Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that all promo codes will remain active. Some offers have a short validation period and expire.
verry light
Here is the 6 month Promo Link http://www.pandasecurity.com/spain/promotions/clientes-allianz/
The above link is the Official link from Panda just to verify the Promo installer instead of just posting a direct link to the exe file
*However, be advised that if you have already used any trial version of Panda Internet Security 2015, you will not be able to active this special 180 days trial edition.
This can be used for the English version as well?
The links provided in the OP are direct links to the installers.All installers are in English,even the ones from the Spanish site
You can look at a thousand tests & reviews and get a thousand different answers.Best advice is give it a try and see how it performs for you.What is the rating of PANDA world over ? where it stands among the best ?? Can anyone put some light on this ?
Yes, It will.Anyway,
If I'm not connected will it be able to scan my computer?