McAfee “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” Scam Explained

Browse the web long enough, and you’re bound to encounter an urgent security alert popping up out of nowhere. It ominously warns that viruses have infected your computer. Your stomach drops as you see the trusted McAfee name attached to the alarming notice. Could this really be happening? Are vicious bugs lurking in your system, stealing your personal data as you read this?

Well, take a breath and calm those nerves because odds are it’s a scam. That’s right – cybercrooks are increasingly leveraging the McAfee reputation to lend credibility to counterfeit virus warnings. Their goal? To siphon money and information from well-meaning internet users.

I’ve seen this too many times before. In this guide, I’ll walk you through how the “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” McAfee scam works from start to finish. You’ll learn red flags to watch for, steps to take if you encounter a fake alert, and most importantly – how to stay safe going forward.

An Overview of the Fake McAfee “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” Scam

The McAfee “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” scam typically begins when the user visits a questionable website, often containing pirated content or adult materials. As soon as the site is accessed, a pop-up alert that mimics the McAfee logo and branding appears, stating that the computer is infected with viruses and malware.

The McAfee “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” pop-up is designed to look nearly identical to genuine McAfee security warnings. It will say that a “Quick Scan” has detected anywhere from 3 to 6 viruses with alarming names like “Win32/Hoax.Renos.HX” or “Trojan Keylogger.” The pop-up emphasises these are “HIGH” or “MEDIUM” risk security threats that require immediate removal.

If the user clicks anywhere on the alert, they will be redirected through a series of affiliate links and landing pages, eventually arriving at the official McAfee website. The goal is to convince the victim these viruses are real so they purchase a McAfee security suite.

Below we will explore the scam in more detail, outlining the techniques used at each stage:

1. Initial Redirection Through Malicious Ads or Links

The first part of the scam involves redirecting the victim to a suspicious webpage that generates the fake virus alert. Cybercriminals have two primary methods for doing this:

  • Malicious/Deceptive Ads: Scam ads can appear on many mainstream websites, and are rampant on sites hosting pirated or illegal content. The ads are designed to get clicks through sensationalized headlines about viruses. Once clicked, the user is redirected multiple times before landing on the scam site.
  • Malicious Browser Extensions: Shockingly, some virus scam extensions have been found on Google and Microsoft’s official extension markets. These extensions have legitimate sounding purposes but redirect to scam sites. Downloading free software bundles can also unintentionally install such extensions.

Once on the scam page, JavaScript code frequently checks the browser type and operating system. The fake McAfee-branded pop-up is then customized to match, enhancing legitimacy.

2. The Fake McAfee “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” Fake Warning

The scam page then generates an alert designed to precisely mimic the branding of McAfee security software. This includes:

  • McAfee logos
  • A fake scanning animation claiming to check “commonly infected areas and startup files”
  • Made-up scan results stating “Total items scanned” and outlandish numbers of supposed “security risks detected”
  • Technical sounding fake virus names like “Win32/Hoax.Renos.HX” and “Trojan IRC/”
  • Claims these viruses are “HIGH” or “MEDIUM” risk threats
  • A notice stating “IMMEDIATE ACTION IS REQUIRED” in red letters

The shocking claims of widespread infections are intended to panic the victim into immediately purchasing McAfee to remove the viruses.

In reality, these scanners are simply displaying fake results with no actual system scan taking place. The “viruses” do not exist on the victim’s machine.

3. Redirecting Victims to Purchase McAfee

If the user clicks anywhere on the pop-up, they are immediately redirected through a series of intermediary websites before finally arriving at the official McAfee sales page.

The redirections utilize multiple layers to conceal the source of the scam:

  • Immediately after clicking, the first redirect is to an advertisement portal website registered through a domain generation algorithm. These rapidly changing, randomly generated domains prevent blocking based on the URL.
  • The portal site redirects again to an affiliate offer platform. Scammers use these platforms to earn commissions by driving traffic to legitimate vendors like McAfee.
  • Finally, the affiliate offer redirects to the real McAfee website. The user sees the genuine site and security software for purchase, enhancing the scam’s legitimacy. Affiliate IDs tag the victims so scammers earn their commission if purchases are made.

This multi-layer redirection system makes dismantling the scam more difficult. If victims purchase McAfee software, the scammers profit while covering their tracks.

How the Fake McAfee “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” Scam Works

Cybercriminals use devious methods to trick their victims with this scam. Here is a step-by-step overview of how the McAfee “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” works:

1. Scammers Setup McAfee Affiliate Links

The first step for scammers is signing up as an affiliate marketer for McAfee security products. This provides them with a special affiliate link that will allow them to earn commissions on any sales driven through it.

Most major companies like McAfee operate affiliate programs to allow partners to earn money by promoting their products. However, cybercriminals exploit these programs by directing traffic through their links in deceptive or fraudulent ways.

By becoming a McAfee affiliate, the scammers ensure they’ll profit every time someone falls for their scam pop-up ads and makes a purchase. Affiliate commissions for popular security suites can be upwards of $60 per sale.

2. Malicious Ads Mimic McAfee and Fake Virus Scans

Once they have the affiliate links set up, the scammers then create fake McAfee security scanner pages to mimic real virus scans. These scam websites are designed to precisely replicate the McAfee branding, using copied logos, images, and the signature red and white color scheme.

The pop-up or malware will initiate a phony scan that invariably detects multiple severe threats on your system. Here is an example of the fake scanning progress:

Image: Fake McAfee Virus Alert

The scan looks credible but is entirely fabricated. Legitimate McAfee virus scans do not work like this.

Once the fake scan completes, an urgent warning appears saying your computer is infected and requiring immediate cleaning. The box will be branded with the McAfee name and colors to add legitimacy.

This is an example of the fake warning screen:

Your Computer might be infected with potentially critical viruses!

McAfee Your computer might curretly be under attack!
You might recently browsed to comprimised websites with streaming and/or adult content.
To delete potential viruses, you must run an antivirus scan immediately.
[Run a quick scan] [Open Antivirus]

The bold claims are intended to scare victims into quickly moving forward with the cleaning or subscription renewal recommended. However, without critical thinking, it can be easy to fall for the realistic branding and dire virus warnings.

3. Users Redirected Through Affiliate Links

If a user clicks the “Renew Subscription” or “Remove Virus” button on the fake McAfee scan page, they are redirected through a series of links before reaching the real McAfee website.

The scammers insert multiple intermediary links to avoid detection. They often try to disguise the redirects using convincing domain names related to McAfee or security.

For example, intermediary links may include:


4. Victims Purchase Unneeded Software

Unfortunately, many victims will end up on the real McAfee site through the redirects and unknowingly complete a purchase.

With all the convincing branding and urgent warnings about viruses, some users fall into a state of fear or panic. They end up buying software they don’t actually need just to remove the fictional threats called out in the fake scans.

Of course, there were never any real viruses to begin with. But the scammers earn hefty affiliate commissions off these unnecessary purchases driven through their faked security alerts.

5. Scammers Profit from Affiliate Commissions

Each time a purchase is completed through one of their affiliate links, the scammers will receive an affiliate commission from McAfee as “thanks” for referring the sale.

Affiliate rates vary based on the product but are often 30-40% of the total purchase price. On a $299 security suite, commissions could be $90+ per victim.

Scammers can generate hundreds or even thousands of dollars per day running this scheme at scale across various online pop-up and malware delivery channels. All the income is essentially “free money” since it comes entirely from deceiving innocent users.

By leveraging the trusted McAfee brand, scaring visitors with fabricated virus alerts, and hitting them repeatedly with affiliate links, the scammers can generate big profits quickly through sheer deception.

What to Do If You Get One of These Fake Alerts

Seeing a sudden warning that your computer is infected understandably causes concern. But try not to panic. Here are the best steps to take if one of these fake McAfee alerts pops up:

  • Don’t click anything – If possible, close the tab or browser immediately without clicking any buttons. Even hitting “Cancel” or the X could redirect you somewhere malicious. Shut down the whole browser forcibly if needed.
  • Run a real antivirus scan – Use trusted software like Malwarebytes or Windows Defender to perform an actual scan of your system. This will detect if anything is wrong without falling for potential scams.
  • Check browser extensions – Sometimes browser hijackers or unwanted extensions can cause these fake alerts. Look for any dubious or recently added plugins and remove them.
  • Reset your browser – Uninstall and reinstall your web browser if scans find nothing. This eliminates any malicious code lurking in the software that could be generating the pop-ups.
  • Contact your credit card company – If you did provide payment information, call your credit card provider immediately to report fraudulent charges or have a new card issued.
  • Change account passwords – Scammers could gain access to any accounts you entered credentials for on the fake payment page. Reset all passwords as a precaution.

With vigilance, you can protect yourself and your devices from these criminal operations looking to capitalize on fear.

How to Avoid the Fake McAfee Alert Scam

Now that you know how this scam works and what to do if targeted, here are some tips to avoid becoming a victim in the first place:

  • Use ad blockers – Browser extensions like AdGuard prevent malicious ads – a common redirect method – from even appearing. Disable pop-ups as well.
  • Don’t pirate content – Fake antivirus scams frequently target piracy sites. Use legal platforms to avoid compromising your computer.
  • Check URLs carefully – Scrutinize the address bar before entering info anywhere. Scam sites use lookalike URLs or subdomain tricks.
  • Beware unsolicited warnings – Pop-ups out of the blue about viruses are always suspect. Only trust alerts from software actually on your computer.
  • Keep security software updated – Rely on trusted antivirus programs and keep them running real-time scans. McAfee, Norton, Avast, and others can detect fraudulent sites.
  • Browse safely – Avoid dubious websites altogether. Stick to well-known legitimate platforms to lower your exposure to scammers.
  • Monitor bank statements – Review account activity regularly so any fraudulent charges surface quickly before major damage occurs.

Staying vigilant against cybercrime is crucial in the modern era. But with the right knowledge, you can browse worry-free and avoid falling victim to even sophisticated scams.

How to Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware

If you have accidentally downloaded unwanted programs or malware from a pop-up scam, you can find below a full malware removal guide.

This malware removal guide may appear overwhelming due to the number of steps and numerous programs that are being used. We have only written it this way to provide clear, detailed, and easy-to-understand instructions that anyone can use to remove malware for free.
Please perform all the steps in the correct order. If you have any questions or doubts at any point, stop and ask for our assistance.
Browser hijackers, unwanted apps, and adware can infect Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android devices, so we’ve covered below all these operating systems. Depending on which operating system is installed on your device, please click on the operating system icon below and follow the displayed steps.
Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from Windows

Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from Windows

To remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from your computer, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Uninstall malicious programs from Windows

In this first step, we will manually check if any unknown or malicious programs are installed on the computer. Sometimes adware and browser hijackers can have a usable Uninstall entry that can be used to remove them.

Windows 11Windows 10Windows 8Windows 7
  1. Press the Windows key + I on your keyboard to open the Settings app.

    First, open Windows Settings by pressing Windows+I on your keyboard. You can also right-click your Start button and select “Settings” from the list.
    Windows 11 Open Settings

  2. In the Settings app, click on “Apps” and then “Apps & features”.

    When Settings opens, click “Apps” in the sidebar, then select “Apps & Features”.

    Windows 11 Apps and Feature

  3. Find the malicious program in the list of installed apps and uninstall it.

    In Apps & Features settings, scroll down to the app list and search for unknown or suspicious programs. To make things easier, you can sort all installed programs by their installation date. To do this, click “Sort by” and select “Install date”.
    Look out for any suspicious program that could be behind all the drama – anything you don’t remember downloading or that doesn’t sound like a genuine program. When you find a malicious program, click the three dots button beside it and select “Uninstall” in the menu that appears.

    Windows 11 Uninstall malicious program

    If you have checked your computer for malicious programs and did not find any, you can proceed with the next step in this guide.
  4. Follow the prompts to uninstall the program.

    In the next message box, confirm the uninstall process by clicking on Uninstall, then follow the prompts to uninstall the malicious program.
    Make sure to read all of the prompts carefully, because some malicious programs try to sneak things in hoping that you won’t read them closely.

    Windows 11 Confirm Uninstall

  1. Press the Windows key + I on your keyboard to open the Settings app.

    Press the Windows key + I on your keyboard to open the Settings app. You can also ope the Settings app by clicking the Start button on the taskbar, then select “Settings” (gear icon).
    Windows 10: Click the Start button then click on Settings

  2. In the Settings app, click on “Apps”.

    When the “Windows Settings” window opens, click on “Apps“. By default, it should open “Apps and Features” but if it doesn’t, select it from the list on the left.

    Windows 10: Click on Apps

  3. Find the malicious program in the list of installed apps and uninstall it.

    In Apps & Features settings, scroll down to the app list and search for unknown or suspicious programs. To make things easier, you can sort all installed programs by their installation date. To do this, click “Sort by” and select “Install date”.
    Look out for any suspicious program that could be behind all the drama – anything you don’t remember downloading or that doesn’t sound like a genuine program. When you find a malicious program, click on it and select “Uninstall” in the menu that appears.

    Windows 10: Uninstall malware from Windows

    If you have checked your computer for malicious programs and did not find any, you can proceed with the next step in this guide.
  4. Follow the prompts to uninstall the program.

    In the next message box, confirm the uninstall process by clicking on Uninstall, then follow the prompts to uninstall the malicious program.
    Make sure to read all of the prompts carefully, because some malicious programs try to sneak things in hoping that you won’t read closely.
    Windows 10: Complete the uninstall process

  1. Go to “Program and Features”.

    Right-click on the Start button in the taskbar, then select “Programs and Features”. This will take you directly to your list of installed programs.
    Right click on Start and select Programs and Features

  2. Search for malicious program and uninstall it.

    The “Programs and Features” screen will be displayed with a list of all the programs installed on your computer. Scroll through the list until you find any unknown or suspicious program, then click to highlight it, then click the “Uninstall” button.

    Look out for any suspicious program that could be behind all the drama – anything you don’t remember downloading or that doesn’t sound like a genuine program.

    If you have checked your computer for malicious programs and did not find any, you can proceed with the next step in this guide.

    Select malicious program then click on Uninstall

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to uninstall malicious program.

    In the next message box, confirm the uninstall process by clicking on Yes, then follow the prompts to uninstall malicious program. Make sure to read all of the prompts carefully, because some malicious programs try to sneak things in hoping that you won’t read closely.

  1. Open the “Control Panel”.

    Click on the “Start” button, then click on “Control Panel“.
    Windows 7 go to Control Panel

  2. Click on “Uninstall a Program”.

    When the “Control Panel” appears, click on “Uninstall a Program” from the Programs category.
    Select Uninstall malicious program from Control Panel

  3. Search for malicious programs and uninstall them.

    The “Programs and Features” screen will be displayed with a list of all the programs installed on your computer. Scroll through the list until you find any suspicious or unknown program, then click to highlight it, then click the “Uninstall” button.
    Look out for any suspicious program that could be behind all the drama – anything you don’t remember downloading or that doesn’t sound like a genuine program.

    If you have checked your computer for malicious programs and did not find any, you can proceed with the next step in this guide.

    Uninstall malware from Windows 7

  4. Follow the on-screen prompts to uninstall malicious program.

    In the next message box, confirm the uninstall process by clicking on Yes, then follow the prompts to uninstall malicious program. Make sure to read all of the prompts carefully, because some malicious programs try to sneak things in hoping that you won’t read closely.

If you are experiencing difficulty while attempting to uninstall a program, you can use Revo Uninstaller to completely remove the unwanted program from your computer.

Now that the malicious programs have been removed from your computer, we can proceed with the next step in this guide.

STEP 2: Reset browsers back to default settings

In this step, we will remove spam notifications,  malicious extensions, and change to default any settings that might have been changed by malware.
Please note that this method will remove all extensions, toolbars, and other customizations but will leave your bookmarks and favorites intact. For each browser that you have installed on your computer, please click on the browsers tab below and follow the displayed steps to reset that browser.

ChromeFirefoxMicrosoft EdgeInternet Explorer
Reset Chrome for Windows to default settings

We will now reset your Chrome browser settings to their original defaults. This will reset your startup page, new tab page, search engine, and pinned tabs. It will also disable all extensions and clear temporary data like cookies. Your favorites, history, and saved passwords will not be cleared.

  1. Click the three dots in the top-right corner and then click on “Settings”.

    Open Chrome and click on the menu button (represented by three vertical dots) in the top right corner of the window. In the dropdown menu that opens, click “Settings“. Click on the Chrome menu button then on the Settings button
  2. Click “Advanced”.

    Chrome’s “Settings” should now be displayed in a new tab or window, depending on your configuration. In the left sidebar, click on the “Advanced” link. Click on the Advanced link
  3. Click “Reset and clean up”.

    In the left sidebar, under the “Advanced” section, click on “Reset and clean up“. Click Reset and clean up button
  4. Click “Reset settings to their original defaults”.

    In the main window, the “Reset and clean up” section is visible, as shown in the screenshot below. Click on “Reset settings to their original defaults“. Click on Reset settings to their original defaults
  5. Click “Reset settings”.

    A confirmation dialog will now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, click on the “Reset settings” button. Click on Reset Settings to restore Google Chrome to its default settings
  6. (Optional) Reset Chrome Data Sync.

    In case a malicious extension reinstalls itself even after performing a browser reset, you have an additional option to reset the data sync for your browser. To do this, navigate to and click on the Clear Data button. Chrome Sync Reset
Reset Firefox for Windows to default settings

We will now reset your Firefox browser settings to their default. The reset feature fixes many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information like bookmarks, passwords, web form auto-fill information, browsing history, and open tabs.

  1. Click the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner and then click on “Help”.

    Click on Firefox’s main menu button, represented by three horizontal lines. When the drop-down menu appears, select the option labeled “Help“.
    Click on the Firefox Menu button then select Help button

  2. Click “More troubleshooting information”.

    From the Help menu, click on “More troubleshooting information“.
    Click More Troubleshooting Information

  3. Click on “Refresh Firefox”

    When the “Troubleshooting Information” page opens, click on the “Refresh Firefox” button.
    Click on Refresh Firefox

  4. Confirm that you want to reset your browser settings.

    To finish the reset process, click on the “Refresh Firefox” button in the new confirmation window that opens.
    Click again on Refresh Firefox button

  5. Click “Finish”.

    Firefox will now close itself and will revert to its default settings. When it’s done, a window will list the information that was imported. Click on “Finish“.

    Your old Firefox profile will be placed on your desktop in a folder named “Old Firefox Data“. If the reset didn’t fix your problem you can restore some of the information not saved by copying files to the new profile that was created. If you don’t need this folder any longer, you should delete it as it contains sensitive information.

Reset Microsoft Edge to default settings

We will now reset your Microsoft Edge browser settings to their default. This will reset your startup page, new tab page, search engine, and pinned tabs. It will also disable all extensions and clear temporary data like cookies. Your favorites, history, and saved passwords will not be cleared.

  1. Click the three dots in the top-right corner and then click on “Settings”.

    In the top right corner, click on Microsoft Edge’s main menu button, represented by three horizontal dots. When the drop-down menu appears, click on “Settings“.
    Click the three dots in the top-right corner and then click on Settings

  2. Click on “Reset Settings”.

    On the left side of the window, click on “Reset Settings“.
    Click Reset Settings option

  3. Click on “Restore settings to their default values”.

    In the main window, click on “Restore settings to their default values“.
    Select Restore settings to their default values

  4. Click “Reset”.

    A confirmation dialog should now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, click on the “Reset” button.
    Click Reset to reset your browser
    Microsoft Edge will now erase all your personal data, browsing history, and disable all installed extensions. Your bookmarks, though, will remain intact and still be accessible.

Reset Internet Explorer to default settings

We will now reset your Internet Explorer browser settings to their default. You can reset Internet Explorer settings to return them to the state they were in when Internet Explorer was first installed on your computer.

  1. Go to “Internet Options”.

    Open Internet Explorer, click on the gear icon in the upper-right part of your browser, then select “Internet Options“.

  2. Select the “Advanced” tab, then click “Reset”

    In the “Internet Options” dialog box, select the “Advanced” tab, then click on the “Reset” button.

  3. Click on “Reset”.

    In the “Reset Internet Explorer settings” section, select the “Delete personal settings” checkbox, then click on the “Reset” button.

  4. Click on “Close”.

    When Internet Explorer has completed its task, click on the “Close” button in the confirmation dialogue box.
    Close your browser and then you can open Internet Explorer again.

STEP 3: Use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove malware and unwanted programs

In this third step, we will install Malwarebytes to scan and remove any infections, adware, or potentially unwanted programs that may be present on your computer.

Malwarebytes stands out as one of the leading and widely-used anti-malware solutions for Windows, and for good reason. It effectively eradicates various types of malware that other programs often overlook, all at no cost to you. When it comes to disinfecting an infected device, Malwarebytes has consistently been a free and indispensable tool in the battle against malware. We highly recommend it for maintaining a clean and secure system.

  1. Download Malwarebytes for Windows

    You can download Malwarebytes by clicking the link below.

    (The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes)

    Install Malwarebytes

    After the download is complete, locate the MBSetup file, typically found in your Downloads folder. Double-click on the MBSetup file to begin the installation of Malwarebytes on your computer. If a User Account Control pop-up appears, click “Yes” to continue the Malwarebytes installation.

  3. Follow the On-Screen Prompts to Install Malwarebytes

    When the Malwarebytes installation begins, the setup wizard will guide you through the process.

    • You’ll first be prompted to choose the type of computer you’re installing the program on—select either “Personal Computer” or “Work Computer” as appropriate, then click on Next.

      MBAM3 1
    • Malwarebytes will now begin the installation process on your device.

    • When the Malwarebytes installation is complete, the program will automatically open to the “Welcome to Malwarebytes” screen.

      MBAM6 1
    • On the final screen, simply click on the Open Malwarebytes option to start the program.

      MBAM5 1
  4. Enable “Rootkit scanning”.

    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now start, and you will see the main screen as shown below. To maximize Malwarebytes’ ability to detect malware and unwanted programs, we need to enable rootkit scanning. Click on the “Settings” gear icon located on the left of the screen to access the general settings section.


    In the settings menu, enable the “Scan for rootkits” option by clicking the toggle switch until it turns blue.


    Now that you have enabled rootkit scanning, click on the “Dashboard” button in the left pane to get back to the main screen.

  5. Perform a Scan with Malwarebytes.

    To start a scan, click the Scan button. Malwarebytes will automatically update its antivirus database and begin scanning your computer for malicious programs.

  6. Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.

    Malwarebytes will now scan your computer for browser hijackers and other malicious programs. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check the status of the scan to see when it is finished.

  7. Quarantine detected malware

    Once the Malwarebytes scan is complete, it will display a list of detected malware, adware, and potentially unwanted programs. To effectively remove these threats, click the “Quarantine” button.


    Malwarebytes will now delete all of the files and registry keys and add them to the program’s quarantine.


  8. Restart your computer.

    When removing files, Malwarebytes may require a reboot to fully eliminate some threats. If you see a message indicating that a reboot is needed, please allow it. Once your computer has restarted and you are logged back in, you can continue with the remaining steps.


STEP 4: Use HitmanPro to scan your computer for badware

In this next step, we will scan the computer with HitmanPro to ensure that no other malicious programs are installed on your device.

HitmanPro is a second-opinion scanner that takes a unique cloud-based approach to malware scanning. HitmanPro scans the behavior of active files and also files in locations where malware normally resides for suspicious activity. If it finds a suspicious file that’s not already known, HitmanPro sends it to its clouds to be scanned by two of the best antivirus engines today, which are Bitdefender and Kaspersky.

Although HitmanPro is shareware and costs $24.95 for 1 year on 1 PC, there is no limit on scanning. The limitation only kicks in when there is a need to remove or quarantine detected malware by HitmanPro on your system and by then, you can activate the one-time 30-days trial to enable the cleanup.

  1. Download HitmanPro.

    You can download HitmanPro by clicking the link below.

    (The above link will open a new web page from where you can download HitmanPro)
  2. Install HitmanPro.

    When HitmanPro has finished downloading, double-click on “hitmanpro.exe” (for 32-bit versions of Windows) or “hitmanpro_x64.exe” (for 64-bit versions of Windows) to install this program on your computer. In most cases, downloaded files are saved to the Downloads folder.

    Double-click on the HitmanPro file

    You may be presented with a User Account Control pop-up asking if you want to allow HitmanPro to make changes to your device. If this happens, you should click “Yes” to continue with the installation.

    Windows asking for permissions to run the HitmanPro setup

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts.

    When HitmanPro starts you will be presented with the start screen as shown below. Click on the “Next” button to perform a system scan.

    Click Next to install HitmanPro on your PC

    HitmanPro final installer screen

  4. Wait for the HitmanPro scan to complete.

    HitmanPro will now begin to scan your computer for malicious programs.
    HitmanPro scans your computer for any infections, adware, or potentially unwanted programs that may be present

  5. Click on “Next”.

    When HitmanPro has finished the scan, it will display a list of all the malware that it has found. Click on the “Next” button to have HitmanPro remove the detected items.

    HitmanPro scan summary. Click Next to remove malware

  6. Click on “Activate free license”.

    HitmanPro may now require to activate the free 30-days trial to remove the malicious files. To do this, click on the “Activate free license” button to begin the free 30 days trial and remove all the malicious files from your computer.
    Click on the Activate free license button

    When the malware removal process is complete, it will display a screen that shows the status of the various programs that were removed. At this screen, you should click on the Next button and then if prompted you should click on the Reboot button. If HitmanPro does not prompt you to reboot, please just click on the Close button.

STEP 5: Use AdwCleaner to remove adware and malicious browser policies

In this final step, we will use AdwCleaner to remove the malicious browser policies that were set by browser hijackers on your computer and delete malicious browser extensions.

AdwCleaner is a free popular on-demand scanner that can detect and remove malware that even the most well-known anti-virus and anti-malware applications fail to find. This on-demand scanner includes a lot of tools that can be used to fix the side effects of adware. browser hijackers and other malware.

  1. Download AdwCleaner.

    You can download AdwCleaner by clicking the link below.


    (The above link will open a new web page from where you can download AdwCleaner)
  2. Double-click on the setup file.

    Double-click on the file named “adwcleaner_x.x.x.exe” to start AdwCleaner. In most cases, downloaded files are saved to the Downloads folder.
    Download AdwCleaner on your computer

    AdwCleaner program will now open and you will be presented with the program’s license agreement. After you read it, click on the I agree button if you wish to continue. If Windows prompts you as to whether or not you wish to run AdwCleaner, please allow it to run.

    Windows ask if you want to run AdwCleaner

  3. Enable “Reset Chrome policies” to remove malicious browser policies.

    When AdwCleaner starts, on the left side of the window, click on “Settings” and then enable “Reset Chrome policies“.

    Enable Reset Chrome policies to remove malicious browser policies

  4. Click on the “Scan” button.

    On the left side of the AdwCleaner window, click on “Dashboard” and then click “Scan” to perform a computer scan.

    Click on Scan to start a AdwCleaner scan

  5. Wait for the AdwCleaner scan to finish.

    AdwCleaner will now scan your computer for malware. This process can take a few minutes.

    AdwCleaner scanning for adware and other malware

  6. Click on “Quarantine” to remove malware.

    When the AdwCleaner scan is completed it will display all of the items it has found. Click on the “Quarantine” button to remove the malicious programs from your computer.

    Click on Quarantine to remove malware

  7. Click on “Continue” to remove the malicious programs.

    AdwCleaner will now prompt you to save any open files or data as the program will need to close any open programs before it starts to clean. Click on the “Continue” button to finish the removal process.
    Click Continue to remove malicious files

    AdwCleaner will now delete all detected malware from your computer. When the malware removal process is complete, you may be asked to restart your computer.

Your computer should now be free of Unwanted Apps and Malware and other malware.

If your current antivirus allowed this malicious program on your computer, you may want to consider purchasing Malwarebytes Premium to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still having problems with your computer after completing these instructions, then please follow one of the steps:

Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from Macs

Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from Mac

To remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from your Mac, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Remove malicious profiles

Profiles are used by IT admins in businesses to control the behavior of their Macs. These profiles can configure a Mac to do many different things, some of which are not otherwise possible.
When it comes to home users, adware and browser hijackers are using the configuration profile to prevent users from removing malicious programs from the computer. This also prevents the user from changing that behavior in the browser’s settings.

In this first step, we will check your computer to see if any configuration profiles are installed. To do this, follow the below steps:

  1. Open “System Preferences”

    From the Apple menu, select System Preferences.

  2. Search for “Profiles”

    When the System Preferences window opens, search for the Profiles icon.
    Search for Profiles in System Preferences

    If there isn’t a Profiles icon, you don’t have any profiles installed, which is normal and you can continue with the next steps.
  3. Remove the malicious profiles

    If there’s a Profile icon, click on it and select any suspicious profile that you want to remove, and then press the – (minus) button. Click Remove to remove the profile.
    Remove malicious profiles from your Mac

STEP 2: Delete malicious apps

In this second step, we will try to identify and remove any malicious apps and files that might be installed on your computer. Sometimes redirects or adware programs can have usable Uninstall entries that can be used to remove these programs.

  1. Quit the malicious programs

    On the Apple menu bar, in the top-right corner, if you see any unknown or suspicious icon, click on it and then select Quit.

  2. Open “Finder”

    Click the Finder application on your dock.
    Open Finder

  3. Click on “Applications”

    In the Finder left pane, click on “Applications“.
    Click on Applications

  4. Find and remove the malicious app.

    The “Applications” screen will be displayed with a list of all the apps installed on your device. Scroll through the list until you find the malicious app, right-click it, and then click “Move to Trash”.

    Look out for any suspicious program that could be behind all the drama – anything you don’t remember downloading or that doesn’t sound like a genuine program. Here are some known malicious programs: SearchMine, TakeFresh, TopResults, FeedBack, ApplicationEvents, GeneralOpen, PowerLog, MessengerNow, ImagePrime, GeneralNetSearch, Reading Cursors, GlobalTechSearch, PDFOnline-express, See Scenic Elf, MatchKnowledge, Easy Speedtest, or WebDiscover.

    Find malicious programs and Remove It

  5. Click “Empty Trash”

    On the dock, right-click on the trash icon and select “Empty Trash”. Doing so deletes the Trash’s contents, including the program that you just sent to the Trash.
    Empty Trash

  6. Find and remove the malicious files

    1. Click the desktop to make sure you’re in the Finder, choose “Go” then click on “Go to Folder“.Go to Folder mac
    2. Type or copy/paste each of the below paths into the window that opens, then click Go.
      • /Library/LaunchAgents
      • ~/Library/LaunchAgents
      • /Library/Application Support
      • /Library/LaunchDaemons
      Type the commands in the Go to Folder window

    3. Look out for any suspicious files that could be behind all the drama – anything you don’t remember downloading or that doesn’t sound like a genuine program. These are some known malicious files: “com.adobe.fpsaud.plist” “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, or “”. When you find a malicious file move it to the Trash.

STEP 3: Reset browsers back to default settings

In this third step, we will remove spam push notifications and malicious extensions, and change to default any settings that might have been changed by malware.
For each browser that you have installed on your computer, please click on the tab below and follow the displayed steps to reset that browser.

Safari BrowserChrome for Mac BrowserFirefox for Mac Browser
Remove malicious extensions and settings from Safari

To remove malware from Safari we will check if there are any malicious extensions installed on your browser and what settings have been changed by this malicious program.

  1. Go to Safari’s “Preferences”.

    On the menu bar, click the “Safari” menu and select “Preferences”.
    On the Menu bar Click on Safari then Preference

  2. Check Homepage.

    This will open a new window with your Safari preferences, opened to the “General” tab. Some browser hijackers may change your default homepage, so in the Homepage field make sure it’s a web page you want to use as your start-up page.

    Change Homepage in Safari

  3. Click “Extensions”

    Next, click on the “Extensions” tab.
    Click on Extensions MacOS

  4. Find and uninstall malicious extensions.

    The “Extensions” screen will be displayed with a list of all the extensions installed on Safari. Look out for any suspicious browser extension that could be behind all the drama – anything you don’t remember downloading or that doesn’t sound like a genuine extension. By default, there are no extensions installed on Safari so it’s safe to remove an extension
    Click on Uninstall to remove malicious extension

  5. Remove spam notifications ads

    Click Preferences, click Websites, then click Notifications. Deselect “Allow websites to ask for permission to send push notifications”.

    Deselect Allow websites to ask for permission to send push notifications

  6. Remove all data stored by websites on your computer.

    In the Safari menu, choose “Preferences…”, select “Privacy” at the top of the new window that appears, and then click the “Manage Website Data” button.
    Click Manage Website Data

    In the next dialog box, click “Remove All“. It will ask you if you are sure you want to remove all data stored by websites on your computer. Select “Remove Now” to clear data that could be used to track your browsing.

    Click Remove All Website Data

  7. Empty Safari Caches.

    From your Safari menu bar, click Safari and select Preferences, then select the Advanced tab. Enable the checkbox to “Show Develop menu in menu bar“.
    Show Dev Bar

    From the menu bar select Develop, then click on Empty Caches as seen in the image below.
    empty cache

Remove malware from Chrome for Mac

To remove malware from Chrome for Mac we will reset the browser settings to their default. Doing these steps will erase all configuration information from Chrome such as your home page, tab settings, saved form information, browsing history, and cookies. This process will also disable any installed extensions. All of your bookmarks, though, will be preserved.

  1. Click on the three dots at the top right and go to Settings.

    Click on Chrome’s main menu button, represented by three dots at the top right corner. Now click on the menu option labeled Settings as shown by the arrow in the picture below, which will open the basic settings screen. Click on the Chrome menu button then on the Settings button
  2. In the left sidebar, click on the “Reset and Cleanup” option.

    In the left sidebar, click on “Reset and clean up“. Click on Reset and Cleanup
  3. Click “Reset settings to their original defaults”.

    Now click on the “Reset settings to their original defaults”. link as shown in the image below.  Reset Chrome
  4. Click “Reset Settings” button.

    A confirmation dialog should now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, click on the “Reset Settings” button. Confirm Reset Chrome browser
  5. (Optional) Reset Chrome Data Sync.

    In case a malicious extension reinstalls itself even after performing a browser reset, you have an additional option to reset the data sync for your browser. To do this, navigate to and click on the Clear Data button. Chrome Sync Reset
Remove malware from Firefox for Mac

To remove malware from Firefox for Mac we will reset the browser settings to its default. The reset feature fixes many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information like bookmarks, passwords, web form auto-fill information, browsing history, and open tabs.

  1. Go to the “Help” menu.

    Click on Firefox’s main menu button, represented by three horizontal lines. When the drop-down menu appears, select the option labeled “Help“.
    Image - Click on the Firefox Menu button then select Help

  2. Click “Troubleshooting Information”.

    Next click on the “Troubleshooting Information” option as indicated by the arrow in the image below. This will bring you to a Troubleshooting page.

    Image - Troubleshooting Information option in Firefox Mac

  3. Click on “Refresh Firefox”

    Click the “Refresh Firefox” button in the upper-right corner of the “Troubleshooting Information” page.
    Image - Click on the Refresh Firefox button Mac

  4. Confirm.

    To continue, click on the “Refresh Firefox” button in the new confirmation window that opens.
    Image - Click again on Refresh Firefox button

  5. Click on “Finish”.

    Firefox will close itself and will revert to its default settings. When it’s done, a window will list the information that was imported. Click on the “Finish“.

Your old Firefox profile will be placed on your desktop in a folder named “Old Firefox Data“. If the reset didn’t fix your problem you can restore some of the information not saved by copying files to the new profile that was created. If you don’t need this folder any longer, you should delete it as it contains sensitive information.

STEP 4: Run a scan with Malwarebytes for Mac to remove malware

In this final step, we will scan the computer with Malwarebytes for Mac to find and remove any malicious programs that might be installed on your Mac.

Malwarebytes for Mac is an on-demand scanner that can destroy many types of malware that other software tends to miss without costing you absolutely anything. When it comes to cleaning up an infected device, Malwarebytes has always been free, and we recommend it as an essential tool in the fight against malware.

  1. Download Malwarebytes for Mac.

    You can download Malwarebytes for Mac by clicking the link below.

    (The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes for Mac)
  2. Double-click on the Malwarebytes setup file.

    When Malwarebytes has finished downloading, double-click on the setup file to install Malwarebytes on your computer. In most cases, downloaded files are saved to the Downloads folder.

    Double-click on setup file to install Malwarebytes

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to install Malwarebytes.

    When the Malwarebytes installation begins, you will see the Malwarebytes for Mac Installer which will guide you through the installation process. Click “Continue“, then keep following the prompts to continue with the installation process.

    Click Continue to install Malwarebytes for Mac

    Click again on Continue to install Malwarebytes for Mac for Mac

    Click Install to install Malwarebytes on Mac

    When your Malwarebytes installation completes, the program opens to the Welcome to Malwarebytes screen. Click the “Get started” button.

  4. Select “Personal Computer” or “Work Computer”.

    The Malwarebytes Welcome screen will first ask you what type of computer are you installing this program, click either Personal Computer or Work Computer.
    Select Personal Computer or Work Computer mac

  5. Click on “Scan”.

    To scan your computer with Malwarebytes, click on the “Scan” button. Malwarebytes for Mac will automatically update the antivirus database and start scanning your computer for malware.
    Click on Scan button to start a system scan Mac

  6. Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.

    Malwarebytes will scan your computer for adware, browser hijackers, and other malicious programs. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan to see when it is finished.
    Wait for Malwarebytes for Mac to scan for malware

  7. Click on “Quarantine”.

    When the scan has been completed, you will be presented with a screen showing the malware infections that Malwarebytes has detected. To remove the malware that Malwarebytes has found, click on the “Quarantine” button.
    Review the malicious programs and click on Quarantine to remove malware

  8. Restart computer.

    Malwarebytes will now remove all the malicious files that it has found. To complete the malware removal process, Malwarebytes may ask you to restart your computer.
    Malwarebytes For Mac requesting to restart computer

Your computer should now be free of Unwanted Apps and Malware and other malware.

If your current antivirus allowed a malicious program on your computer, you might want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still experiencing problems while trying to remove a malicious program from your computer, please ask for help in our Mac Malware Removal Help & Support forum.

Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from Android

Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from Android

To remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from your phone or tablet, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Uninstall malicious apps

In this first step, we will check if any malicious apps are installed on your phone. Sometimes browser hijackers or adware apps can have usable Uninstall entries that can be used to remove these apps.

  1. Open the “Settings” menu.

    Tap on the “Settings” app from your phone menu or home screen.
    Settings app in Android

  2. Tap on “Apps”.

    When the “Settings” menu opens, tap on “Apps” (or “App Manager”) to see all the installed applications on your phone.
    Tap on Apps

  3. Find the malicious app.

    The “Apps” screen will be displayed with a list of all the applications that are installed on your phone. Scroll through the list and look out for any suspicious app that could be behind all the drama – anything you don’t remember downloading or that doesn’t sound like a genuine program.
    Most often, cyber criminals hide malware inside video or photo editing apps, weather apps, and camera apps.

    Search trough the Apps list for the malicious app
  4. Uninstall the malicious app

    When you find a suspicious or malicious app, tap on it to uninstall it. This won’t start the app but will open up the app details screen. If the app is currently running press the “Force stop” button, then tap on “Uninstall”.
    Uninstall malicious app from Android

    A confirmation dialog should be displayed to confirm you want to uninstall the app, tap on “OK” to remove the malicious app from your phone.

    Confirm uninstall app from Android phone

STEP 2: Reset browsers back to default settings

In this second step, we will reset your browser to its default settings to remove spam notifications, unwated search redirects, and restore its factory settings

Resetting the browser settings to their default it’s an easy task on Windows or Mac computers; however, when it comes to Android, this can’t be done directly because it’s not an option built-in into the browser settings. Restoring the browser settings on Android can be done by clearing the application data. This will remove all the cookies, cache, and other site settings that may have been saved. So let’s see how we can restore your browser to its factory settings.

Chrome for AndroidFirefoxOperaSamsung Internet BrowserMicrosoft Edge

Remove malware from Chrome for Android

To reset Chrome for Android to its default settings, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the “Settings” menu.

    Tap on the “Settings” app from your phone menu or home screen.
    Settings app in Android

  2. Tap on “Apps”.

    When the “Settings” menu opens, tap on “Apps” (or “App Manager”) to see all the installed applications on your phone.
    Tap on Apps

  3. Find and tap on Chrome.

    The “Apps” screen will be displayed with a list of all the apps installed on your phone. Scroll through the list until you find the Chrome app, then tap on it to open the app’s details.
    Tap on Chrome

  4. Tap “Storage”.

    When Chrome’s app info menu is displayed, tap on “Storage“.
    Tap on Storage

  5. Tap “Manage Space”.

    Under the storage settings, you will get two options — Manage Space and Clear Cache. Tap on “Manage Space“.
    Tap on Manage Storage

  6. Tap “Clear all data”.

    Tap “Clear all data” to delete all Chrome’s data including accounts, bookmarks, and your settings to reset the default settings.
    Tap on Clear All Data

  7. Confirm by tapping “Ok”.

    A confirmation dialog should now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, tap “Ok“.
    Tap Ok to restore default settings

Remove malware from Firefox for Android

To reset Firefox for Android to its default settings, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the “Settings” menu.

    Tap on the “Settings” app from your phone menu or home screen.
    Settings app in Android

  2. Tap on “Apps”.

    When the “Settings” menu opens, tap on “Apps” (or “App Manager”) to see all the installed applications on your phone.
    Tap on Apps

  3. Find and tap on Firefox.

    The “Apps” screen will be displayed with a list of all the apps installed on your phone. Scroll through the list until you find the Firefox app, then tap on it to open the app’s details.
    Search trough the Apps list for the malicious app

  4. Tap “Storage”.

    When Firefox’s app info menu is displayed, tap on “Storage“.
    Firefox - Tap on Storage

  5. Tap “Manage Space”.

    Under the storage settings, you will get two options — Manage Space and Clear Cache. Tap on “Manage Space“.
    Firefox - Tap on Manage Storage

  6. Tap “Clear all data”.

    Tap “Clear all data” to delete all Firefox data including accounts, bookmarks, and your settings to reset the default settings.
    Firefox - Tap on Clear All Data

  7. Confirm by tapping “Ok”.

    A confirmation dialog should now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, tap “Ok“.

Remove malware from the Opera browser

To reset the Opera browser to its default settings, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the “Settings” menu.

    Tap on the “Settings” app from your phone menu or home screen.
    Settings app in Android

  2. Tap on “Apps”.

    When the “Settings” menu opens, tap on “Apps” (or “App Manager”) to see all the installed applications on your phone.
    Tap on Apps

  3. Find and tap on Opera.

    The “Apps” screen will be displayed with a list of all the apps installed on your phone. Scroll through the list until you find the Opera app, then tap on it to open the app’s details.
    Search trough the Apps list for the malicious app

  4. Tap “Storage”.

    When Opera’s app info menu is displayed, tap on “Storage“.
    Opera - Tap on Storage

  5. Tap “Manage Space”.

    Under the storage settings, you will get two options — Manage Space and Clear Cache. Tap on “Manage Space“.
    Opera - Tap on Manage Storage

  6. Tap “Clear all data”.

    Tap “Clear all data” to delete all Opera’s data including accounts, bookmarks, and your settings to reset the default settings.
    Opera - Tap on Clear All Data

  7. Confirm by tapping “Ok”.

    A confirmation dialog should now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, tap “Ok“.

Remove malware from Samsung Internet Browser

To reset the Samsung Internet Browser to its default settings, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the “Settings” menu.

    Tap on the “Settings” app from your phone menu or home screen.
    Settings app in Android

  2. Tap on “Apps”.

    When the “Settings” menu opens, tap on “Apps” (or “App Manager”) to see all the installed applications on your phone.
    Tap on Apps

  3. Find and tap on Samsung Internet Browser.

    The “Apps” screen will be displayed with a list of all the apps installed on your phone. Scroll through the list until you find the Samsung Internet Browser app, then tap on it to open the app’s details.
    Search trough the Apps list for the malicious app

  4. Tap “Storage”.

    When the Samsung Internet Browser’s app info menu is displayed, tap on “Storage“.
    Samsung Internet Browser - Tap on Storage

  5. Tap “Manage Space”.

    Under the storage settings, you will get two options — Manage Space and Clear Cache. Tap on “Manage Space“.
    Samsung Internet Browser - Tap on Manage Storage

  6. Tap “Clear all data”.

    Tap “Clear all data” to delete all Samsung Internet Browser’s data including accounts, bookmarks, and your settings to reset the default settings.
    Samsung Internet Browser - Tap on Clear All Data

  7. Confirm by tapping “Ok”.

    A confirmation dialog should now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, tap “Ok“.

Remove malware from Microsoft Edge for Android

To reset the Microsoft Edge for Android to its default settings, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the “Settings” menu.

    Tap on the “Settings” app from your phone menu or home screen.
    Settings app in Android

  2. Tap on “Apps”.

    When the “Settings” menu opens, tap on “Apps” (or “App Manager”) to see all the installed applications on your phone.
    Tap on Apps

  3. Find and tap on Microsoft Edge.

    The “Apps” screen will be displayed with a list of all the apps installed on your phone. Scroll through the list until you find the Microsoft Edge app, then tap on it to open the app’s details.
    Search trough the Apps list for the malicious app

  4. Tap “Storage”.

    When the Microsoft Edge’s app info menu is displayed, tap on “Storage“.
    Microsoft Edge - Tap on Storage

  5. Tap “Manage Space”.

    Under the storage settings, you will get two options — Manage Space and Clear Cache. Tap on “Manage Space“.
    Microsoft Edge - Tap on Manage Storage

  6. Tap “Clear all data”.

    Tap “Clear all data” to delete all Microsoft Edge’s data including accounts, bookmarks, and your settings to reset the default settings.
    Microsoft Edge - Tap on Clear All Data

  7. Confirm by tapping “Ok”.

    A confirmation dialog should now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, tap “Ok“.

STEP 3: Use Malwarebytes for Android to remove malicious apps

In this final step, we will install Malwarebytes for Android to scan and remove malicious apps from your phone or tablet.

Malwarebytes for Android automatically detects and removes dangerous threats like malware and ransomware so you don’t have to worry about your most-used device being compromised. Aggressive detection of adware and potentially unwanted programs keeps your Android phone or tablet running smooth.

  1. Download Malwarebytes for Android.

    You can download Malwarebytes for Android by clicking the link below.

    (The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes for Android)
  2. Install Malwarebytes for Android on your phone.

    In the Google Play Store, tap “Install” to install Malwarebytes for Android on your device.

    Tap Install to install Malwarebytes for Android

    When the installation process has finished, tap “Open” to begin using Malwarebytes for Android. You can also open Malwarebytes by tapping on its icon in your phone menu or home screen.
    Malwarebytes for Android - Open App

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup process

    When Malwarebytes will open, you will see the Malwarebytes Setup Wizard which will guide you through a series of permissions and other setup options.
    This is the first of two screens that explain the difference between the Premium and Free versions. Swipe this screen to continue.
    Malwarebytes Setup Screen 1
    Tap on “Got it” to proceed to the next step.
    Malwarebytes Setup Screen 2
    Malwarebytes for Android will now ask for a set of permissions that are required to scan your device and protect it from malware. Tap on “Give permission” to continue.
    Malwarebytes Setup Screen 3
    Tap on “Allow” to permit Malwarebytes to access the files on your phone.
    Malwarebytes Setup Screen 4

  4. Update database and run a scan with Malwarebytes for Android

    You will now be prompted to update the Malwarebytes database and run a full system scan.

    Malwarebytes fix issue

    Click on “Update database” to update the Malwarebytes for Android definitions to the latest version, then click on “Run full scan” to perform a system scan.

    Update database and run Malwarebytes scan on phone

  5. Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.

    Malwarebytes will now start scanning your phone for adware and other malicious apps. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan to see when it is finished.
    Malwarebytes scanning Android for Vmalware

  6. Click on “Remove Selected”.

    When the scan has been completed, you will be presented with a screen showing the malware infections that Malwarebytes for Android has detected. To remove the malicious apps that Malwarebytes has found, tap on the “Remove Selected” button.
    Remove malware from your phone

  7. Restart your phone.

    Malwarebytes for Android will now remove all the malicious apps that it has found. To complete the malware removal process, Malwarebytes may ask you to restart your device.

Your phone should now be free of Unwanted Apps and Malware and other malware.

If your current antivirus allowed a malicious app on your phone, you may want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still having problems with your phone after completing these instructions, then please follow one of the steps:

Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from iOS

Remove Unwanted Apps and Malware from iPhone and iPad

To remove Unwanted Apps and Malware alert from your iPhone and iPad, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Clean your browser

In this first step, we will clean your Safari browser by using the built-in “Clear History and Website Data” feature.
“Clear History and Website Data” allows you to delete the browsing history and website data that is stored on your device. This can include information such as the websites you have visited, your search history, and any data that has been stored by websites you have visited, such as cookies and cache.

  1. Do not tap on the malicious browser window or pop-ups. Instead, tap on the tab icon located in the lower right corner of the screen, as shown in the image below.
    Tabs Icon
  2. Tap the X button on the tab or swipe up to safely close it.
    Tap X to close malicious site
  3. Tap the Settings app.
    Open Settings App
  4. Toggle on Airplane Mode to temporarily disconnect your phone from the internet and block unwanted access.
    Enable Airplane Mode
  5. Scroll down and tap Safari.
    Tap Safari
  6. Tap Clear History and Website Data.
    Tap Clear History
  7. Confirm that you want to clear the history and data by tapping “Clear History and Data” in the pop-up window.
    Tap to confirm
  8. While in Safari settings, make sure to toggle on Block Pop-ups and Fraudulent Website Warning.
    Enable Popup Blocker
  9. Tap on Settings in the upper-left corner to return to the main Settings menu.
    Settings Shortcut
  10. Toggle Airplane Mode back off to re-connect your phone to the internet.
    Disable Airplane Mode

STEP 2: Delete unwanted apps

In the next step, we will remove any potentially unwanted apps that may be installed on your iPhone. If you have downloaded an app after being redirected to the App Store by suspicious websites, it is recommended to delete it.

  1. On the home screen, tap and hold on the app icon until all of the icons start to wiggle.

  2. Tap the “X” button that appears on the top left corner of the app icon.

  3. Confirm that you want to delete the app by tapping “Delete”.

That’s it, your iPhone should be clean and you can continue browsing the Internet. We recommend that you install an ad blocker like AdGuard to block the malicious ads.

If you continue to have malware related issues with your device after completing the above steps, we recommend to take one of these actions:

Frequently Asked Questions About the Fake McAfee Alerts

Below we’ve compiled some of the most common questions and answers regarding the “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” McAfee scams to help improve readers’ understanding.

What exactly is the McAfee “You Might Recently Browsed To Compromised Websites” scam?

This is a deceptive scheme where scammers use fake security alerts pretending to be from McAfee to trick users into believing their computer is infected with viruses. The pop-ups use the McAfee branding and urgent warnings to scare victims into purchasing unnecessary security software, allowing the scammers to profit from affiliate commissions.

How do the fake McAfee alerts reach users’ computers?

The scammers distribute the fake pop-ups through various channels, including:

  • Malicious advertisements on shady websites
  • Malware bundled with free software downloads
  • Browser extensions or add-ons containing adware
  • Redirect scripts on hacked sites

What techniques do the pop-ups use to appear real?

The fake McAfee pop-ups are carefully designed to mimic legitimate McAfee security scans. Tactics include:

  • Official McAfee branding and logos
  • Realistic progress bars and scanning animations
  • Warning texts written in urgent, authoritative language

What threats do the fake scans claim to detect?

The fake scans always claim to find multiple severe threats like viruses, Trojans, malware, and spyware. Examples include names like “Win32/Renos” and “Trojan.Keylogger”. This adds to the sense of urgency for victims.

How much money can scammers earn from each victim?

Commissions earned by scammers vary based on the McAfee product purchased, but often range from $30 to over $100 per sale. With large volumes of victims, these scams can generate hundreds of thousands in profit.

Is McAfee itself involved in the fake alerts?

No, McAfee is the victim in this scam. Scammers use the trusted McAfee brand name without authorization to trick users more easily. McAfee actively works to detect and shut down these scams when discovered.

How can I identify fake McAfee pop-ups and scans?

Watch for poorly worded warnings, low quality graphics, or anything that looks different from real McAfee interfaces. Run updated legit software like Windows Defender to double check for threats.

What should I do if a fake pop-up appears on my computer?

Do not click anything in the pop-up window. Close the window immediately through your browser or task manager. Run a trusted antivirus scan after to check for any other malware.

What steps can I take to avoid these scams entirely?

Stick to official sources when downloading software, use ad-blockers, keep your operating system updated, and exercise caution around suspicious ads or pop-ups online.

Are other major anti-virus brands victimized by similar scams?

Yes, impostor scams mimicking Norton, McAfee, and other top security vendors are also common. Always verify any security warnings come from your actual installed software.

With vigilance and awareness of how these lucrative scams operate, internet users can avoid being deceived by fake anti-virus alerts while surfing the web. Make sure to report any scam attempts you encounter to protect less tech-savvy individuals from falling victim.

The Bottom Line

The “McAfee Your PC is Infected” scam is a prime example of how cybercriminals leverage trusted brands and persuasive tactics to take advantage of unsuspecting internet users. By impersonating legitimate security software and instilling fear with fake virus alerts, they deceive victims into purchasing unnecessary products that provide no real value.

While the scam pages may look convincing on the surface, learning to identify the telltale signs of manipulation and urgent calls to action can empower readers to evade these traps. Trust your instincts – if an alarmist pop-up pressuring you to download software appears out of nowhere, it’s likely a fraud. Stick to downloading programs directly from reputable developers.

McAfee and other top cybersecurity companies work diligently to shut down these impersonation scams and prevent their logos from being misused. But users are the first line of defense. Through education, healthy skepticism, and safe browsing habits, we can starve these parasites of the attention and money they seek through deceit.

Stay vigilant in protecting yourself, but don’t let fear of cybercriminals stop you from enjoying all the internet has to offer. By spotting deception early and making smart decisions, you can continue to surf and download with confidence that you won’t fall victim to “infected PC” scams. Follow common sense security best practices, and your devices will remain virus-free without needing any miracle software promoted through shady pop-up ads.

How to Stay Safe Online

Here are 10 basic security tips to help you avoid malware and protect your device:

  1. Use a good antivirus and keep it up-to-date.

    Shield Guide

    It's essential to use a good quality antivirus and keep it up-to-date to stay ahead of the latest cyber threats. We are huge fans of Malwarebytes Premium and use it on all of our devices, including Windows and Mac computers as well as our mobile devices. Malwarebytes sits beside your traditional antivirus, filling in any gaps in its defenses, and providing extra protection against sneakier security threats.

  2. Keep software and operating systems up-to-date.


    Keep your operating system and apps up to date. Whenever an update is released for your device, download and install it right away. These updates often include security fixes, vulnerability patches, and other necessary maintenance.

  3. Be careful when installing programs and apps.

    install guide

    Pay close attention to installation screens and license agreements when installing software. Custom or advanced installation options will often disclose any third-party software that is also being installed. Take great care in every stage of the process and make sure you know what it is you're agreeing to before you click "Next."

  4. Install an ad blocker.

    Ad Blocker

    Use a browser-based content blocker, like AdGuard. Content blockers help stop malicious ads, Trojans, phishing, and other undesirable content that an antivirus product alone may not stop.

  5. Be careful what you download.

    Trojan Horse

    A top goal of cybercriminals is to trick you into downloading malware—programs or apps that carry malware or try to steal information. This malware can be disguised as an app: anything from a popular game to something that checks traffic or the weather.

  6. Be alert for people trying to trick you.

    warning sign

    Whether it's your email, phone, messenger, or other applications, always be alert and on guard for someone trying to trick you into clicking on links or replying to messages. Remember that it's easy to spoof phone numbers, so a familiar name or number doesn't make messages more trustworthy.

  7. Back up your data.

    backup sign

    Back up your data frequently and check that your backup data can be restored. You can do this manually on an external HDD/USB stick, or automatically using backup software. This is also the best way to counter ransomware. Never connect the backup drive to a computer if you suspect that the computer is infected with malware.

  8. Choose strong passwords.

    lock sign

    Use strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts. Avoid using personal information or easily guessable words in your passwords. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your accounts whenever possible.

  9. Be careful where you click.

    cursor sign

    Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. These could potentially contain malware or phishing scams.

  10. Don't use pirated software.

    Shady Guide

    Avoid using Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing programs, keygens, cracks, and other pirated software that can often compromise your data, privacy, or both.

To avoid potential dangers on the internet, it's important to follow these 10 basic safety rules. By doing so, you can protect yourself from many of the unpleasant surprises that can arise when using the web.