Correct, didn't think of that. You go in hips rules, you right click comodo internet security group, select settings, you go at protection settings and change the interprocess memory access exclusion and add setpoint.exe
@hjlbx @Umbra
Can someone help me understand trusted files because i am not sure how things work. I know that trusted vendors and trusted apps have their files as trusted. What i don't understand is that i run an application and it automatically gets added in trusted list and some other apps don't. Am i correct in saying that comodo has a safe file list that i can't edit and it allows those files or i am missing a setting to ask me what to do?
Hope i am clear but if not ask me so i can try and clarify.
What i want to achieve is anything not a trusted vendor or in hips list to be unrecognized until i change it.
EDIT2: So to achieve that i figured out you need to disable cloud lookup. Now my question is is the cloud lookup a list made by comodo or depends if users click allow or not and then if a certain percentage is yes it's marked as allowed?
I assume it's the first so enabling it it's good but just want a confirmation if they allow all future updates of the program or it's based on hash.