Well here's something kinda neat. Chrome running obediently in Sbie, nested in the loving arms of Windows 10 v.1809.

Surely, experts in Sbie/Chrome will know this already but it's new to me, literally. Briefly, sandbox configured for Chrome and a spam of BITS errors occurs in event viewer, without affecting functionality. The issue is better explained
here: OK so learning from that to disable the two Google updaters via msconfig (it seems in Windows 10, Chrome uses Windows BITS and Sbie blocks access to the service :emoji_ok_hand

However, once machine restarted, the BITS errors stopped and WHEA Logger warnings 17 began spamming instead, dozens and dozens. If one isn't aware of the likely cause and effect, you'd be scared your drive was twirling down the drain, esp if driver is up to date.
What I did, I uninstalled Sbie (not Chrome), reinstalled and configured from scratch. Shutdown machine. Boot machine. Extensions off/on makes no difference but WHEAs gone and haven't returned though Chrome would be searching for updates long ago, two times over. I'm OCD about errors in Event Viewer. Overkill and unnecessary: probably, but very clean and efficiently running at the moment and no wasting of a sub. I write about this only because of the WHEA warnings occuring with an M.2 drive--wonder why it would occur? Right now, the browser runs in Sbie virtually instantly and error-free, with three extensions causing no hangups (trace, uBO, Emsisoft). Anyone with better insight, please don't hesitate to correct anything, but I consider the WHEA issue resolved, at least for now. Haven't found anything like this in searches, general and in Sandboxie forum. Also, I'll have to watch out for Chrome updates and manually update, I guess.
Also, after 2 1/2 years, you wonder if your hardware is sliding downhill so I blew out the dust from the GPU and fans, reseated the RAM, which is 3 yrs old, into slots 1 and 3, and TRIMMED the drive. Ran Passmark thinking "oh well" and surprise, surprise, a small improvement (no overclocks). Left: bench from July 2018, Right: bench from yesterday.
Just air-cooled, browsing only.
Edit: 1/16/2019. Both errors/warnings are back, albeit in far lesser quantity. Sigh. Well, I disabled the Chrome Elevation Service as well, it's not too bad but I don't like these errors, even though they don't affect much. Let's see how it goes.