snafu for discussion: running 1.9.76 which appears to be the latest stable (non-nightly) version. Just experienced something potentially very concerning. When I logged into MT tonight, I copied my username from keepass 2.45 and my password also immediately autofilled and took me to the 2fa login page. but STOP, HOW was the pw loaded? I have no (ie zero) saved pw in Brave all that is disabled in settings. It just occurred to me, could this be a keepass snafu?? Been using keepass for long time, never failed me, very manual. I have to do something to copy and paste a username or password. (my security universe is crumbling down around me...

EDIT update: I logged in to MT this afternoon with keepass, and all normal, ie, no autofill of pw. maybe I had a fat finger on keyboard using keepass last night...
not worried.