I have the K7 Ultimate Lifetime Edition. Not sure if it has "MAT" or not..... Would you care to share your K7 Settings with us?
Ver.17.0.2034 of K7US
Antivirus:Sentry: All Files or Specific Extensions(VBS,HTA & many more)
Add-Ons: Check

Office Plugin.
System Monitor: High level of Protection
Unchecked Automatically allow all files that are Digitally signed/recognized by system Monitor.
Checked Always prompt if new software is installed when changes are found.
What to Scan: All Files
System Areas to Scan: Checked All blank space.
Data Locker: Add anything that you need to protect.like C:\User\captain\Desktop
Untick Use Smart Analysis to discover trusted Applications.
Firewall: Applications: You can manually add safe applications.
Extreme caution: Select Deny Access(I prefer this all the time)
Normal cases: Prompt for action
Checked the Show alert when denied box.
Intrusions: Checked all boxes.
General: Tick the Display Critical Alerts.
Keep exploring K7.