Let's Block It!
Remove low-quality content and useless nags, focus on what matters. Make the web yours again with this collection of community-owned content filters.
A companion to the great uBlock Origin content blocker.
Website: Let's Block It!
It's Open-source
The filter corpus and the server code are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
This official instance is the simplest way to get started, but you can also self-host the server or use the offline render CLI if you prefer.
GitHub: GitHub - letsblockit/letsblockit: Remove low-quality content and useless nags, focus on what matters. A community-maintained uBlock Origin filter set.
Where do I start?
You can use our filters without an account, just set your options and copy the result in your uBlock Origin settings (in the My rules tab). But we recommend creating an account to:
It’s as easy as 1-2-3… and 4:
- benefit from the community fixes when the target websites are updated
- sync your filters on several devices
1. Install uBlock Origin if you don’t already have it,
2. Create an account to start your list,
3. Browse the filter list, choose and customize your filters,
4. Add your personal list to uBlock, on all your browsers, even Firefox Mobile,
5. Give back by contributing new filters if you can!
Filter by tag:
My experience:
Let's Block It! provides filters for uBlock Origin, which you can copy in the "My rules" section of UO or create your own personal filter list (.txt link), which you can import in the "Filter lists" section of UO. You need to create an account for a personal filter list. Currently, you cannot create multiple personal filter lists.
I'm using my personal filter list in uBlock Origin and in AdGuard on multiple devices:
Windows: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Vivaldi (uBlock Origin). Chrome and Edge (AdGuard Extension).
Android: Firefox (uBlock Origin). Chrome (AdGuard Premium).
iPad: Safari (AdGuard Premium).
The filters are effective and work well. My personal filter list includes YouTube filters and Google Search filters.
YouTube Music: interface cleanups:
Enabled: Hide promo for YouTube Premium
Enabled: Hide "Mixed for you"
Enabled: Hide "Recommended playlists"
Enabled: Hide playlists made by YouTube Music
Disabled: Hide "Related" tab next to the music video
YouTube: hide video recommendations
Disabled: Hide the related videos sidebar when watching a video
Disabled: Hide video suggestions on the homepage
Enabled: Hide video suggestions that obscure the end of the video
Enabled: Hide the video grid shown after a video ends
Enabled: Hide suggestions on playlist pages
YouTube: homepage interface cleanups
Enabled: Hide all sections on the homepage that doesn't contain videos. If this rule is enabled the other rules are not needed.
Disabled: Hide section called "New Posts" on the homepage
YouTube: left menu interface cleanups
Enabled: Hide heading called "You" in the sidebar on the homepage
Enabled: Hide section called "Explore" in the sidebar on the homepage
Enabled: Hide section called "More from YouTube" in the sidebar on the homepage
YouTube: video playback interface cleanups
Enabled: Hide the channel description box under videos and shorts
Enabled: Hide the hashtags above the video title
Enabled: Hide the text label of the dislike/share/download/report/save buttons
Enabled: Hide the copyright notice in the video description
Enabled: Removes channel information below the video description
Disabled: Hide the chapter timeline in the video description box
Enabled: Hides the section that says "follow the transcript" in the video description box
Enabled: Hide the live chat when viewing streams
Enabled: Hide the reaction bar in the live chat, which hovers over messages
Enabled: Don't enter / exit fullscreen on double-click
Enabled: Disable touchscreen swipe actions (switch tab, PIP mode...)
Disabled: Disable ambient mode
Enabled: Disable infinite srolling in YouTube Shorts
Enabled: Hide all comments below the video
YouTube: filter out Short
YouTube: filter out mixes and radios
YouTube: filter out upcoming videos and streams
YouTube: search interface cleanups
Google Search: interface cleanups
Enabled: Hide most rich-content results (images, stories, businesses...) in the web search
Enabled: Hide the "People also ask" contextual content
Enabled: Hide the "Related searches" bottom content
Enabled: Hide the "People also search for" popup shown when returning to results
Enabled: Hide instant answer and rich context result section in the search box
Enabled: Block the "Trending searches" / "Related to recent searches" default autocomplete options
Enabled: Hide the "Similar searches" contextual content in image searches
Enabled: Hide the "Question and Answer" box in right hand pane
Enabled: Hide the "Reviews" box in right hand pane
Enabled: Hide the search page footer showing your address
There are more YouTube filters that I didn't include in my personal filter list. Here are those for your information.
YouTube: filter out videos by channel
YouTube: filter out videos by duration
YouTube: filter out videos by title
YouTube: filter out videos you already watched
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