women ready to chat now!” are highly unlikely to be real. Skeptically examine any pop-ups making hard-to-believe promises.
  • Overly suggestive images – Real dating sites don’t rely solely on sexually provocative pictures to attract clients. The overly sexual stock photos are a red flag.
  • Spelling and grammar mistakes – Sloppy text with obvious typos indicates scammy, fly-by-night operators rather than real dating businesses.
  • Pressuring calls to action – Language urging you to “Sign up now!” or “Click here to chat with local girls instantly!” is trying to manipulate you into ignoring warning signs.
  • No company information – Authentic dating sites proudly display their business names and branding. Pop-ups that omit names or company details are hiding their true scam objective.
  • Too-good-to-be-true claims – Messages like “Hot girls looking for fun in your area!” or “Lonely women ready to chat now!” are highly unlikely to be real. Skeptically examine any pop-ups making hard-to-believe promises.
  • Links to unrelated sites – If clicking a pop-up leads you elsewhere with totally unrelated content, it’s likely a scam link being used to drive traffic for ad revenue.

Stay vigilant for these red flags, and resist the temptation to click, even if the pop-ups seem enticing. Protect your cybersecurity and information by verifying real dating sites through trustworthy channels, not third-party pop-up ads.

What To Do If You’ve Fallen Victim

If you clicked on one of the pop-ups and entered any personal information or credit card details, here are important steps to take right away:

Scan Devices for Malware

If the pop-up site downloaded any unwanted files or malware, thoroughly scan all your devices with updated antivirus software. Identify and quarantine infections before they steal passwords, banking details, and personal data.

Reset Passwords and Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Assume your passwords and accounts have been compromised. Change all logins for email, banking, social media, and shopping sites. Make the new passwords unique and complex. Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible for an added layer of security.

Contact Banks and Credit Card Companies

Notify your bank and credit card provider that your accounts may have been compromised. Request that they flag your accounts and monitor for suspicious charges. Consider cancelling compromised cards and requesting replacements to be safe.

Initiate Fraud Alert and Credit Freezes

Contact one of the three credit bureaus to initiate an initial 90-day fraud alert, so creditors know your identity may be compromised. For additional protection, initiate credit freezes which block access to your credit reports unless you explicitly allow it.

Cancel Recurring Charges

If any services, sites, or subscription fees were initiated without your consent, contact the companies directly and request they cancel these charges and block additional payments or automatic subscription renewals. Dispute the charges through your credit card provider as well.

Secure Personal Information

Review all your online accounts and ensure no unwanted contacts, addresses, phone numbers, or other sensitive details were accessed without authorization. Update information as warranted and enable privacy settings.

Is Your Device Infected? Check for Malware

If your device is running slowly or acting suspicious, it may be infected with malware. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free is a great option for scanning your device and detecting potential malware or viruses. The free version can efficiently check for and remove many common infections.  

Malwarebytes can run on Windows, Mac, and Android devices. Depending on which operating system is installed on the device you’re trying to run a Malwarebytes scan, please click on the tab below and follow the displayed steps.

Malwarebytes For WindowsMalwarebytes For MacMalwarebytes For Android

Scan your computer with Malwarebytes for Windows to remove malware

Malwarebytes stands out as one of the leading and widely-used anti-malware solutions for Windows, and for good reason. It effectively eradicates various types of malware that other programs often overlook, all at no cost to you. When it comes to disinfecting an infected device, Malwarebytes has consistently been a free and indispensable tool in the battle against malware. We highly recommend it for maintaining a clean and secure system.

  1. Download Malwarebytes for Windows

    You can download Malwarebytes by clicking the link below.

    (The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes)

    Install Malwarebytes

    After the download is complete, locate the MBSetup file, typically found in your Downloads folder. Double-click on the MBSetup file to begin the installation of Malwarebytes on your computer. If a User Account Control pop-up appears, click “Yes” to continue the Malwarebytes installation.

  3. Follow the On-Screen Prompts to Install Malwarebytes

    When the Malwarebytes installation begins, the setup wizard will guide you through the process.

    • You’ll first be prompted to choose the type of computer you’re installing the program on—select either “Personal Computer” or “Work Computer” as appropriate, then click on Next.

      MBAM3 1
    • Malwarebytes will now begin the installation process on your device.

    • When the Malwarebytes installation is complete, the program will automatically open to the “Welcome to Malwarebytes” screen.

      MBAM6 1
    • On the final screen, simply click on the Open Malwarebytes option to start the program.

      MBAM5 1
  4. Enable “Rootkit scanning”.

    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now start, and you will see the main screen as shown below. To maximize Malwarebytes’ ability to detect malware and unwanted programs, we need to enable rootkit scanning. Click on the “Settings” gear icon located on the left of the screen to access the general settings section.


    In the settings menu, enable the “Scan for rootkits” option by clicking the toggle switch until it turns blue.


    Now that you have enabled rootkit scanning, click on the “Dashboard” button in the left pane to get back to the main screen.

  5. Perform a Scan with Malwarebytes.

    To start a scan, click the Scan button. Malwarebytes will automatically update its antivirus database and begin scanning your computer for malicious programs.

  6. Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.

    Malwarebytes will now scan your computer for browser hijackers and other malicious programs. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check the status of the scan to see when it is finished.

  7. Quarantine detected malware

    Once the Malwarebytes scan is complete, it will display a list of detected malware, adware, and potentially unwanted programs. To effectively remove these threats, click the “Quarantine” button.


    Malwarebytes will now delete all of the files and registry keys and add them to the program’s quarantine.


  8. Restart your computer.

    When removing files, Malwarebytes may require a reboot to fully eliminate some threats. If you see a message indicating that a reboot is needed, please allow it. Once your computer has restarted and you are logged back in, you can continue with the remaining steps.


Your computer should now be free of trojans, adware, browser hijackers, and other malware.

If your current antivirus allowed this malicious program on your computer, you may want to consider purchasing Malwarebytes Premium to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still having problems with your computer after completing these instructions, then please follow one of the steps:

Scan your computer with Malwarebytes for Mac to remove malware

Malwarebytes for Mac is an on-demand scanner that can destroy many types of malware that other software tends to miss without costing you absolutely anything. When it comes to cleaning up an infected device, Malwarebytes has always been free, and we recommend it as an essential tool in the fight against malware.

  1. Download Malwarebytes for Mac.

    You can download Malwarebytes for Mac by clicking the link below.

    (The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes for Mac)
  2. Double-click on the Malwarebytes setup file.

    When Malwarebytes has finished downloading, double-click on the setup file to install Malwarebytes on your computer. In most cases, downloaded files are saved to the Downloads folder.

    Double-click on setup file to install Malwarebytes

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to install Malwarebytes.

    When the Malwarebytes installation begins, you will see the Malwarebytes for Mac Installer which will guide you through the installation process. Click “Continue“, then keep following the prompts to continue with the installation process.

    Click Continue to install Malwarebytes for Mac

    Click again on Continue to install Malwarebytes for Mac for Mac

    Click Install to install Malwarebytes on Mac

    When your Malwarebytes installation completes, the program opens to the Welcome to Malwarebytes screen. Click the “Get started” button.

  4. Select “Personal Computer” or “Work Computer”.

    The Malwarebytes Welcome screen will first ask you what type of computer are you installing this program, click either Personal Computer or Work Computer.
    Select Personal Computer or Work Computer mac

  5. Click on “Scan”.

    To scan your computer with Malwarebytes, click on the “Scan” button. Malwarebytes for Mac will automatically update the antivirus database and start scanning your computer for malware.
    Click on Scan button to start a system scan Mac

  6. Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.

    Malwarebytes will scan your computer for adware, browser hijackers, and other malicious programs. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan to see when it is finished.
    Wait for Malwarebytes for Mac to scan for malware

  7. Click on “Quarantine”.

    When the scan has been completed, you will be presented with a screen showing the malware infections that Malwarebytes has detected. To remove the malware that Malwarebytes has found, click on the “Quarantine” button.
    Review the malicious programs and click on Quarantine to remove malware

  8. Restart computer.

    Malwarebytes will now remove all the malicious files that it has found. To complete the malware removal process, Malwarebytes may ask you to restart your computer.
    Malwarebytes For Mac requesting to restart computer

Your Mac should now be free of adware, browser hijackers, and other malware.

If your current antivirus allowed a malicious program on your computer, you might want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still experiencing problems while trying to remove a malicious program from your computer, please ask for help in our Mac Malware Removal Help & Support forum.

Scan your phone with Malwarebytes for Android to remove malware

Malwarebytes for Android automatically detects and removes dangerous threats like malware and ransomware so you don’t have to worry about your most-used device being compromised. Aggressive detection of adware and potentially unwanted programs keeps your Android phone or tablet running smooth.

  1. Download Malwarebytes for Android.

    You can download Malwarebytes for Android by clicking the link below.

    (The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes for Android)
  2. Install Malwarebytes for Android on your phone.

    In the Google Play Store, tap “Install” to install Malwarebytes for Android on your device.

    Tap Install to install Malwarebytes for Android

    When the installation process has finished, tap “Open” to begin using Malwarebytes for Android. You can also open Malwarebytes by tapping on its icon in your phone menu or home screen.
    Malwarebytes for Android - Open App

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup process

    When Malwarebytes will open, you will see the Malwarebytes Setup Wizard which will guide you through a series of permissions and other setup options.
    This is the first of two screens that explain the difference between the Premium and Free versions. Swipe this screen to continue.
    Malwarebytes Setup Screen 1
    Tap on “Got it” to proceed to the next step.
    Malwarebytes Setup Screen 2
    Malwarebytes for Android will now ask for a set of permissions that are required to scan your device and protect it from malware. Tap on “Give permission” to continue.
    Malwarebytes Setup Screen 3
    Tap on “Allow” to permit Malwarebytes to access the files on your phone.
    Malwarebytes Setup Screen 4

  4. Update database and run a scan with Malwarebytes for Android

    You will now be prompted to update the Malwarebytes database and run a full system scan.

    Malwarebytes fix issue

    Click on “Update database” to update the Malwarebytes for Android definitions to the latest version, then click on “Run full scan” to perform a system scan.

    Update database and run Malwarebytes scan on phone

  5. Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.

    Malwarebytes will now start scanning your phone for adware and other malicious apps. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan to see when it is finished.
    Malwarebytes scanning Android for Vmalware

  6. Click on “Remove Selected”.

    When the scan has been completed, you will be presented with a screen showing the malware infections that Malwarebytes for Android has detected. To remove the malicious apps that Malwarebytes has found, tap on the “Remove Selected” button.
    Remove malware from your phone

  7. Restart your phone.

    Malwarebytes for Android will now remove all the malicious apps that it has found. To complete the malware removal process, Malwarebytes may ask you to restart your device.

Your phone should now be free of adware, browser hijackers, and other malware.

If your current antivirus allowed a malicious app on your phone, you may want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still having problems with your phone after completing these instructions, then please follow one of the steps:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are any of the hot girls in the pop-ups real?

A: No, the photos used in the ads are fake profiles with models whose images are taken without consent. There are no real women trying to chat with you.

Q: Can I actually meet up with local girls through these pop-ups?

A: Absolutely not. The pop-ups are not real dating services, so there is zero chance of meeting up with anyone. The entire premise is fabricated to lure victims.

Q: Is it safe to click on these pop-up ads?

A: Clicking these pop-ups is extremely unsafe. You risk visiting sites laden with malware, unintended billing scams, blackmail, and other threats by engaging with these ads.

Q: Do the pop-ups really know girls in my specific city?

A: No, they do not actually have hyperlocal information. Scammers make the ads seem customized to your location, but it’s a broad scam targeting men nationwide.

Q: Can I trust giving personal info to the sites the pop-ups link to?

A: Do not trust these sites with any personal information whatsoever. The end sites are unregulated scam fronts with zero data protections in place.

Q: Why do these pop-ups keep appearing when I browse certain sites?

A: Less reputable, unmoderated sites often have vulnerabilities that allow scammer pop-ups to be injected into pages without consent. Avoid piracy and adult sites.

Q: Is it illegal to click on these pop-ups?

A: Simply clicking is not illegal per se, but any engagement supports an illegal scam. Plus malware risks make clicking these ads extremely unadvisable in all cases.

Q: Can I stop the pop-ups from appearing while browsing?

A: Install reputable ad-blocking like AdGuard and anti-malware browser extensions to block these pop-ups. Avoid visiting unregulated sites where scammers plant them.


Pop-up ads promising chat opportunities with local girls or hot singles sound enticing in theory. But unfortunately these false promises are a common gateway to financial scams, malware attacks, and identity theft when pursued.

These “Girls from your City Want to Chat” ads contain fake profiles, stock photos, and fabricated personal details. Operators have no intention of connecting you with real women – they solely want to infect devices and profit off tricked victims.

By understanding how customized location targeting, appealing imagery, misdirection to shady sites, and subscription scams all play a role, you can avoid falling for this pop-up trap. Be vigilant in protecting your cyber security and personal information. Meaningful connections wait through safer, verified channels – not via manipulative pop-up scams.

How to Stay Safe Online

Here are 10 basic security tips to help you avoid malware and protect your device:

  1. Use a good antivirus and keep it up-to-date.

    Shield Guide

    It's essential to use a good quality antivirus and keep it up-to-date to stay ahead of the latest cyber threats. We are huge fans of Malwarebytes Premium and use it on all of our devices, including Windows and Mac computers as well as our mobile devices. Malwarebytes sits beside your traditional antivirus, filling in any gaps in its defenses, and providing extra protection against sneakier security threats.

  2. Keep software and operating systems up-to-date.


    Keep your operating system and apps up to date. Whenever an update is released for your device, download and install it right away. These updates often include security fixes, vulnerability patches, and other necessary maintenance.

  3. Be careful when installing programs and apps.

    install guide

    Pay close attention to installation screens and license agreements when installing software. Custom or advanced installation options will often disclose any third-party software that is also being installed. Take great care in every stage of the process and make sure you know what it is you're agreeing to before you click "Next."

  4. Install an ad blocker.

    Ad Blocker

    Use a browser-based content blocker, like AdGuard. Content blockers help stop malicious ads, Trojans, phishing, and other undesirable content that an antivirus product alone may not stop.

  5. Be careful what you download.

    Trojan Horse

    A top goal of cybercriminals is to trick you into downloading malware—programs or apps that carry malware or try to steal information. This malware can be disguised as an app: anything from a popular game to something that checks traffic or the weather.

  6. Be alert for people trying to trick you.

    warning sign

    Whether it's your email, phone, messenger, or other applications, always be alert and on guard for someone trying to trick you into clicking on links or replying to messages. Remember that it's easy to spoof phone numbers, so a familiar name or number doesn't make messages more trustworthy.

  7. Back up your data.

    backup sign

    Back up your data frequently and check that your backup data can be restored. You can do this manually on an external HDD/USB stick, or automatically using backup software. This is also the best way to counter ransomware. Never connect the backup drive to a computer if you suspect that the computer is infected with malware.

  8. Choose strong passwords.

    lock sign

    Use strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts. Avoid using personal information or easily guessable words in your passwords. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your accounts whenever possible.

  9. Be careful where you click.

    cursor sign

    Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. These could potentially contain malware or phishing scams.

  10. Don't use pirated software.

    Shady Guide

    Avoid using Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing programs, keygens, cracks, and other pirated software that can often compromise your data, privacy, or both.

To avoid potential dangers on the internet, it's important to follow these 10 basic safety rules. By doing so, you can protect yourself from many of the unpleasant surprises that can arise when using the web.

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