snail speed over here with Ziggo bottom line contract (100 down 30 up) compared to most members, but ...
Speedtest results are impressive. First floor WIFI through at least two concrete walls of 17 cm thick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Left via Ziggo right BulletVPN. T
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Seriously when you are not a gamer a 25Mbps down and 5up per simultaneous device is more than sufficient.
Fun Facts: streaming 60fps with 1K only requires 10Mbps, 4K at 30fps 35Mbps. The average webpage size for desktop is only 2.5 Mb, meaning most people pay way to much

.With our 100Mbps down I have enough bandwith.
Having a 1 or 2 Gbs glasfibre connection while you only look 1K streaming services on it, is like renting a railway for superfast bullet trains while the only trains driving over it are previous 18th century steam trains. Let say tou have three 4K TV's playing simultaneously and 1 gamer and all the people watching television also use their smart phone, and are watching streaming media, then you will need 4x35+1x50+ 4x10 = then you will max out at 200 Mbs bandwith capacity

so you will use your bandwith for 20% max (1 Gbs) or 10%(2Gbs) internet speed.
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In 95% of the cases the weak point in the chain is the router. Better invest in a good router.