There is even more to the story... I will be brief (and explain more later). In the past, I have talked about making VS open source, and I am starting to consider this as a serious option. I think if done correctly, it would be a win-win for everyone involved. First, a lot of github users are starting to run VS... which I think is super cool, and is a true honor. So I think if I posted the source code on github, some of the best coders in the world would do amazing things with VS and it would take off like a rocket ship.
When we started VS 6 years ago, we never intended to develop the software to the extent that is today. VS was intended to be a licensing play... that is, AV vendors would simply add VS's proprietary technology to their software, and VoodooSoft, LLC would essentially be an intellectual property holding company. This would be really cool for end users simply because they would choose their favorite AV software, and it would also automatically lock the computer when it is at risk. The thing is... even if we decide to go open source, this is still an option for us.
So basically, the end user would benefit because several amazing devs would be creating amazing versions of VS, and we can still license our intellectual property... it truly would be a win-win for everyone involved.
Over the last year or so, I have had a few different non-security related ML / Ai ideas that I have been wanting to explore and develop, but I have not had the time to do so. This would also free me up so that I can start working on these projects.
It was never my intention to build VS into a large company... especially when the security industry is absolutely filled with smoke and mirrors and total BS. In the end, the truth always comes out, and the best product / idea will succeed. That is, if a company feels compelled or is required to use smoke, mirrors and BS in an attempt to make a dent in the market, then they have a product or usability issue... this has been demonstrated time and again. If VS goes open source, I will then be able to speak my mind and expose a lot of the BS.
So I am not sure what is going to happen with VS... the only thing that I am 100% sure of is that whatever path we choose, it will be in the best interest of VS, and it will be bigger and better than ever.
What do you guys think? Am I missing any downsides to going open source? Thank you guys!