As a long time and die-hard fan of Bill Pytlovany, i am sorry to say, that the brand, for me is destroyed. I was a pretty early adopter of Win Antiransom. Soon after, i discovered, that the program will NOT protect ANYTHING residing on a drive other than C:, despite what the program would claim (you can set to protect a folder in D:, it appears OK, but in reality it's unprotected). I made this present in the support forum more than 1 1/2 years ago. I was told they would fix it. About 1 year later, i went back to ask whether the newer versions had fixed it. I got a reply from Scott, more or less "uhm, well, there are chances it was fixed". So i tried it myself again. It was still not fixed and let them know again. Since then, their support forum which was hosted in another forum, was abbandoned.
Bottom line: I paid for a license i never was able to use (because all my data that needs protecting is on D), the program has a security hole as big as a barn for anyone who *thinks* that his drives other than C: are protected, 1 1/2 years later the hole is still there and they shut down their support forums...
One can draw his own conclusions. And this story also begs the question: If a company for 1 1/2 years, doesn't even know for sure if such a hole still exists, which is pretty blatant to spot, what happens with holes more difficult to spot?
P.S.: Maybe it's time for me to remove Scotty from my avatar...