Installed Hard_Configurator H_C. I decided to see what Simple Windows Hardening is, especially since it is portable. SWH at startup immediately sets the rules without asking the user, and broke the H_C rules. I think that SWH should still ask the user for consent to set the rules. Silence is not very good.
The intention of SWH is to make some hardening without using the H_C. The hardening is simple because it is done without asking the user about things that should be done anyway.
Most users who wants to harden the system will prefer this way, as compared to seeing unnecessary alerts.
You probably think that SWH can be used by inexperienced users. This might support your wishes about some more alerts. But, in my opinion, any sensible hardening should be done by (semi)advanced users (like many MT members). It can be useful on the computers of inexperienced users, but the configuration and occasional maintenance should be done by (semi)advanced user.
SWH does not break the H_C rules, but simply applies the settings similar to H_C's Basic Recommended Settings - all whitelisted entries are not changed.