- May 11, 2013
- 1,687
@LiLWaYnE Nice profile name, I thought I was the only one who liked Lil Wayne
Anyway, back on topic, I used to like Comodo but after knowing people using Comodo who have had so many problems and still getting infected a lot or even hacked by backdoors etc I'm not so sure with them anymore. We'll see what the next version is like and from there on we can all rethink our opinions on it's performance and latest engine against malware attacks, hackers/backdoors, etc.
@n.nvt Never knew they were rated #2 for easiest firewall to crack. I'll bear that in mind when thinking of Comodo Firewall. We'll see if anything changes in the future. As to the older versions (5 and 6,...), I agree I did think was good.
Well being rated second as bad firewall does need to be taken into perspective as it is.
It is not true to say that Comodo as a firewall is crap, because truth to be said their firewall itself has a proven record.
So let me get this clear by saying that their firewall as it is does work and does work well.
But the important part is that the software around the firewall engine itself is not so good.
Its like a electric security fence spanning 100 meters around your garden yet your garden is 110 meters around.
Then you might have a fancy security fence with 10k volts but i can just walk around it.
And thats the problem with most of Comodo's features they are all good on paper and individual they do work and work reasonable well.
But as a poorly coded software application that houses all these functions and with that in mind Comodo as a application can be destroyed far more easy then any other Internet security program.
Keep in mind your security is as strong as your weakest point, now that being said the FW is oke, yet the AV engine and behavioral engines are mediocre at best and are full of flaws and bugs/malfunction/errors and for a hacker or for a proper malware this is just a home run.
So yes CIS can protect you if the software is cleaned of bugs, Yes it can protect you if Comodo finally does iron out the conflicts, And yes Comodo can protect you if they fix their engines and configurations.
However after version 5/6 their development quality went downward and by that it did decrease the end level of security to a point that you are better of using Windows Firewall + MSE.
And as i pointed out and as others have pointed out, Comodo use to be a really nice product with a very bright future, and the Internet is full of success stories and test reports to back that up.
Everyone knows the reports where Comodo use to be one of the best firewalls you could get as a home user (For home use) but when you do not finish and polish your product and when you do not develop your program as you did announce to do, then eventually your program goes down.
And this is exactly what is happening to Comodo, its not their product that its bad, its their development and outright denial of what is proven beyond the reasonable doubt.
Their AV sucks it always has...
Their Engines are being put together with ductape and glue...
Their in-program features are far from mature and far from finished...
80% of all their updates and so called fixes are rushed and often destroy more then they fix...
Yet they ride the wave caused by their rather good firewall..... Not realizing or denial for that matter that because of their poor development of their overall product they effective downgrade everything connected to it including their ones awesome firewall.
So i am not saying that Comodo is crap and yet i say it has become worse then crap due to the above described facts.
The could be one of the better programs, if and only if they would finish their product properly.
And in regards to other brands who do not have to be so much better or more powerful they have one thing that Comodo does not have and thats being finished and solid, with zero to 1 bugs and flaws.
Making a on paper inferior product world class compared to Comodo.
I bet my blue socks that Comodo could be up there with the big boys if they would start, develop, test, re-develop, polish and finish their product like other brands do... and stick to a concept as they did start in the past.
Creating 1000 new features is obviously eye candy but it does not add anything to the end product if the features are barely working.
Get a few functions that do work... bring back stability and robustness to the program and Comodo could be brilliant.
However due to the lack of all these things Comodo is just a hollow shell and hackers have proven that time, after time after time.
I would even say go back to the core, build the Firewall, develop it and maintain it, get back to the basis and forget the innovative fail projects they have been working on, or develop them into a quality product.... But releasing their CIS product as it is only creates more costumers for other brands as right now ANY other brand is doing a MUCH better job then anything Comodo has produced so far...
Just look on other forums or their own forum for that matter you will see how many Comodo users even the hardcore ones are complaining for years now..
See how many people get infected and hacked while still using CIS...
Its that obvious, but if you talk to Comodo about the problem you have then you arealways the error as Comodo is being presented as the next big thing which is perfect and all powerful the reality is that my own Symantec EP on minimal settings and turned off does provide more protection then CIS maxed out.
And any other program out there would do the same... Its that bad...
I hope this explains.
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