In past, I only used Comodo Firewall (free)(with Cruelsister's suggested settings).
Me too.
Did not experience bugs (or perceive any), and I think it was updated during, or with-in, a 3-year period.
Firstly, please let's be honest: The only reason Comodo barely survives as a subject in this forum, is due to its sand-boxing capabilities. Comodo without sand-boxing... nobody would use it, nor would it be a topic in this forum.
That's the reason most of Comodo users only used CF. Other Comodo products (Antivirus, CIS etc) are trash, they never had significant market share, it's very rare to find a Comodo user interested on non sand-boxing Comodo products/features.
CF specifically, it's around 3 years without updates and upgrades + bugs not fixed + it's not officially compatible with Windows 11 (even the latest free Comodo Antivirus is not officially compatible with Windows 11... can you believe that? What kind of security company will offer in 2023 a not official compatible Windows 11 software? What about "average Joe" installing an antivirus without understanding that might be not compatible with its OS?).
Worse, at Comodo Forum, along the past 3 years, CF accumulated tons of bugs. Yeah, some of them are trivial (UI bugs), some of them are harmless, but ton of them are dangerous bugs.
I was one of the active participants at Comodo Forum, along 3 years the bug report took endless pages and pages of serious bugs, and one day, in the name of a shady "Comodo Policy", Comodo decided to delete the entire bug page at Comodo Forum. Nice way to disguise censorship!
Comodo never updated nor upgraded CF in (around) 3 years. Never made CF compatible with Windows 11. Never fixed tons of bugs. And always denied reality by minimizing bugs, while promising new solutions, blah blah blah.
I still love Comodo, but the above are the objective facts, and the reality. I do have an emotional side in favor of Comodo and I plan to test next Comodo version. But I can't ignore objective facts and reality.
I don't have CF past update release dates in front of me, so you may be right about 3-years... but seems like an overstatement depending when you are measuring from - to.

My hardware does not run win11 so that's a non-issue for me.
Above you related your subjective experience. And I respect that!
But the point is to distinguish between SUBJECTIVE vs OBJECTIVE opinions.
Subjective opinions (like yours) are untouchable, and everybody has the right to share, to express or to defend them! However, to ignore objective facts is a sign of fanboysm = fanaticism = irrationality.
Most of the few remaining Comodo survivors are fanboys/girls, they blindly defend a security product that is full of bugs, no updates/upgrades in around 3 years, no Windows 11 compatibly... again, Comdo is supposed to be a SECURITY SOFTWARE, it's not an old Tetris game people like to play.
I repeat, the problem is not to defend subjective Comodo experiences. The problem is the fanaticism, the irrationality, the methodical and systematic denial of reality by minimizing bugs, ignoring the lack of updates/upgrades, incompatibilities with Windows 11 etc.
Some people like to eat trash food everyday. I respect that!
I also respect their right to defend trash food.
Now, to ignore the fact that trash food will kill you and will kill everybody... this is not good!
I'm not sure of purpose of this thread since it is titled Comodo 2024 (started Fed 2023) and folks are arguing why it is not updated or out yet

I am not currently running CF but when I did, it worked as expected, some folks say it still does, other disagree.
I'm "Joe Nobody" and can't define "thread purposes". I like to think this is a free place, and people are free to express any opinion (with or without purpose).
My humble collaboration is about to distinguish between SUBJECTIVE vs OBJECTIVE. Never as a censorship! But always as a complement!
For example, you asked me about "low quality" and subjectivity. I answered you "low quality" = Around 3 years without updates/upgrades, full of bugs, not compatible with Windows 11. I also added the fact that many other Comodo products are trash (Antivirus etc). At our level of security software home product users, almost no one is using single Comodo products without sand-boxing feature. If you remove the sand-boxing feature, Comodo is trash = "low quality".
Now, it's up to you to decide what "low quality" is. I'm not here to convince you about nothing. I presented you the objective facts and the reality. If your final conclusion is that I'm subjective, no problem Man, I respect you!
PS: Comodo Fanboy/girls always present their own subjective experiences believing that "if Comodo works for them, then it works for everybody". That's a fallacy.
Can you imagine every security software doing the same? Can you image a reality where security software are not updated/upgraded in years, full of bugs, incompatible with Windows 11, and where people are using security software based only on Fanboys/girls subjective experiences?