That Shopping feature are similar to Kiosk Mode or...?
You are most likely wrong.All Secure Shopping does is launch the browser either sandboxed or inside the Virtual Desktop whenever pre-defined URLs are detected - depending upon how the user has configured the feature.
You are most likely wrong.
Secure Shopping will have some features of SecureBox (which is an enterprise solution; Comodo SecureBox Containerization Technology | Why you need SecureBox).
This is being said in the video. So, it will not be just a Virtual Kiosk.
it will be like an sttriped down virtual kiosk with fluid and dynamic virtualization for the browser but it will be a mess if they dont work on a way of implementing the plugins needed by some internet bankings, like some used on Brazil. The idea is that the browser will open in an virtualized environment without its extentions so its not unsafe, but some bankings use its own plugins so... were f#$ed..
All I want to see is cis 9 hardware usage (ram and cpu). If its going to keep light as cis 8 than Ill go for it without second thoughts...
Will Virtual Desktop "Kiosk" be replaced or stay free?
Run applications in a Virtual Desktop, Sandbox Computer Security | Internet Security
Will Virtual Desktop "Kiosk" be replaced or stay free?
Run applications in a Virtual Desktop, Sandbox Computer Security | Internet Security
Now this is the prob with Comodo. And then they will ban users who ask where is the promised release...somethings never changeI will soon let you know the exact release date of first Beta version !
Kind Regards,
With best Regards
I dont understand why BuketB post like this i.e she or her post always gives the impression or means she is going to give another update on the announcement or you will get something post the announcement.@yesnoo, what can I say.. sometimes you have to take risks.