Vivaldi Web Browser Updates

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Aug 17, 2014
Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.5.676.6

Easier tab selection by domain - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.5.676.6 - Vivaldi Web browser Community
This week has been a very successful one for us, with the release of the 1.5 final but we have not let up. Today we have 20+ new fixes for you and a very interesting new feature related to tab management. We also did some work on our startup procedure and would love to hear feedback on if you notice any difference.
Download (1.5.676.6)


Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Named Tab Stacks - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.682.3
Blogpost: Named Tab Stacks - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.682.3 - Vivaldi Web browser Community

For today’s snapshot we give you the option to name tab stacks, we’ve made improvements to our reader mode, added a fix for the long-standing issue with the mouse cursor displaying in full-screen videos and we fixed a bunch of regressions! We also did a major update of Chromium to 55.0.2883.64.

Named Tab Stacks
We continue to work on tab management and you can now assign a name to your tab stacks. It is still work in progress and hence the option is off by default but if you want to enable and try it, go to "Settings → Tabs → Tab Features → Tab stacking → Allow Tab Stack Renaming".

To rename a tab stack, right click on it and choose "Rename tab stack". The name will display for all tabs in the stack. You can still see their individual titles via hovering them or in the tab cycler. You can also remove the name by deleting it and the tabs will return to their default names

Let us know what you think so far and where you would like to see us go with this feature in the future.

Download (1.6.682.3)


Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Page Title Tab Notifications - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.687.3
Blogpost and Changelog: Page Title Tab Notifications - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.687.3 - Vivaldi Web browser Community

For today's snapshot we introduce a new type of in tab notification that works especially well with pinned tabs on messaging and social media websites and provide a new way to jump to a parent directory on a website. In addition, we fix a number of important bugs as we start to stabilize Vivaldi 1.6.

Page Title Tab Notifications
Many of you may have observed that many social media and messaging sites update the start of their page titles with numbers to indicate notifications. It's a great trick, unless you have pinned tabs or so many tabs that the title does not show at all. In addition, even with big tabs, these numbers do not always stand out.

Today's build attempts to address these issues. We detect the numbers enclosed and highlight it above the favicon. The look of this notification also conforms to the theme you use, adjusting its color and roundness accordingly.

The counter goes up to 9 and then displays as a "+". This is a space saving mechanism within the favicon area as large numbers become unreadable or obscure too much of the favicon. However, no information is lost, even with small tabs you can read the full number by hovering the tab to see the full page title.

Let us know what you think and if you encounter any issues. If you do wish to disable this feature, it is controlled by "Settings → Tabs → Tab Display → Display Page Title Notifications"

Cut the URL via Ctrl/⌘ mouse click
The second feature in this build allows you to cut the end off a URL by holding Ctrl (or ⌘) when click on a word within the URL. This makes it very easy to move upwards through a directory structure on a website. It is still work in progress but useful enough that we thought we would mention it to you already. As always, we welcome any thoughts or feedback.

Download (1.6.687.3)


Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Next to todays snapshot, there was also an update released to the STABLE version.
Minor update to Vivaldi 1.5 - delta (small) update for Windows
Blogpost and Changelog: Minor update to Vivaldi 1.5 - delta (small) update for Windows - Vivaldi Web browser Community

Yesterday we released a minor upgrade to Vivaldi 1.5 to fix a few, small but important issues found in the stable release. It was also the first time we tested our new delta update system on Windows.

A normal upgrade of Vivaldi for Windows using our default packages would have resulted in a 38.5Mb download, however the delta upgrade is less than 1% of that size (323Kb). So small in fact that it would have fit on a floppy disk!
More seriously, this decrease is a fantastic saving for those of you who have metered bandwidth and makes the upgrade process much more reliable for those on poor connections.

There are no installers provided for this build, you need to update the browser via: Vivaldi menu -> Help -> Search for new versions - > Install update in the window that appears.

Changelog since the first 1.5 release
  • [Windows] Updater window out of focus VB-22431
  • [Windows] Not all translation files get packaged (e.g. Mexican Spanish)
  • [macOS] Disable macOS Sierra tabs feature as it causes problems VB-22113
  • Default zoom is not honored for Websites opens with middle click or mouse gesture VB-23180
  • No referer header with open new tab VB-11034
  • Copying the first character in the URL bar results in the entire contents being copied VB-23246


Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Thumbnails and HiDPI improvements - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.689.13
Blogpost and changelog: Thumbnails and HiDPI improvements - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.689.13 - Vivaldi Web browser Community

In today's snapshot we finally resolved a long-standing issue with thumbnails for tabs opened in the background, have a couple of improvements to HiPDI for our Windows fans and fixed several important regressions.

Download (1.6.689.13)



In memoriam 1961-2018
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Jun 9, 2013
  • Thumbnail and HiDI improvements -Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.1.689.13

  • In today's snapshot we finally resolved a long-standing issue with thumbnails for tabs opened in the background, have a couple of improvements to HiPDI for our Windows fans and fixed several important regressions.

    Download (1.6.689.13)Changelog
    • [Windows][HiDPI] HTML in update dialog not HIDPI friendly (VB-17735)
    • [Windows][HiDPI][Regression] Installer looks blurry on HiDPI displays (VB-23934)
    • [Windows] Auto update should not open immediately after user has checked for update manually (VB-23857)
    • [Regression] Links unreacheable in warning page about invalid certicate (VB-23710)
    • [Regression] Change in number of Speed Dial column shown (VB-23718)
    • [Regression] Webm/MP4 content crashes the current page when trying to advance the video (VB-23817)
    • [Bookmarks] Show site name or URL in tooltip when hover an icon in bookmarks bar (VB-22887)
    • [Search field] Search bar typed history is filtered towards content in search bar (VB-23612)
    • [Search field] Delete typed history not working correctly (VB-23927)
    • [Search field] Remove the icon from typed history
    • [Thumbnails] Pages loaded in background tab do not update thumbnail (VB-2991)
    • [URL field] Show pointer while hovering with Ctrl/⌘ (VB-23962)
    • Group tab stack related context menu items
    • Two windows where 1 has a fullscreen video makes the cursor hide even in other window. (VB-23733)



Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Vivaldi 1.6RC 1 - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.689.29
Blogpost and changelog: Vivaldi 1.6RC 1 - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.689.29 - Vivaldi Web browser Community

We start off the week with the first release candidate for Vivaldi 1.6. This RC resolves a major regression for Mac users with swiping through history.

Note: This build will receive updates from the snapshot autoupdate stream. Even if there are no additional changes, Vivaldi will be rebuilt for the stable autoupdate stream, resulting in another version number change.

Download (1.6.689.29)


Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Vivaldi 1.6RC 2 - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.689.32
Blogpost and changelog: Vivaldi 1.6RC 2 - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.6.689.32 - Vivaldi Web browser Community

Today's snapshot is another release candidate for 1.6 stable. Here we fix an issue that some of you encountered with lost passwords, made a tweak to our tab notifications feature to allow Gmail to work and fixed a problem with Web Panels that could also cause Vivaldi to fail to start.

Note: This build will receive updates from the snapshot autoupdate stream. Even if there are no additional changes, Vivaldi will be rebuilt for the stable autoupdate stream, resulting in another version number change.

Download (1.6.689.32)


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Aug 17, 2014
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Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Powerful commands to control noisy tabs - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.7.735.11
Blogpost and full changelog:Powerful commands to control noisy tabs - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.7.735.11 - Vivaldi Web browser Community

Is there anything more annoying than a video or advert in a background tab causing unwanted noise? Our initial tab muting feature helped to identify the tabs causing the problem and mute them but in 1.7 we wanted to make sound control even more powerful.

We have now made the tab muting feature more accessible to those of you who work primarily with the keyboard. We also decided to provide even more options to precisely control the behaviour of sound in tabs, including commands to "Mute/unmute Tab", "Mute Other Tabs", "Mute All Tabs", "Unmute Other Tabs" and "Unmute All Tabs". So that no matter how many tabs you have open and what the web throws at you, you have the power to quickly control what plays and what doesn't!


To access these features simply call up Quick Commands via "F2/⌘+E" and type "mute", then select the option you want via the arrow keys. Alternatively, you can define keyboard shortcuts for any of these new options via "Settings → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts → Tab" and mouse gestures under "Settings → Mouse → Gesture Mapping".

If you have friends who have complained about noisy tabs, remember to let them know about Vivaldi.

Download (1.7.735.11)


Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Closing in on the 1.7 final - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.7.735.27
Blogpost and changelog: Closing in on the 1.7 final - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.7.735.27 - Vivaldi Web browser Community

It's the last day of the month and here we are with another snapshot, focusing on fixing as many regressions as we can, to give you a polished and stable release.

Screenshots often replace the written communication in our lives and built-in screenshot functionality in Vivaldi only makes your browsing easier. We have received some great feedback on this feature and we have added another dimension to it. This time it is in the Notes panel. You could already save screenshots for your records but now you can capture selected areas of the websites and add them to the notes. The ability to capture the selected areas helps you to share information more efficiently.

As we continue to work on a stable release, here are a few highlights that are worth a mention such as deleting typed history in the private data section should now work correctly. There is also a reason for our Mac users to smile as the capture page now works through mac’s native menu. Take a look at the changelog for a full overview of the changes.

Although there are a few more things we know we have to fix, we are actually very close to the final 1.7 release now but if you are concerned that we have missed anything, now is your chance to remind us. Please focus particularly on anything that has broken since the 1.6 final.

Download (1.7.735.27)


Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
History panel - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.7.735.29
Blogpost and changelog: History panel - Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1.7.735.29 - Vivaldi Web browser Community

Work continues as we progress to a 1.7 final in the (very) near future but before that happens we wanted to give you a final treat. Today's snapshot includes a history panel. We also include an extra visual clue when a wesbite requests password information over a non encrypted connection.

History panel:
The new history panel provides convenient access to your browsing history, shown alongside the pages you are currently viewing. Thus it provides a new and much quicker way to locate a URL you visited before. The panel also includes search and date range options, to make it even easier to find that elusive URL.


Passwords over HTTP
Sending a password over a HTTP connection is a bad idea, so any website that attempts to request this will now have the text "not secure" added to its site badge.
In addition to feedback on this new panel our focus is still on any regressions since the 1.6 final, so let us know what you find.

Download (1.7.735.29)



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Aug 17, 2014
Vivaldi 1.7RC 1 – Vivaldi Browser Snapshot 1.7.735.36

Vivaldi 1.7RC1 – Snapshot 1.7.735.36 | Vivaldi Browser
Today’s snapshot is our first release candidate for 1.7 stable and includes improvements to our new history panel.
Note: This build will receive updates from the snapshot autoupdate stream. Even if there are no additional changes, Vivaldi will be rebuilt for the stable autoupdate stream, resulting in another version number change.
  • [Regression] [Windows][Linux] Crash using drop-down list in the options of extension ImprovedTube (VB-25423)
  • [Regression] Extensions popup not scrolling if content exceeds screen size (VB-13241)
  • [Regression] Cannot change search engine in search field with Japanese UI (VB-25427)
  • [History panel] Add mapable keyboard shortcut and mouse gesture (VB-25493)
  • [History panel] Displayed history does not change when the computer date changes (VB-25470)
  • [History panel] Panel seems to affect performance negatively (VB-25509)
  • Updated various translations
  • Updated Chromium to 56.0.2924.88
Download (1.7.735.36)
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Level 53
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Aug 2, 2015
Vivaldi 1.7RC 1 – Vivaldi Browser Snapshot 1.7.735.36

Vivaldi 1.7RC1 – Snapshot 1.7.735.36 | Vivaldi Browser

  • [Regression] [Windows][Linux] Crash using drop-down list in the options of extension ImprovedTube (VB-25423)
  • [Regression] Extensions popup not scrolling if content exceeds screen size (VB-13241)
  • [Regression] Cannot change search engine in search field with Japanese UI (VB-25427)
  • [History panel] Add mapable keyboard shortcut and mouse gesture (VB-25493)
  • [History panel] Displayed history does not change when the computer date changes (VB-25470)
  • [History panel] Panel seems to affect performance negatively (VB-25509)
  • Updated various translations
  • Updated Chromium to 56.0.2924.88
Download (1.7.735.36)
Thanks brother ;)


Level 40
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Sep 26, 2014
Browser is constantly improving with each new release that is released. The only problem that is still current is that it still feels slow at times, compared to Chromium or anything based on it.
I agree with you.
When they will optimize Vivaldi to use less cpu as Chrome,Cent and Slimjet i think it will become my default browser;).
Except if Firefox makes a huge step in performance and then we will have a new ball game:D

Handsome Recluse

Level 23
Top Poster
Nov 17, 2016
Tab Stacking's the best. It's slow though, maybe just the animations. But I'm sure it becomes slower faster than any other browser I've used. It also fails to load some elements of a webpage like captchas.
@tonibalas But will that ever come? They're a small company after all who was part of something that gave up a power browser. The speed might not even come with something that has as many features considering bigger companies don't even think it's worth having that many features.

Pat MacKnife

Level 17
Top Poster
Jul 14, 2015
Tried it yesterday several times (v 1.6. 890) , but can not set a homepage when vivaldi starts, always opens on the same page and always starts minimized :(

I'm on win 10 64 bit
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Level 21
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Aug 6, 2014
Browser is constantly improving with each new release that is released. The only problem that is still current is that it still feels slow at times, compared to Chromium or anything based on it.
I agree with you.
When they will optimize Vivaldi to use less cpu as Chrome,Cent and Slimjet i think it will become my default browser;).
Except if Firefox makes a huge step in performance and then we will have a new ball game:D
The developers are aware of the fact that Vivaldi is slightly slower than the other browsers, but they are constantly trying to improve the overall speed and performance.

Tab Stacking's the best. It's slow though, maybe just the animations. But I'm sure it becomes slower faster than any other browser I've used. It also fails to load some elements of a webpage like captchas.
@tonibalas But will that ever come? They're a small company after all who was part of something that gave up a power browser. The speed might not even come with something that has as many features considering bigger companies don't even think it's worth having that many features.
Having many features of course does need some RAM and resources when you use them. However, only if you use a certain feature it needs the resources. They are programming it in a way that if you don't use it, it shouldn't eat resources. This way, the browser doesn't become too bloated.
I personally have never encountered issues with captchas yet in Vivaldi, they always display as they should do. (Are you sure it isn't a conflict with an adblocker or something similar?) If not and you see that behaviour again, please fill in a bug report to let the devs know: Report a Bug – Vivaldi. And yes tab stacking is great :)

Tried it yesterday several times (v 1.6. 890) , but can not set a homepage when vivaldi starts, always opens on the same page and always starts minimized :(

I'm on Windows 10 64 bit
To set a certain homepage go to the settings (alt+p or type vivaldi://settings/startup/ in adress bar) -> startup -> start with and choose "specific pages". (see: By default it will load the latest session after you closed the browser. Now if you maximize the browser, it should stay maximized too after closing and reopening.
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