Serious Discussion WHHLight - simplified application control for Windows Home and Pro.

Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
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Dec 23, 2014
So IAC on is Window Like Linux?

The full Windows-like-Linux requires also SUPER_SAFE (or TWO_ACCOUNTS) setup and <SWH> = ON. This is an extremely secure setup.

In the light version, we slightly decrease the protection at the post-exploitation stage when replacing the SUPERSAFE_SETUP with the TROUBLE_FREE setup (keeping IAC enabled). Such a setup can be called Windows-that-looks-like-Linux but with weaker protection. To increase the protection level, I recommend using ConfigureDefender (HIGH), FirewallHardening (Recommended H_C), and DocumentsAntiExploit. All of this can be called a Windows-like-Linux light version.

One could consider IAC on SUA as a Windows-like-Linux but only for files originating from the Internet Zone (files with MotW). Other requirements add/increase protection for local files (no MotW).
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Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
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Dec 23, 2014
WHHLight vs. ViperSoftX campaign

The sophisticated malware known as ViperSoftX has been observed being distributed as eBooks over torrents.

"A notable aspect of the current variant of ViperSoftX is that it uses the Common Language Runtime (CLR) to dynamically load and run PowerShell commands, thereby creating a PowerShell environment within AutoIt for operations," Trellix security researchers Mathanraj Thangaraju and Sijo Jacob said.

"By utilizing CLR, ViperSoftX can seamlessly integrate PowerShell functionality, allowing it to execute malicious functions while evading detection mechanisms that might otherwise flag standalone PowerShell activity."


Rar folder content

Attack flow:
Torrent link ---> ebook RAR archive ----> user executes Shortcut File ----> cmd[.]exe ----> powershell.exe ----> malicious AutoIt script (AMSI bypass + malicious PowerShell code) ----> payloads decoded/executed -----> Command and Control (C2)

The initial execution of LOLBins cmd[.]exe and powershell.exe does not include malicious commands. The malicious PowerShell code is executed via AutoIt without using powershell.exe and without AMSI support. The connection with the Command and Control (C2) server cannot be prevented by blocking the connections of powershell.exe in the firewall.

WHHLight prevents this malware by blocking the Shortcut File (SWH settings). However, the infection can also be mitigated by applying PowerShell Constrained Language Mode (also included in SWH settings). Like many other info-stealers, this malware decodes payloads using types unsupported in that language mode.
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Level 6
Apr 18, 2022
"Switch Default Deny" or "WHHLight" ?
H_C rules are disabled if I understand if I use WHHLight ?

This tutorial is safe or legit (I guess that yes) ?

sorry if I'm off topic,
I would read this topic and the videos better...
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Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
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Dec 23, 2014
"Switch Default Deny" or "WHHLight" ?
H_C rules are disabled if I understand if I use WHHLight ?

"Switch Default Deny" is a part of the Hard_Configurator installation. So, the question should be:
H_C or WHHLight?

I do not know the answer.
H_C has many configurable options based on SRP, Windows Policies, and Forced SmartScreen. It can work on Windows Vista and later versions.
WHHLight has only a few predefined setups based on SRP, WDAC, SmartScreen, Install App Control, and Windows Policies. It can work on Windows 10 and later versions.
WHHLight uses more Windows built-in security features but fewer configuration options.
H_C is lighter on system resources (mainly allows DLLs). WHHLight uses more resources when WDAC is set to ON or IAC (DLLs are monitored/blocked).
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Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
Thread author
Honorary Member
Top Poster
Dec 23, 2014

How does it work?

1. Tick the items you want to install.


2. Press the button < Get Your Ninite >.
Ninite opens a webpage that creates and downloads the installer of all ticked applications.
For example:


3. It is recommended to add the created link to Favorites in the web browser. This link can be used in the future to create an updater.

The good news is that Ninite application installers work with the < WDAC > TWO_ACCOUNTS_SETUP because almost all applications are installed for all users (except the Opera web browser and Discord). So, one can easily update several applications installed via Ninite with a few clicks. The Ninite application updater must be executed from Admin account because it uses the user AppData folder. On SUA some installations can be blocked because the SUA Appdata folder is not whitelisted in TWO_ACCOUNTS_SETUP.
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Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
Thread author
Honorary Member
Top Poster
Dec 23, 2014
Post updated and corrected.


UniGetUI is a promising project that can help install/update many applications simultaneously.
It normally works in real-time but this would be incompatible with WHHLight. One has to reconfigure UniGetUi to work on-demand as follows:
  1. Installation of UniGetUI must be done with < SWH > = OFF in WHHLight. After installation, the autorun entry must be removed:
    navigate to the Registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" and remove the value "WingetUI".
    Windows restart is required.
  2. UniGetUI must be re-configured to not hide on the System Tray:
    Settings >> User interface preferences >> untick "Show UniGetUI on the system tray."
  3. Before running UniGetUI the WHHLight < SWH > must be temporarily switched OFF. This is necessary because UniGetUI uses PowerShell scripts.
  4. If the FirewallHardening rules are activated, the rule for msiexec.exe must be deactivated because UnuGetUI often uses this LOLBin to download MSI installers from the Internet.
I like the "Package Bundles" feature. It is possible to create/share a package bundle that allows the silent installation of the predefined set of applications. Here is an example of such a package bundle, that includes several useful applications (all installed in %ProgramFiles%):

The content of the file MyPackageBundle.json
  "export_version": 2,
  "packages": [
      "Id": "Zoom.Zoom",
      "Name": "Zoom Workplace",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "XnSoft.XnView.Classic",
      "Name": "XnView",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "XMediaRecode.XMediaRecode",
      "Name": "XMedia Recode",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "WiseCleaner.WiseDiskCleaner",
      "Name": "Wise Disk Cleaner",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "WinSCP.WinSCP",
      "Name": "WinSCP",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "WinMerge.WinMerge",
      "Name": "WinMerge",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "VideoLAN.VLC",
      "Name": "VLC media player",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "JAMSoftware.UltraSearch",
      "Name": "UltraSearch",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Ubisoft.Connect",
      "Name": "Ubisoft Connect",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "JAMSoftware.TreeSize.Free",
      "Name": "TreeSize Free",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "ShareX.ShareX",
      "Name": "ShareX",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "RevoUninstaller.RevoUninstaller",
      "Name": "Revo Uninstaller",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Piriform.Recuva",
      "Name": "Recuva",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Daum.PotPlayer",
      "Name": "PotPlayer",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Plex.Plex",
      "Name": "Plex",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "AndreWiethoff.ExactAudioCopy",
      "Name": "Exact Audio Copy",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "OBSProject.OBSStudio",
      "Name": "OBS Studio",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "MusicBee.MusicBee",
      "Name": "MusicBee",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Guru3D.Afterburner",
      "Name": "MSI Afterburner",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Mozilla.Thunderbird",
      "Name": "Mozilla Thunderbird",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Crintsoft.MiniLyrics",
      "Name": "MiniLyrics",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Inkscape.Inkscape",
      "Name": "Inkscape",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "LIGHTNINGUK.ImgBurn",
      "Name": "ImgBurn",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "REALiX.HWiNFO",
      "Name": "HWiNFO",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "HiBitSoftware.HiBitUninstaller",
      "Name": "HiBit Uninstaller",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Glarysoft.GlaryUtilities",
      "Name": "Glary Utilities",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "MarekJasinski.FreeCommanderXE",
      "Name": "FreeCommander XE",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Foxit.FoxitReader",
      "Name": "Foxit PDF Reader",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "PeterPawlowski.foobar2000",
      "Name": "foobar2000",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "FastStone.Viewer",
      "Name": "FastStone Image Viewer",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "EpicGames.EpicGamesLauncher",
      "Name": "Epic Games Launcher",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "eMClient.eMClient",
      "Name": "eM Client",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "EaseUS.TodoBackup",
      "Name": "EaseUS Todo Backup Free",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "IObit.DriverBooster",
      "Name": "Driver Booster",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Iterate.Cyberduck",
      "Name": "Cyberduck",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Audacity.Audacity",
      "Name": "Audacity",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "AOMEI.PartitionAssistant",
      "Name": "AOMEI Partition Assistant",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "AOMEI.Backupper.Standard",
      "Name": "AOMEI Backupper",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "AnyDeskSoftwareGmbH.AnyDesk",
      "Name": "AnyDesk",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "AIMP.AIMP",
      "Name": "AIMP",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Adobe.CreativeCloud",
      "Name": "Adobe Creative Cloud",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.64-bit",
      "Name": "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (64-bit)",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "7zip.7zip",
      "Name": "7-Zip",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Rainy.Rainlendar.Lite",
      "Name": "Rainlendar Lite",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "subhra74.XtremeDownloadManager.Beta",
      "Name": "Xtreme Download Manager Beta",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Auslogics.DiskDefrag",
      "Name": "Auslogics Disk Defrag",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "WiseCleaner.WiseFolderHider",
      "Name": "Wise Folder Hider",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "MirandaIM.MirandaIM",
      "Name": "Miranda IM",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Pidgin.Pidgin",
      "Name": "Pidgin",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
      "Id": "Oracle.VirtualBox",
      "Name": "Oracle VM VirtualBox",
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "winget",
      "ManagerName": "Winget",
      "InstallationOptions": {
        "SkipHashCheck": false,
        "InteractiveInstallation": false,
        "RunAsAdministrator": false,
        "Architecture": "",
        "InstallationScope": "",
        "CustomParameters": [],
        "PreRelease": false,
        "CustomInstallLocation": "",
        "Version": ""
      "Updates": {
        "UpdatesIgnored": false,
        "IgnoredVersion": ""
  "incompatible_packages_info": "Incompatible packages cannot be installed from WingetUI, but they have been listed here for logging purposes.",
  "incompatible_packages": []



When applications are installed in %ProgramFiles%, one can execute UniGetUI with Administrator rights using "Run as administrator". This allows completely silent installation/update of many applications - there are no UAC prompts because the application installers are already elevated. This very convenient way of installing/updating many applications is similar to Ninite, but UniGetUI has access to much larger application repositories. Instead of watching the installation progress and clicking UAC alerts many times, one can watch TV or go for a walk. :) (y)
Do not execute UniGetUI via "Run as administrator" to install/update applications that install in UserSpace (not in %ProgramFiles%), especially when using Standard User Account.


I noticed a bug in UniGetUI. On my computer, I must import the package bundle twice until it properly opens in the application.

Added info about allowing msiexec.exe in FirewallHardening.
Last edited:

Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
Thread author
Honorary Member
Top Poster
Dec 23, 2014
I posted another example of the UniGetUI package bundle (Microsoft Store UWP apps):

After the installation via UniGetUI on Admin account or Standard User Account, those apps can run and auto-update even when WHHLight is configured in Two_Accounts_Setup. Contrary to desktop applications installed in %ProgramFiles%, UWP apps from the Microsoft Store are installed only for the current user. The advantage is that one does not have to use 3rd party application to update those apps.




Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
Thread author
Honorary Member
Top Poster
Dec 23, 2014
Last edited:


Level 85
Top Poster
Mar 29, 2018
ConfiigureDefender included in the new beta has two additional rules that work on Windows 24H2 :
Have you tested them?

Looks like the 2nd one is in preview, i.e. alpha or beta
Block use of copied or impersonated system tools (preview)
This rule blocks the use of executable files that are identified as copies of Windows system tools. These files are either duplicates or impostors of the original system tools.

Some malicious programs may try to copy or impersonate Windows system tools to avoid detection or gain privileges. Allowing such executable files can lead to potential attacks. This rule prevents propagation and execution of such duplicates and impostors of the system tools on Windows machines.


This capability is currently in preview. Additional upgrades to improve efficacy are under development.
Attack surface reduction rules reference - Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Last edited:

Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
Thread author
Honorary Member
Top Poster
Dec 23, 2014
@Andy Ful you wrote SWH beta for a reason? but it's rather WHH Light (WindowsHybridHardeningLight_2000) :unsure:

Yes, it should be WHHLight_Package beta (I corrected the post).
The beta is mentioned only in the name of the package installer. I planned to use the same executables in the next package installer when all features of ConfigureDefender will work also outside the Windows Insider builds.
Last edited:

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