Ending Soon ZoneAlarm Extreme Security NextGen - Free License

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How to get a license
1. Download ZoneAlarm Extreme Security NextGen and install it on your computer. The antivirus activates itself.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 8 / Vista / 7

2. Launch the antivirus, click the avatar in the upper right corner, select "Language Preference"

Features of the free ZoneAlarm Extreme Security NextGen license
+ Available for a single personal computer or laptop.
+ The free license is valid until August 28, 2024.
+ Updates to new versions for the entire period.
+ Free technical support is present.
+ For personal use only.
+ Can be reinstalled.


Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
I can kinda of relate to that. I mean I really like basic products, but there is legit zero customization and the product itself felt quite unstable. I already talked with @Trident about it and he took the time to explain why their threat removal and the detection popups are so delayed. It all made sense then. Still, I am really not a fan of the product. The reason why the extension can't be removed is that its deeply connected with the software itself as it doesn't only block malicious sites like other web-protection extensions. I kind of like their approach but other than that I wasn't satisfied with the product the last time I tested it. Will probably check it out when its out of beta.
I relate to both @Kongo and @piquiteco, your experiences are valid based on how ZAESNG runs on my win10VM, except I have come to opposite conclusion! :whistle: Here, the 3 heaviest ZA process are using 900 mb RAM, about 6%. I'm running a 6 core xeon VM with 16 gb RAM, (the physical host has substantially more memory). I created this win10_VM for the sole purpose of running ZA so I have no problem with it adding ZA extensions to Edge & Chrome. (F-Secure adds its extension to browsers, but IIRC it does ask you first unlike ZA). ZA is running fast & light on this VM, no slowdowns. When I go to a website that needs a login, ZA is quick to inspect it and give me an "ok" popup -- I feel like it is protecting me!. Years ago I made tweaks to firewalls, but kinda like the fact that there's nothing to tweak with ZA. (I have CF@cruelsister on another VM and with her config, CF rarely bothers the user) ZA is same except I didn't have to config the ZA firewall. The initial scan showed 37,000 files and I did not even note the time as I recall the scan time was more or less typical. I have been pleasantly surprised by ZA/ng and how much I like it. On my system, the one thing I notice is snafu'd integration with WSC, which displays that there is no firewall, but ZA shows all green, and a few tests showed that firewall is working. Sorry that ZA is not working for @piquiteco after I urged him to try installing a second time. (Avast One (on another VM) was not working for me until I disabled an unrelated non-security app).

Yes, I totally agree when it comes to let's see, ZA can outperform the big AV in threat detection . Sometimes I get a split heart when it comes to using a major AV, I don't know if it was after I started participating in the MT forum. If you ask me which AV I would definitely use I wouldn't know how to answer you. More funny, you will laugh now, I am using MS Defender. I have F-secure license until 2026, Emsisoft almost 1 year license, Bitdefender almost 1 year license and not using any 3rd party AV and in the end I end up using Defender lol.:LOL:
I also like F-Secure and MS Defender (fwiw ;))


Level 14
Top Poster
Oct 16, 2022
@piquiteco after I urged him to try installing a second time. (Avast One (on another VM) was not working for me until I disabled an unrelated non-security app).
The ram consumption is high, but it was not slow to use the machine, I'm with 8GB of Ram. I just did not like these factors that I said above. Can't you leave the windows firewall active with ZA? or will it conflict?

Now in the VM I install and use without problems the ZA, as it is recommended to have 16GB, 32GB or more to use a VM, surely in my VM it will be in the bottleneck unless I install a Linux distro on the host? does anyone think it is an advantage?


Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
It does actually, the static analysis is Static Analysis in sandbox. Some files get emulated during scan, mainly packers and others that can fool traditional SA. For me, full scan takes about 10 minutes… but my system is very vanilla.

ZoneAlarm is actually very gentle and false-positive-reduction optimised AV

I have probably all the AVs, some like McAfee and Trend Micro till 2030/2031. But only Norton and ZoneAlarm are to my liking 😀
They both have hints of Enterprise software to them, maybe that’s why. I’ve installed ZA on my parents and girlfriend laptops now, replacing Norton.
I've never tried McAfree! (not on my shortlist) -- not to hijack this thread, but Norton -- I was sorta liking it, but every time I run the VM with Norton, it gives me popups about i need to buy more unnecessary stuff from them. Annoying. & I think I turned off whatever messages were turnoffable. ZA just quietly runs. Even Avast One is quiet compared to Norton.

ZoneAlarm is very much clean of bloatware.
Agree re ZA. Very glad I'm trying it out and very happy with it so far.

The ram consumption is high, but it was not slow to use the machine, I'm with 8GB of Ram. I just did not like these factors that I said above. Can't you leave the windows firewall active with ZA? or will it conflict?
For the time being, I let the installation of ZA/ng integrate with WSC and control firewall(s), I can wait awhile to see if and when ZA tweaks something to better integrate with WSC. IIRC Comodo Firewall (cruelsister) left the windows defender firewall running, and she said that was fine (or perhaps she said ok & useless :ROFLMAO:)


Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
can wait awhile to see if and when ZA tweaks something to better integrate with WSC
They will. Regarding Norton, there is control over alerts but that’s for another thread.


Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
Not that's the UI, it is just so bland and simplistic ZoneAlarm isn't nearly as configurable as Bitdefender which has many more options and a modern informative AI
I think that’s how they want it. Most decisions are taken automatically. It’s not necessarily a concept I’m in love with but I accept the logic behind it. I also like settings to play with, hence I am inclined to Harmony Endpoint (already in testing).
I would say Symantec for consumers is a close second, but both have Ai's that look much newer and fresher.
By Symantec for consumers I guess you mean Norton. The Norton UI is anything but new, the foundation was laid in 2007 March with Norton 360 V1.0 and further changes to Norton 360 v5-6 as well as Norton Security formed the UI that is still in use today. This UI has remained largely the same (even though it’s iconic and even today remains one of the best). The biggest change was the addition of My Norton to it (and not necessarily a positive one, I can see it confuses some users). Other changes include minor updates to icons here and there. The flip effect that transitioned to performance was removed as well.

Bitdefender UI has never had any wow factor to it, but is OK. ZoneAlarm’s UI is OK too. Definitely won’t win a Red Dot award 😀
I thought the firewall would be highly configurable, I think the foundation is there, but a long way to go before I would trust my laptop and all the data on it to ZA NextGen, or any beta Antivirus.
It will be configurable to an extent soon. This NextGen is not what I use, it’s just at the moment I’ve got no access to ZA to take a screenshot and copied from PCMag. The product is no longer in beta. I got ZoneAlarm Extreme Security NextGen.


Level 14
Top Poster
Oct 16, 2022
For the time being, I let the installation of ZA/ng integrate with WSC and control firewall(s), I can wait awhile to see if and when ZA tweaks something to better integrate with WSC. IIRC Comodo Firewall (cruelsister) left the windows defender firewall running, and she said that was fine (or perhaps she said ok & useless :ROFLMAO:)
It is because you are running ZoneAlarm Extreme Security NextGen in a VM. I installed it on my real computer, I'm looking for a new AV that I like, but so far I haven't found one that I like.

Digmor Crusher

Level 26
Top Poster
Jan 27, 2018
Not that's the UI, it is just so bland and simplistic ZoneAlarm isn't nearly as configurable as Bitdefender which has many more options and a modern informative AI. I'm never loyal to one manufacturer but have been using Bitdefender for 3 years because nothing that's non-commercial that beats it yet in my testing, and I've had Bitdefender totally block and rollback some killer payloads that would cripple other av's. I would say Symantec for consumers is a close second, but both have Ai's that look much newer and fresher. It was the lack of options for more granular control the reason I uninstalled it. I thought the firewall would be highly configurable, I think the foundation is there, but a long way to go before I would trust my laptop and all the data on it to ZA NextGen, or any beta Antivirus.


Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
IMHO, UI is a kind of irrelevant subject, a simple matter of personal taste.
However, a minimalist UI, with processes and mechanisms that are not clear, that might be a problem.
The ZA webpage is not bad, but I find it incomplete (many explanations and details are missing). I also find ZA webpage confusing in many aspects, including its product names and links (I found several inconsistencies).
And when there is no information or details about the processes/mechanisms, then the minimalist UI may generate a feeling of "I don't know what's going on". And as it was well mentioned in this thread, ZA ends up forcing the user to trust and believe in what the user doesn't see, doesn't know, doesn't understand.
Just by adding few details and explanations in ZA webpage, may solve lot of these possible user feelings.
But more important, adding few new functions to the minimalist UI, also will help a lot. For example: Basic app controls, Basic Firewall granularity, Basic Antivirus behavior (not deleting files etc), Privacy options, Browser extension/add-on option, General ON/OFF switch or an exit option... and so on.
PS: As I read in this thread, it seems that current ZA will have more functions incorporated to the present UI. One possible scenario is that the ZA merger with Check Point led to the release of a first model, which soon will be expanded and improved. Perhaps current ZA is just a work in progress, the beginning of a great product now under development.

The RAM, yeah, ZA eats a lot (around ±1GB in passive mode). However, if you have more than 8GB RAM, then ZA is not a problem because eats lot of RAM but without impacting CPU, disk I/O etc. Personally, I have plenty of RAM, and I don't feel any negative ZA hardware performance. I found several antivirus/anti-malware consuming small amount of RAM while killing CPU and I/O. I prefer ZA.
The first scan time, is irrelevant... depends on the amount of files on disk. Users with few files on disk, will have a fast first scan. And vice-versa, my first scan took time because I have lot of stuff in my disks.

Another positive ZA feedback to mention is "the silence". Yeah, ZA will popup a message/notification only when really is needed.
And ZA is clean of bloatware.
Also, I never saw a single message trying to selling me something or offering me upgrades, nothing... clean and silent!

With regards to the cons, so far I found three:

1. The automatic browser extension/add-on installation is not solved just by turning off that function.
I totally understand the benefit of ZA extension/add-on. But 90% of my software (including browsers) are portable. So, I don't want non-portable software installing stuff in my portable software.
And as I said, unfortunately the "off" option at Web Secure is not solving the issue.

2. ZA keylogger function messed up my keyboard. Probably because my keyboard is configured to be able to use multiple languages. I don't know. The point is that the problem was so big, that I had to uninstall ZA, I couldn't use my keyboard anymore. Even disabling the keylogger in the UI, the problem persisted. Once the keylogger function is activated, the problem appears and is solved only by uninstalling ZA.

3. When uninstalling, ZA leaves lot of folders on the computer, and worse, it leaves lot of traces in the registry. That happens even using a third-party uninstaller. The ZA uninstall process is quite messy or dirty.

But please let me be clear, none of the above is really important. There is no perfect software. All software has pros and cons.
Since ZA hardware performance can be solved with more RAM, then the only issue that really matters is ZA protection. If ZA's protection capabilities are confirmed, all the rest (UI, webpage, confuse info, dirty uninstallation etc), IMHO will be irrelevant.
For me, the key point with regards to ZA, is to confirm its protection capabilities.
Last edited:


Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
I also find ZA webpage confusing in many aspects, including its product names

The RAM, yeah, ZA eats a lot (around ±1GB in passive mode). However, if you have more than 8GB RAM, then ZA is not a problem

Another positive ZA feedback to mention is "the silence". Yeah, ZA will popup a message/notification only when really is needed.
And ZA is clean of bloatware.
Also, I never saw a single message trying to selling me something or offering me upgrades, nothing... clean and silent!

the only issue that really matters is ZA protection. If ZA's protection capabilities are confirmed, all the rest (UI, webpage, confuse info, dirty uninstallation etc), IMHO will be irrelevant.
Good analysis, I see what you see. If I had not been looking for ZoneAlarm Extreme Security Next Generation, I would not have known what to install... I have not tried to uninstall ZA so good to know that it leaves some remnants. For me, the pros greatly outweigh the cons at least so far +3 days.


Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
Thanks @Decopi, @simmerskool and @Bushman for sharing valuable experience with the software.
I think I should start a new thread with some ZoneAlarm hacks such as how to disable extension and access forensic as well as threat emulation + malware DNA reports.

@kev7 it is possible to use DNS filtering, I am using Control D and ZoneAlarm but system-wide, not in just in browser. They work good together.


Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
It's not a bad product at all but the downloads take very long i actually like zonealarm due to it being different from the rest and in todays world that's hard to accomplish for an AV
Yes, they emulate all downloads. In Harmony Endpoint this problem can be solved by using Rapid Delivery mode which will allow you to obtain and use the file. Once emulation is complete, the file will be deleted if it has exhibited malicious behaviour but I personally wouldn’t activate that. In ZoneAlarm it is not possible to activate as the policy is managed by them.


Level 8
Oct 29, 2017
I think I should start a new thread with some ZoneAlarm hacks such as how to disable extension and access forensic as well as threat emulation + malware DNA reports.

Yeah! Great. Thank you.
I hope in the new thread you'll have time to make further tests related to ZA protection capabilities.
And also it will be nice to see @Shadowra , @cruelsister and other users testing protection capabilities of latest versions of ZAESNG.

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