Food for thought:
The guiding principles under which Comodo Firewall was developed dates back from Windows XP. For fun I installed CFW and tried some of its features. After some playing around I noticed why even a security expert like CruelSister advices in her config to disable the HIPS.
For comparison the build-in Windows HIPS (called Attack Surface Reduction rules and Windows Exploit Protection settings per program) are way less troublesome. In the past decades the Windows operating system has evolved using a different protection paradigma: ASR + WEP have an allow all, restrict specific while Comodo HIPS rules are restrict all, allow specific.
While playing with CFW (yesterday afternoon) I soon gave up tweaking myself and simply used CS config. That soon made me realize that security at this level is better left to the professionals. So choosing between Comodo FW and my old setup is choosing between 1 expert (CruelSister) versus the knowledge the Kaspersky team put in to System watcher.
The idea that 1 expert (CuelSister) is able to develop a better base line protection than all developers at Comodo made me decide to put my trust into the Kaspersky team. So I went back to the combo Kaspersky Cloud Free + Neushield Data sentinel Free+ HardConfigurator (recommended) + some additional Windows Exploit Protection (e.g. deny SyncbackFree to launch other programs, allow only Microsoft signed in Edge).
This Comodo journey definitely had a surprising experience for me. I learned to know my father a bit better. I remembered the avitar of CruelSister as one of my fathers LP albums, so I asked him (yesterday evening) whether he recognized the picture.
After a confusing moment (for me) because my father answered "yes I was in love with her". When he noticed my confusion, he said "no worries Len, half of my male age peers would love an evening out with her". Next he ran to attic and came back with an allbum of Blondie and an old LongPlayer device.
After half an hour my mother asked whether we could go to the study room because her favourite TV-series started (old folks still watch broadcast

. I learned my father how to stream music and under the joy of a few beers I learned about my father's favourite music: Blondie, Ramones, Talking Heads, Mink Deville, The Cure, Iggy Pop, Velvet Underground (I even recognised
@oldschool old avitar Frank Zappa) and Prince & David Bowie (which I both knew)
So thanks a lot
@cruelsister for this father-son experence