Serious Discussion Comodo Internet Security 2024 announced

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Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
a fact: I used CF for a few years, yes for its containment, and I did not experience any bugs.

What you described is a "subjective fact".
The objective fact is: The majority of Comodo users experienced bugs without being aware of them, and for the last 3 years part of these users reported at Comodo forum a long list of bugs (more than 100).

I don't consider that a subjective opinion, that is my objective experience, fwiw. Just relating it...

In your case, it doesn't exist such "objective experience". By definition, your experience always is subjective.
The objective experience is the experience of the majority of the users. And as I said, if Comodo forum always had tons of reported bugs... that's the objective experience.
I repeat: "if Comodo works for me, then it works for everybody"... it's a fallacy.

I had no reason to read the Comodo forum and never did.

I understand. But the problem is that you are mixing your subjective statements with objective (universal) statements.
You also seem to be based on few experiences shared in this forum by fanboys/girls. Even if you trust or love these guys/girls, their experiences still are subjective.
As long as the official Comodo Forum had and still has a long list of almost 100 reported bugs, it doesn't matter what few fanboys/girls believe/feel about Comodo.
By the way, you may like and love some fanboys/girls (me too!), but they're not experts, they may receive money from Comodo, but they don't work in the security industry. Security software doesn't depend on "trust" or "love"... it depends only on updates, upgrades, fixed bugs and Windows 11 compatibility (among others).

PS: I totally respect your subjective opinions about Comodo! With all due respect, I only disagree with the part that is trying to say that your opinions are objective, or based on objective facts etc.
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Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
What you described is a "subjective fact".
The objective fact is: The majority of Comodo users experienced bugs without being aware of them, and for the last 3 years part of these users reported at Comodo forum a long list of bugs (more than 100).
In your case, it doesn't exist such "objective experience". By definition, your experience always is subjective.
The objective experience is the experience of the majority of the users.
So a collection of comodo users subjective experiences (bugs) lumped together magically becomes objective by being posted on comodo forum :ROFLMAO: while my observation of no bugs is subjective?? At best in this context the difference between subjective & objective is murky. :unsure: and that's not even getting into quantum observation physics, see eg. Peace :whistle:


Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
So a collection of comodo users subjective experiences (bugs) lumped together magically becomes objective by being posted on comodo forum :ROFLMAO: while my observation of no bugs is subjective?? At best in this context the difference between subjective & objective is murky. :unsure: and that's not even getting into quantum observation physics, see eg. Peace :whistle:

Nope. It's not just what you described. It's the whole context that describes what is "objective":
1. The bugs were reported at official Comodo Forum.
2. The bugs were collected along the last (around) 3 years.
3. The bugs were tested, retested and reconfirmed by lot of veteran experienced Comodo users (not just casual users).
4. The list of reported bugs has around 100 detailed bugs.
5. Around 3 years of no updates.
6. Around 3 years of no upgrades.
7. No official Windows 11 compatibility confirmed by Comodo employees and Comodo Forum moderators.
Yep, I agree that it might not be the perfect "objective experience"! But it's many times much more objective than your subjective experience (with all due respect), and than subjective fanboy/girl experience.

Objectiveness it's not a simple matter of "collective experience". It has nothing to do with the number of users.
Instead, objectiveness is related to any experiment that can be confirmed by everybody.

You and Comodo fanboy/girls are not presenting objective facts that can be repeated by any person. This is simple because people here, are nice, but they are not experts, they are amateurs. You may see a Comodo fanboy/girl video at Youtube, with nice music etc, but you never will be sure about what really happened at that video. The same when a fanboy/girl says "I never had a problem"... there is no way to confirm that!
The reported list of 100 bugs at official Comodo Forum was reconfirmed by very different Comodo employees and Comodo Forum Mods (not to mention many other Comodo users). The period of around 3 years, and the official Comodo validation, the whole thing creates more objectiveness than your subjective experience.

Someone may report a false bug in an official webpage. That can happen! And definitely it's not an objective experience.
But lot of different users, along around 3 years, accumulating around 100 bugs, with no updates/upgrades, no Win11 compatibility, everything happening at the official Comodo Forum webpage... yeah, it's objective experience.
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Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
Instead, objectiveness is related to any experiment that can be confirmed by everybody.

You and Comodo fanboy/girls are not presenting objective facts that can be repeated by any person.
:unsure: my "fact" was I was not experiencing any bugs on my win10 running CF@cs. I recall CF being updated several times, but do not recall the dates. Clearly my FWIW.
Folks on the comodo forum are experts with CF? :unsure: If so, then the "real" experts must have thought those reported "bugs" were minor & irrelevant to protection, since apparently they were not fixed (my subjective assumption :whistle:) (were folks at comodo forum claiming their containment failed and they were infected?) I recall someone MT posting "free app," no harm no foul, perhaps "as is" -- use at your own risk, & since CF was working for me, seemed no point in reading the EULA. Was comodo guaranteeing it or offering a warranty? Seems unlikely. Use it or not, up to the user. hopefully the 2024 version will be released before 31 Dec 2024. Peace


Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
:unsure: my "fact" was I was not experiencing any bugs on my win10 running CF@cs.

Subjective fact.
Only you can proof that.
Your experience is not reproducible, lot of other Comodo users already reported bugs (even using Win10 and CS variation).

I recall CF being updated several times, but do not recall the dates. Clearly my FWIW.

Last CF update was around 2 or 3 years ago.
But that's no so relevant for a Firewall.
The real problem were and still are the tons of unfixed Firewall bugs.

Folks on the comodo forum are experts with CF?

At Comodo Forum you have Comodo employees, and they're the experts. That's the difference between here MT and Comodo Forum.
At Comodo Forum you have chances to receive feedback directly from the experts.
That said, it's important to mention that at Comodo Forum you have several "Comodo Hard Testers", very advanced users (experienced veterans) dedicating hours (along years) to test several different Comodo products (including CF). One of the participants at Comodo Forum is CS.
Here MT is kindergarten compared to Comodo Forum.

:unsure: If so, then the "real" experts must have thought those reported "bugs" were minor & irrelevant to protection, since apparently they were not fixed (my subjective assumption :whistle:)

As I explained you, the main problems were:
1. A shady Comodo Policy deleted Comodo list of bugs;
2. Comodo always lied;
3. Comodo always promised solutions that never delivered;

The 3 factors above exterminated the base of Comodo users.
Bugs never were fixed, and the consequence was the evaporation of Comodo users.
Comodo committed suicide.

(were folks at comodo forum claiming their containment failed and they were infected?)

With all due respect, this contradicts your other statement: "I had no reason to read the Comodo forum and never did."
If you want answers, please go and read Comodo Forum.
I'm not going to answer you. I'm not here to convince you about nothing. If you really want objectiveness, then go and read Comodo Forum.

By the way, your question is interesting because it proofs that only Containment is relevant. Everything else at Comodo is trash (low quality).
You don't care about updates, upgrades, bugs, Win11 incompatibilities whatever. You only care about Containment and infections. And you're right! But at the same time, you become the proof that Comodo is trash = low quality.
Unfortunately, the Containment feature is part of a security software as a whole, you can't isolate a single feature from the rest of the software. If that would be the case, then it would be better to have a Comodo Containment App. But in reality is the opposite! For example, the latest Comodo Antivirus includes the Containment feature. Can you imagine a trashy Comodo Antivirus with Containment? What for? If the Antivirus is low quality (and incompatible with Win11), there is no Containment feature that can make the miracle.
Same logic applies to Firewall, CIS, whatever.
You can't save a security software with a single feature.

I recall someone MT posting "free app," no harm no foul, perhaps "as is" -- use at your own risk, & since CF was working for me, seemed no point in reading the EULA.

As I said, personal opinions are untouchable.
The problem becomes when personal opinions are treated as universal truths.

Was comodo guaranteeing it or offering a warranty? Seems unlikely. Use it or not, up to the user. hopefully the 2024 version will be released before 31 Dec 2024. Peace

That's not the point.
If Comodo offers faulty products, with bugs, no updates/upgrades, incompatible with Win11 etc etc etc... Comodo harms people (who end up with infected computers). That's wrong and also is kind of immoral.
Therefore, it's a matter of Comodo irresponsibility.

But IMHO, the worst problem is here, at MT, a Security Software Forum, where fanboys/girls or other irresponsible people, are encouraging the use of (any) security software with bugs, without updates/upgrades for years, incompatible with Win11 etc.
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Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
my "fact" was I was not experiencing any bugs on my win10 running CF@cs. I recall CF being updated several times, but do not recall the dates. Clearly my FWIW.
Bugs are not the end of the world. Hardly any software is bug-free. But when you see that the company puts more effort on denying and concealing these bugs, rather than fixing them, this is when you can conclude that the offered products are of a low quality. And they are inferior compared to the products of other companies that put effort to provide ongoing support.

The fact that Comodo is not the NortonLifeLock and Trend Micro of cybersecurity (it’s more on the Nano Antivirus side) is not an excuse for offering low-quality product and claiming it is better than others at the same time.

ForgottenSeer 100397

People have been talking about bugs in CF for years. These bugs didn’t impact security. They only affected usability in specific situations. Comodo won’t fix some of them. There has been very little activity or reporting on Comodo Forums in the last three years. Reported CF problems on Windows 11 were not bugs because Comodo doesn’t officially support Windows 11. However, from my experience, CF works on both Windows 10 and 11 with no issues. Using CF on Windows 10 and 11 is at your own risk because Comodo is not officially compatible with Windows 11, and it may not be compatible with Windows 10 22H2 either.


Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
At Comodo Forum you have Comodo employees, and they're the experts. That's the difference between here MT and Comodo Forum.
At Comodo Forum you have chances to receive feedback directly from the experts.
As I explained you, the main problems were:
1. A shady Comodo Policy deleted Comodo list of bugs;
2. Comodo always lied; [snip]

You've lost me with your above rant: "comodo forum has comodo employee experts...comodo is a liar." You want me to read that forum because it has expert comodo liars? :unsure: I merely said CF@cs worked on my win10 without bugs and was updated a few times while I was using it. I am currently using other security products. Peace :whistle:


Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
Bugs are not the end of the world. Hardly any software is bug-free. But when you see that the company puts more effort on denying and concealing these bugs, rather than fixing them, this is when you can conclude that the offered products are of a low quality. And they are inferior compared to the products of other companies that put effort to provide ongoing support.

The fact that Comodo is not the NortonLifeLock and Trend Micro of cybersecurity (it’s more on the Nano Antivirus side) is not an excuse for offering low-quality product and claiming it is better than others at the same time.
Agree most software has bugs. Some bugs are worse than other bugs. Some users experience bugs while others do not experience the same bugs. You know more about comodo than I do including any claims comodo made about it being better than others. I never made that claim.


Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
You've lost me with your above rant:

It's not a rant.
My collaborations are an objective complement to Comodo fanboy/girl subjective opinions.
If you don't like my collaborations, please, don't read them. Thank you.

"comodo forum has comodo employee experts...comodo is a liar."

An employee is not always the company, he may be an expert at his professional field, but not always represents the official voice of his company.
Comodo is a company, and as a company, Comodo is a liar (as already explained yesterday at previous posts).
Many times lot of different employees confirmed Comodo bugs. Unfortunately, Comodo always denied reality, never officially accepted the bugs, and worse, Comodo deleted a 3 years old page at Comodo Forum containing tons of pages with tons of reported bugs.

Please, I would like to stress that the bottom line here is not Comodo (nor its fanboys/girls). My main point here is that any security software with no updates/upgrades along 3 years, lot of dangerous unfixed bugs, not compatible with Win11 etc... it should never be used. I totally agree that the next Comodo 2024 version may (big "MAY") solve the old problems. But unfortunately, irresponsible people are still encouraging the use of old Comodo low quality abandonware.
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ForgottenSeer 100397

I value users’ feedback more than bug reports. Many programs caught my attention because of users’ feedback. Expert users, who have different product usage compared to the majority, file bug reports. Most users will not encounter those isolated or restricted bugs. I never encountered the notorious CF HIPS rules disappearing bugs. Defaults in any product serve a balanced approach with minimal issues for all users. Experts have advanced settings, bug reports, support, and forums.

ForgottenSeer 97327

Former MT member @Umbra certainly encountered them, and this goes back much further than 3 or even 5 years.
I have also used Comodo and also had this problem. This bug existed certainly before Q3 in 2019 (that was when I switched to WDAC). I dropped Comodo for this reason and played with other before that (SpyShelter + SRP on Windows 10) . I had a Windows 7 Enterpriseon which I used AppLocker. I guess it must have been somewhere between 2016 and 2019
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Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
I have also used Comodo and also had this problem. This bug existed certainly before Q3 in 2019 (that was when I switched to WDAC). I dropped Comodo for this reason and played with other before that (SpyShelter + SRP on Windows 10) . I had a Windows 7 Enterpriseon which I used AppLocker. I guess it must have been somewhere between 2016 and 2019
I tried SpyShelter in the remote past and I recall having issues with it or just not liking it, while I read it worked well for others... that seems not uncommon, imo fwiw...

ForgottenSeer 100397

Former MT member @Umbra certainly encountered them, and this goes back much further than 3 or even 5 years.
I didn’t mean that nobody encountered the bug. The quoted sentence loses meaning without the others. Here... "Expert users, who have different product usage compared to the majority, file bug reports. Most users will not encounter those isolated or restricted bugs. I never encountered the notorious CF HIPS rules disappearing bugs."

@Umbra was probably an expert user.
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