If guest is not registered, Sidebar doesn't toggle...Sidebar is not good (to me...) if on the right...
"Currently Online" and "Most Posts" are not indispensable hmmm
"'Recent Posts" and "Latest Threads" are indispensable at the top of sections, always (e.g. Browsers and Extensions etc) - like before...if not, we are cut from events on the website...
I've noticed new 3rd party: cdn.materialdesignicons.com to forbid...
No reaction, if I touch with the mouse the "Alerts" icon or "Conversations" icon, or my nice "Account" icon... if I click at these icons, is OK.
If not all is good, but I use, for darking the pages, the extension/add-on called Dark Mode, which works on all websites.
Thank You Jack for your great work to introduce this new website change!
I'm on "MalwareTips 2018" theme, for now